Legal and ethical scenarios

Unit 8 Assessment

What is a controlled decking zone (CDZ)? What are the requirements for working in a CDZ? (75 words).

A controlled decking zone (CDZ) is an area in which certain work (ex: initial installation and placement of metal decking) may take place without the use of guardrail systems, personal fall arrest systems, fall restraint systems, or safety net systems and where access to the zone is controlled (OSHA, 2001). Access to a CDZ is limited to only the employees engaging in leading edge work, in order to minimize the potential for a hazard. The boundaries of the CDZ need to be designated and clearly marked in order to limit access, as well as being no more than 90 feet wide by 90 feet deep from any leading edge. Each employee that works in the CDZ is also required to go through complete CDZ training.

Occupational Safety & Health Administration. (2001). Regulations (Standards – 29 CFR): Steel erection: Definitions. Retrieved from

Describe four duties of the controlling contractor on a steel erection site. (75 words).

The controlling contractor on a steel erection site has an important job, in that they are responsible for ensuring that a few specific standards are met. First, the controlling contractor must provide written notification to the steel erector showing that the concrete in footings, piers and walls have all been cured to sufficient strength (OSHA, n.d.). Next, they are required to ensure that access roads have been established and maintained for the safe movement of equipment and materials (OSHA, n.d.). Work below steel erection can also be put on hold by the controlling contractor if there is not adequate overhead protection (OSHA, n.d.). Lastly, they are also able to choose whether or not they want to accept responsibility for maintaining any fall protection equipment left by the erector, otherwise, they need to have it removed (OSHA, n.d.).

Occupational Safety & Health Administration. (n.d.). Introduction to the new Subpart R [PowerPoint presentation]. Retrieved from

Discuss some ways that employee exposure to overhead loads during steel erection can be reduced. When is working under a load permitted? (75 words).

The only time that working under a load is permitted is when there is adequate overhead protection for those employees under the load. It is expected that there will be times when it is required for those workers under the steel erection to continue working as soon as overhead protection has been erected. CFR 1926.759(b) ensures that all workers who are below steel erection are protected from falling objects other than hoisted materials. Routes for suspended loads should be pre-planned in order to ensure that no employee is required to work immediately below a suspended load unless they are involved in the initial connection of the steel or unless it is necessary for the hooking or unhooking of the load.

Explain the difference in fall protection requirements for connectors working in steel erection between 15 feet and 30 feet in height and connectors working more than two stories or 30 feet in height. (75 words).

Connectors working more than two stories or thirty feet (whichever is less) are required to be protected by guardrail systems, safety net systems, personal fall arrest systems, positioning device systems, or fall restraints in accordance with OSHA 1926.760(a)(1) (OSHA, 2014). Connectors working between fifteen and thirty feet are required to be protected with a personal fall arrest system, positioning device system or fall restraint system and also wear equipment that is necessary to tie them off, otherwise they need to be provided with alternate appropriate protection from fall hazards in accordance with OSHA 1926.760(a)(1) and 1926.760(b)(3) (OSHA, 2014).

Occupational Safety & Health Administration. (2014). Construction industry digest [Brochure]. Retrieved from

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