BOS 4601 Unit VIII Assessment

Which report writing tip do you feel is most important? Why? Jeffrey Oakley offers several report-writing tips in his 2012 book, Accident Investigation Techniques and most would agree each of them stand on their own merit. Oakley states that job titles should be used as opposed to individual names, he likes to break facts into […]

BOS 4601 Unit VII Assessment

While responding to an accident where a forklift tipped over going around a corner, the supervisor tells you that the cause was simply operator error since the driver was going too fast. The supervisor does not see the need to investigate any further. If you were the manager of this site, what would you say

Events, Conditions, and Accident Chart

Unit IV Assignment BOS 4601 Accident Investigation Columbia Southern University Events, Conditions, and Accident Chart January 30, 2007 Tank Location Too Close to Building Events, Conditions, and Accident This paper will provide an analysis of some of the potential causal factors identified following the January 30, 2007 propane explosion at the Little General Store in

BOS 4601 Unit VI Quiz

Explain the three steps in the fault tree process. What does each level represent? Tree analysis is utilized to find connected factors that led to a particular incident or accident. Investigators use a graphic display of information to analyze human, equipment, or environmental systems and find paths to failure or success (Oakley, 2012). There are

BOS 4601 Unit I Assessment

Why is it important to include near misses in the accident investigation process?  It is important to include near misses in the investigative process because, as Jeffrey Oakley points out in Accident Investigation Techniques (2012), the difference between a near miss and an accident is usually chance or even luck. By definition, a near miss

BOS 4601 Unit II Assessment

Why is it better to apply the multiple causation theory rather than the unsafe acts/unsafe conditions model to an accident investigation? Provide an example that illustrates your point.  The concept of unsafe acts / unsafe conditions was introduced by Heinrich’s 1931 original theory of accident causation (Oakley, 2012). When utilizing that model, an investigator would

BOS 4201 Unit VIII Assessment

How can toxicant absorption be reduced after exposure to the skin? How can absorption be reduced for orally consumed chemicals? Your response should be at least 300 words in length. In numerous cases the absorption of a toxicant that has been spilled on the skin can be reduced. The degree of reduction depends on the

BOS 4201 Unit VI Journal Reflection

Unit VI Journal Reflection Name BOS 4201 Toxicology Columbia Southern University Unit VI Journal Reflection For this journal entry, I am being asked to reflect on my own thoughts and feelings about animal testing. Conduct a quick article search on animal testing. Review one article that is pro-animal testing and one article that is anti-animal

BOS 4201 Unit VI Case Study

Unit VI Case Study Name BOS 4201 Toxicology Columbia Southern University Unit VI Case Study There have been recent studies conducted that have shown support for the potential of an experimental drug, ZL 105, that is derived from the metal iridium and is effective at treating cancer. Current treatment methods that are being used are

BOS 4201 Unit VII Journal Reflection

Unit VII Journal Reflection Name BOS 4201 Toxicology Columbia Southern University Unit VII Journal Reflection For this journal entry, I am being asked to reflect on the last time I looked at a product label. Did I find the information I wanted on the label? Discuss my thoughts on the requirements for product labeling. What

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