VALS Survey and Implications

VALS Survey and Implications


VALS Survey and Implications

Over time, the way that people shop is always changing. When developing a business plan and researching your target market using the VALS survey can be a useful tool for market segmentation. “Marketing segmentation and targeting are particularly important for finding customers that are the best match for a business’ products and services” (Suttle 2017). The VALS survey, which stands for Values and Lifestyles, is an assessment which categorizes their demographics and ideals.

As part of the assignment, I took the VALS survey which identified two types of characteristics behaviors. My primary type was Experiencer. An Experiencer is a person who wants everything, is fast to use current trends, like physical activity, are social and likes visual stimulation. I do love to try different things, and I am continually looking at new products and services. I am the type to try anything at least once, and things that appeal to me have a preference. My secondary trait is classified as an Achiever. Some qualities that Achievers demonstrate at hardworking, moderate, professional, believe that money is essential and place a high value on themselves and family. Achievers and Experiencers seem to have different values, but I think that I am an Achiever as well. The Achiever personality fits me as a description because I have a very sensible, family-oriented side of me as well. I do like to plan activities and make sure I have enough funds to cover them. I set goals for myself and work towards them all the time.

I had my husband take the assessment. His results were Striver primary and Achiever secondary. Strivers tend to wear their worth, fun loving, use videos and games as entertainment, and desire to do better but have a hard time. My husband came from a low-income background and had to work hard to get to where he is now. He is very much into video games and does everything that I do, even if it doesn’t interest him much. He did not have a lot of resources available to him growing up and is just used to the lifestyle. Although he has been at the same job for over a decade, he gets looked over for promotion because he does not set enough goals. My husband does understand that working is essential for paying the bills.

My mother took the assessment and got Believer and Survivor for her results. Believers typically believe in actions and consequences, are spiritual, are into television and romance novels, value stability. The Believer aspect describes my mother perfectly. Survivors are cautious, oldest consumers, thrifty, not concerned about trends, like routines, heavy television watchers, spend most of their time alone and use the same brands. My mother lived through the Great Depression, and she knows how to stretch a dollar. She refuses to move to a smaller more accessible home even though she is aging and uses same types of products all the time. For the survey, I had to read it out to her because she will not touch my computer. She was amazed with how accurate the result were.

The last person to take the survey was my daughter. My daughter is only fourteen but has always been independent and looks for ways to make some money. I refuse to spend money on junk for her, so she has become crafty and provides different services for neighbors. She got Striver as her primary personality type. Since she is young, she still needs guidance with setting goals but does like to know what is trendy. As an Experiencer, she loves things that are visually stimulating, is social and wants to set herself apart from others. Her Striver side that goes through many jobs is fuel by Experiencer type that wants to have everything.

The VALS survey, in my opinion, is very accurate but does have some flaws. Some of the classification does not entirely fit anyone’s personality. The survey does not represent people younger than 18 which is a demographic that affects the economy. The test offering primary and secondary results helps businesses understand what factors are more important to the people they focus their marketing. Although teens are not factored into the assessment the VALS survey was able to classify each person correctly.


Suttle, R. (2017). Define Market Segementation. Retrieved from

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