Introduction to Health Services and Research | PHE5005 S01
According to Sultz “The adequacy of the supply of primary care physicians and the number of training programs for medical students, which had appeared to meet population needs for primary care in years past, have recently been reexamined during the current era of health care delivery reform”. ( Sultz & Youn, 2011). It is extremely important to understand the history of healthcare delivery organization, the way it operates, the legal and ethical issues that arise, who participates, and figure out the problems that are continued to outbreak the healthcare system. In many instances, training beneath a physician stayed as a mutual technique of physician training in the mid-18th century. The hospital sensed that it is necessary to adjust the training technique and start a program that will have the physician to pay to the hospital a fee to the institution for a period of years. Heath centers became the areas of education and training for physicians and other health care workforces. Today the training provides by the hospital of health care foundations are the main providers for patient care. The hospitals also provide major care for the inexpensively population in the regions, the efforts to lower unnecessary hospital admissions have helped hospitals attentiveness on delivering well care than before, by helping the patients’ knowledge and educating on the patients release plan. “The teaching hospitals of the 126 academic health centers represent only 6% of the nation’s hospitals; they provide more than one-half of the nation’s care to indigent and underserved populations”. ( Shultz & Youn, 2011). One of the ways that partnerships will achieve the goal of reducing hospital readmissions is to focus on reducing transitions from one care location to another efficient care which require thoughtful collaboration among health care providers, social services providers, hospitals etc. The goal of the community-based care programs is to improve transitions of beneficiaries from hospital setting to other care setting. Moreover, document savings to the care program, to improve the experience of excellent care, to improve the healthcare population, and to reduce readmissions for extreme risk of Medicare beneficiaries. “Changes in physician medical practice will be far reaching as reimbursement transitions from the individual patient fee-for-service model to models that are population based”. ( Sultz & Youn, 2011) . Patient must be able to understand their data accessed in order to prepare a plan of care, and physician must complete all the forms that are required as well as insurance filing, manage correspondence, and supervise the providers. “The ultimate goal is to combine the intuitive strengths of humans and data retention strengths of computers to create a hybrid system that is intuitive with a tireless data processing capability”. ( Sultz & Youn, 2011). The systems changes can include a large number of training of hospital staff to guarantee proper data fields across different systems. Workers required to be protected emotionally, psychologically and physically to guarantee strong workers. ( Stephen, 2 012).
Stephen M. Petterson et al., “Projecting US Primary Care Physician Worforce Needs: 2010–2025,” Annals of Family Medicine, Vol. 10, No. 6 (November/December 2012), pp. 503–509, and Kathleen Sebelius, “ACA Gets Care to Those in Most Need,” Albuquerque Journal, September 19, 2012,. Retrieved from:
Sultz, H., & Youn, K. Health Care USA: Understanding Its Organization and Delivery, 8th Edition. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 20 /books/9781284055139/epubcfi/6/34. Retrived from:
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