Journal 1
Entry 1
How would European settlers explain their superiority to Native Americans and justify both the conquest of Native lands and terminating their freedom? The Europeans thought that the Native Americans were savages and nomads without settled communities, because of the way they live their lives. European thought they were superiority over the Natives Americans because the Europeans had established governments, laws, and economic system. The Native Americans believe that no one owns the land, the land was used for hunting and growing crops, so with that the Europeans saw it as an economic opportunity. Europeans never really seen the Native Americans as free people because the had no established governments and fixed laws, so Europeans thought how can you be free if you do not have any these.
Entry 2
How did the tobacco economy draw the Chesapeake colonies into the greater Atlantic World? Tobacco was like gold in the Chesapeake colonies. Just like anything in the New World they had to pay taxes to the King of Britain on the tobacco. They would transport it to Europe where it was a high demand because Europeans enjoy smoking it and thought the tobacco plants had medicinal benefits. Tobacco farms start off very small, once wealthy English businessmen find out that the crops were at a high demand. They started buying land for tobacco farms. As tobacco planting spread it need people to work these farms. So the transportation of slaves and white servants became a high demand to work the farms. So the more tobacco fields that people owned had the more slaves and white servants they need to work. Tobacco was cheaper and easier to grow that sugar. Once tobacco reaches Europe it would be sold and traded all over Europe so it became a high demand.
Entry 3
Both the Puritans and William Penn viewed their colonies as “ holy experiments.” How did they differ? William Penn wanted freedom of religion and believes that the Natives Americans and colonists could live together in harmony. William Penn was a Quaker, his main concerned, he want to set up refuges for people that want freedom of religion. He wants Pennsylvania to be govern like Quaker principles was that everyone was equal white, black, women and Native Americans. That everyone was entitled freedom. Puritans want freedom of religion but they want to control the religion with their government. The Puritans are not equal in sex or race. The only people that had a say so was government officials and landowners that were members of their church. Puritans were really never set on equality. It was more about your status in Massachusetts Bay than equal rights. The Puritans believe that church and the state to be one. William Penn want people to have equal rights and have freedom of religion, but the Puritans want freedom of religion, but they want the people to follow the religion their ways.
Entry 4
Three distinct slave systems were well-entrenched in Britain’s mainland colonies. Describe the main characteristics of each of system. There was Chesapeake slavery distinct which were tobacco based plantations. This was the largest and the oldest out of the three of the distincts. The slaves here learn the English language, convert to Christianity religion and the had a healthier life there which help them to produce more children. There was the South Carolina and Georgia slavery distinct with was a rice based plantations. They live in a harsh environment. They worked in malaria infest swamp planting and harvest the rice. The birth rate was very slow, so the plantations owner were always having to buy more slaves. The slaves were more African based here, the build African style house, gave the children African names and spoke a mixed African language called Gullah. New England and Middle colonies slavery distinct which were non-plantations. New England and Middles colonies had the smallest amount of slaves. Being the smallest one, they had fewer chances to have a stable family and communities. The three slavery distinct are different because the environment, the rate of producing children and the culture.
Entry 5
Discuss the ramifications of using slaves in the British and Continental armies. Why did the British authorize the use of slaves? Why did the Americans? How did the slaves benefit? The British’s army use the slaves as spies, cooks and construction worker. Lord Dunmore proclamation was put for out slaves. Telling them to run away and join the British army, if the fought for the British they would earn their freedom but serving in the military. So the British were wanting the slaves to run away and help fight the Continental armies. So this was a smart thing to do because not only was it more people that the Continental army had to fight but the slaves would run away from the plantations that they work at and so now the plantation owner would be a short workers for their plantations. At first, General George Washington did not want to let African Americans slaves fight for the Continental armies, until the Dunmore proclamation. So General Washington passes a law saying that slaves could fight for the Continental armies or the state militia. In the state militia, a man could substitute a slave for himself or his son. Between the Continental armies and state militia, some slaves had agreements to be free after the war. But some did not have agreements of freedom went they sign up, many were granted the freedom individually.
Entry 6
What was the impact of the Revolution on slavery? After the war of Independence, the Revolution was hopefully the end of slavery. African American slaves saw the Revolution as an opportunity for freedom. Revolution was just as a start to their freedom. Some black men were allowed to vote under the new state constitution . The started the first free black communities, they had churches and school. But not all slaves were free and the south still had slaves, the north was starting to abolish slavery. So the slave from the south would runaway heading north looking for liberty and freedom. Revolution helps downside the number of slaves in the Colonies especially the north. The north started to abolish slavery and the south still want to have slaves because it was free labor on their plantations.
Entry 7
What were the ideas and motivations that help push Americans to expand west? Treaties played a part in the movement west because the Native American Indians that fought with British or the one that did not take part of the war, Congress believe that the lost the right to own land. So congress made them sign treaties. That secured the national control of the largest land western territory. People started to move west for more opportunity to own land. The ideal of self-government. The people want to explore the west because the land was cheaper or they figure no one lives on the land so the government would claim the land and sell it to the people at a cheap price. The Americans want more land for farming and growing crops.
Entry 8
What impact did the Haitian Revolution have on the Untied States? In Saint Domingue, a slave revolution was happen let by a slave name Toussaint L’ L’Ouverture forged a slave army to defeated the British on the island of Haiti. Then Haiti got it Revolution in 1804. Leaving Haiti destroy for the war. But in the United States, the Haitian Revolution cause an uprising. They had a thousand of refugees come to the United States from Haiti looking for freedom. But when the got they got they started burning down plantations and killing slave owners. Wanting slavery abolishes in the United States. Which then President Jefferson destroyed the second independence. With the slaves on an uproar like this probably made it worst for other slaves. Once you have slaves start a rebellion against the United States the started tight down on their slaves. Especially f the are going around killing slave owner. So the white People fear the for their lives against the slaves. So the ones that were not going around killing people probably got punished anyways and the ones that were free they probably got punish too.
Entry 9
What were the causes and significant results of the War of 1812? This is the first time America declares war on another country. The Cause of the War of 1812 were the attacks of the Native American Indian named Tecumseh who want the to separate the Indians from the white people. He attacked American frontier settlements. In return William Henry Harrison destroyed Prophets-town in the battle of Tippecanoe. The British were contributing to Tecumseh and his army to defeat the Americans. Significant results of the War of 1812 was that this was the last war between the United States and Britain or Natives Americans fight in war another against each other. The War of 1812 was also known as the Second War of Independence. After the end of the war, the United States had less contact with the British. The east of the Mississippi river was complete discovery.
Entry 10
How did the Spanish and French empires in America develop in the eighteenth century? The Spanish empire when from Florida to the Pacific west coast. Spain obtained Louisiana from the French in 1763. The Spanish set up military forts and religious mission. Spain converted 1000 of Native Americans to Christianity. Spain discovery California and made a part of Spain because they feared Russia was getting too close to America. Russia setting up fur trades in Alaska at this time. Spanish forced the Natives American to work in the grain fields, vineyards and in the orchards and tend cattle. France was the greatest rival to the British. During the eighteenth century, the French population and economy expand from Canada to Mississippi river valley. The would develop farming communities. French would trade with Indians and train them on military tactics. So the build a close relationship with the Indians.
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