PSY 600 Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

PSY 600 Introduction to Graduate Study in Psychology

Annotated Bibliography

Balick, A. (2014). The psychodynamics of social networking: Connected-up instantaneous culture and the self. London: Karnac.

The psychodynamics of social networking article written by Balick in the year 2014 expresses how the networks are radically used to show people’s cultures. The social media such as Facebook, Twitter, snap chat, Instagram are used globally to express people’s views on various aspects of life. Some the users can psychologically twist their posts to indicate various cultural diversity in the world that others can use as a point of reference. The author also elaborated that the social networks can be used in different ways to show the cultural behaviors of various communities by posting the videos of the societal, cultural activities, images and the portraits of the ancient leaders of the community. Balick also expressed how the internet can be used to connect an individual to the culture where the internet can be used to nurture an individual’s behavior to adopt another people’s cultures without physically interacting with them. For instance, young people can enjoy watching certain videos and tend to adopt the cultures of the actors.

Gackenbach, J. (2007). Psychology and the Internet: Intrapersonal, interpersonal, and transpersonal implications. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Academic Press.

In the year 2007, Gackenbach authored an article on psychology and internet on interpersonal, intrapersonal, and transpersonal implications. The author expressed how psychology is related to the internet and how the people uses their psychology to explore the internet. The article indicates how the internet can psychologically be used to give intrapersonal, interpersonal, and transpersonal implications.

In DeLamater, J. D., & In Ward, A. (2013). Handbook of social psychology.

In the Handbook of psychology of In DeLamater & In Ward of 2013 indicates how people psychologically interact with the social media. The article addresses issues of security in the society in the social network that expresses the protection of the individual’s rights. Sometimes people do misuse the social media to deprive others their rights like the adolescent using the Facebook and other sites can practice cyber bully that can even result in the death of their colleagues.

Izso, J. (2014). Got social mediology?: Using psychology to master social media for your business without spending… a dime.

Izso wrote an article in 2014 that showed how to master social media in business without spending. The book shows how you can psychologically advertise your business or transact your business using the social media without spending even a single coin. For instance, a person can psychologically post his products in the media pretending to be giving a general advice to people but in the real sense trying to advertise his or her product. An individual can also tag many people in his or her post in a social that passes a specific business information to all without spending.

Mallia, G. (2014). The social classroom: Integrating social network use in education.

In the year 2014, Mallia wrote an article of integrating the social network use in education. The article showed how the internet can be used in learning and how it can help the student to do their personal research. The book shows how it is cheap and convenience to use the internet in learning since the is online libraries where the students can get the research books. The article also indicates how the students can misuse the internet during learning process as some students can use it as a platform for cheating in exams. The students can also use the internets to send abusive words to their classmates and even the teachers. Bottom of Form


Balick, A. (2014). The psychodynamics of social networking: Connected-up instantaneous culture and the self. London: Karnac.

Gackenbach, J. (2007). Psychology and the Internet: Intrapersonal, interpersonal, and transpersonal implications. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Academic Press.

In DeLamater, J. D., & In Ward, A. (2013). Handbook of social psychology.

Izso, J. (2014). Got social mediology?: Using psychology to master social media for your business without spending… a dime.

Mallia, G. (2014). The social classroom: Integrating social network use in education.

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