Brief History of Gregory XIV


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Brief History of Gregory XIV

The great Gregory XIV was born in 1539 Somma Lambardo in Milan. His mother died when he was in his early ages. Gregory XIV was a privileged to have a father who was serving as Milan senator and supported Pope Paul in his work of Cardinal-Priest. Gregory XIV was well known with different modest in his youth. He got a chance to study law in the Perugia and later appointed as a Bishop in the session of Council of Trent. Gregory XIV was named after the death of Pope Urban VII through an election that had seven candidates. The Holy Father or Pope was known to have papal styles in religious practices. Gregory XIV decided to hold a party after vigorous interventions in the Catholic church (Adiele, 2017). The papal policy was meant to balance power between Spain and France where Gregory XIV was serving as a leader due to his influence in Spanish Cardinals.

Gregory XIV participated in French religious wars which aimed at succeeding the throne of France Catholic community for judicial functionaries, nobles, clergy and France Third Estate. In 1591, there was a declaration that was made by Gregory XIV about making Philistines natives based on the order that was announced in Catholics Church. These groups had been subjected to slavery by Europeans nations. Slaves were undergoing the pain of excommunication, where native slaves wanted people to be set free (Avalos, 2014). Equally important, Gregory XIV animated the idea of penalty towards abortion based on Constitution provision of Pope Sixtus V. He was known to reinforce the Catholic League through personal interests to serve as Spanish cardinal. Gregory XIV was known to very joyful on a different occasion, but he was weak in health even before he was elected to serve in the papacy.

Implications of Gregory XIV

Gregory XIV adjusted the liturgy revision for the Catholic Church. The Pre-Tridentine Mass was introduced by Gregory XIV to replace existing ways of serving God. The letter was removing bulk things that were associated with catholic mass order and adding little activities. The Roman liturgical position was first to introduce by Gregory XIV in the role induced by God for Ambrosian Rite. The original place of ordaining deacons to serve high position in the Ramon canon was a general revision of Gregory XIV. The direct method of offering sacraments was reformed under the influence of Gregory XIV (Panzer, 1996). The Western liturgical era had some prayer and fasting seasons which were varied according to the mass order. Gregory XIV was able to design some preface and collections of Roman Canon to change procedures of praying. The sanctified divine process of offering gifts was primarily influenced by the pope to adapt the need of season such as Great Lent.

Gregory XIV had personal chant which he developed in the mainstream of plainchant. He took place in the earliest attribution which helped to honor deacons through Pope Gregory bibliography. The great fusion of his chants was honoring and remembering Frankish elements in the Roman Liturgical order. These chants indicated the successor for the Pepin, Charlemagne which was to happen in the Franco-German. Another implication journey of Gregory XIV was to design spiritual medieval, which was corresponding with his writings. The comprehensive form of writing in the fifteenth centuries was corpus art (Adiele, 2017). The commentary on his work was the first art of writing that helped him to push for liturgical revision in the Catholic Canon. The Liber regulae pastoralis enabled him to have a significant position in the Catholic church before he was selected to be a Holy Father. Dialogues were collections of books that honored the great saint Benedict through miracles, healings, wonders, and signs. The ordinary sermons were designed to have additional mystic teaching under a revised version of Gregory XIV.

His Position on the Question of Slavery

The rise of Catholic Churches in history is associated with necessary actions of condemning slavery. The institution of slavery in Europeans countries have been outlawed with different enactment of constitution. Gregory XIV is a notable figure in the Catholic history who helped in the abolition of the slave trade among Europeans nations. He participated in Catholic law binding process that was advocating for Philistines (Avalos, 2014). As a Holy Father of nations, Gregory XIV engaged in actual condemnation of slavery by forming religious interventions methods of freeing native countries. Slavery practices among the European nation were standard before the 15th century, which was the major problem in the racial system. Slavery institutions were established at the beginning of the colonial era, especially in newly discovered lands. Gregory XIV took the initiative of reminding powerful nations like Germany, France, and Spain the need for peace.

The primary tool that helped Gregory XIV to condemn slavery was papal policy. The entire Christian encyclicals system in the Catholic Church opposed the slave trade and slavery among nations. The existence of various papal teachings and writings enabled Gregory XIV to have the basis and foundation of fighting slavery (Panzer, 1996). The Magisterium system in the papal policy created an excellent viewpoint for responding to the widespread actions of enslavement. The In Supremo doctrine was used by Gregory XIV to provide teaching on antislavery activities. Gregory XIV pointed out that unfortunate people like Blacks and Indians should be treated with servitude. Small measures in the concern of Catholic Predecessor had sanctions for protecting Indians and Blacks from Slavery through God. As such, Gregory XIV was condemning eminent greed for Christina slave traders based on their cruel acts.


Adiele, P. O. (2017). The Popes, the Catholic Church and the Transatlantic Enslavement of Black Africans 1418-1839. Georg Olms Verlag.

Avalos, H. (2014). Pope Alexander VI, Slavery and Voluntary Subjection:‘Ineffabilis et Summi Patris’ in Context. The Journal of Ecclesiastical History65(4), 738-760.

Panzer, J. S. (1996). The Popes and slavery (p. 44). New York: Alba House.

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