Skill Analysis with Media Component

Skill Analysis with Media Component  

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Skill Analysis with Media Component  

Portfolio Theme

The learning environment within the school will be facilitated if managers provide required resources on time. Also, teachers should be given the chance and support which they need to enhance their craft by effecting methodologies that they apply during the teaching process.

The portfolio theme is related to the field of specialization since it suggests how teachers should be handled at their place of work. The concept of becoming permanently and critically reflective is among the skills which are required by teachers. The other ability involves the capacity to make proper plans and also provide information which has been thoroughly researched. It is a skill that builds confidence and trust between the tutors and their learners. There is also the need to develop creativity during content delivery. Being creative and innovative can help learners to grasp the content that might appear to be challenging to them Gundy & Berger, 2016).

The current work environment is likely to become contusive since there are relevant materials needed during the learning-teaching process. Besides, experts in the institution are cooperative, an instance that has eventually created mutual co-existence between the tutors and learners. More so, there is a probability of having a more influx of learners due to improved performance at the institution over the last two years.

 Critical aspects of the coursework that contributed to the development of specific skills

The first key aspect of the course which adds to the development of particular skills, lessons, and accomplishments upon which the study is focusing is the concept of continuity. The process of learning is considered to be continuous for students to become practical in area f the specialization. Besides, continuity enhances more comfortable remembrance of topics and other actions during the instructional process. To prove the aspect of continuity in my institution, NBCT program has focused on the mastery of subjects that teachers are required to deliver to students (Sadruddin, Khawaja & Zafar, 2017). This practice is being accomplished in major learning centers within the state. The other aspect of my course which contributes to the development of specific skills, lessons, and accomplishments is the matter of the in-service programs. Our institution is empowering tutors by offering various in-service programs on an annual basis. Such platforms are equipping tutors with basic skills that can enhance their profession.

How your media presentation illustrates the previous or future application of your knowledge to your teaching 

My media presentation has used exclusive tactics to demonstrate the future implementation of knowledge to my teaching career. The media presentation has intensively utilized the application of technology to accomplish crucial matters while delivering content. Here the media presentation reveals that the future of techno-how regards issues which are associated with cloud technology and wherever entree. Content delivery is anticipated to become social. It is important to analyze this aspect as most of the learning materials are found online (Prendergast & Roche, 2017). It is also a way of equipping learners with technological knowledge, hence creating creativity among the young generation. The media presentation has resulted in the application of the Build Your Own MA (BYOMA) theory that is famous throughout the globe.

Also, my media presentation has used exclusive tactics to illustrate the future application of knowledge to my teaching career by describing various ways used during the assessment process. It has portrayed a formative kind of assessment, an evaluation which will offer data which is crucial to learners (Farrell & Jacobs, 2016). Even though the sort of evaluation intends to be informal, it is essential as it provides information intensively. A summative evaluation will also follow the method as it will deliver whatever the students will have studied before.

Improvement Through

a Focus on Teaching

Research-based techniques/ideas/ recommendations to employ in the future to enhance effectiveness as a teacher, coach, trainer, or leader.

As a teacher, I plan to identify the IEPs/504s of all students who are partaking in the course of study. It is vital to link with learners that have plans which are associated with the course being taught. IEP plan will help me to improve resource skills which a learner possesses. Similarly, the 504 projects will enhance the boosting of the learning moral of students. It is a vehicle through which tutors empower students psychologically (Prendergast & Roche, 2017). Besides, I will apply a preferred seating methodology so that neither the teacher nor the student is disconcerted during the teaching-learning process.

Moreover, I will apply Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to enhance future tutoring process. UDL is considered to be among the newest buzzword that is flowing across the education parameters across the globe. This approach is useful as it enables tutors to reach to a broader range of learners. It will help me to achieve the Howard Gardner’s philosophies that encourage manifold bits of intelligence in students and teachers (Dinan & Penney, 2015). Furthermore, I intend to induce basic skills for learners in the future. They are crucial education mainstreams that all students should get acquainted with. They include an ability to identify time from an analog clock, ability to write confusing but straightforward words, Ability to make their names using cursives, and taking simple notes during the study.


DinanThompson, M., & Penney, D. (2015). Assessment literacy in primary physical education. European Physical Education Review21(4), 485-503.

Farrell, T. S., & Jacobs, G. M. (2016). Practicing What We Preach: Teacher Reflection Groups on Cooperative Learning. Tesl-Ej19(4), n4.

Gundy, M. S., & Berger, M. J. (2016). Towards a model supporting educational change. International Journal of Information and Education Technology6(3), 232.

Prendergast, M., & Roche, J. (2017). Supporting mathematics teachers’ development through higher education. International Journal of Higher Education6(1), 209.

Sadruddin, M. M., Khawaja, M., & Zafar, S. (2017). Attitude Of Prospective Teachers Towards Scienceexploring Teachers Preparedness In The Subject Area Of Science Education At Teacher Education Level In Sindh, Pakistan. Grassroots50(3).

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