BSL 4080 Unit V Power Point Presentation

Question – do we expand our corporate reach by opening in an underdeveloped country ?Unit V – PowerPoint PresentationNameBSL 4080 Creative Thinking and Problem SolvingColumbia Southern University

Where to go

By expanding our company and shifting some of our manufacturing efforts to facilities in underdeveloped areas of Vietnam, India, and/or Africa, we can bring the process of interaction and integration among the people, partnering companies, and governments of these different nations. This process will be driven by international trade and investment aided by technology.

(AssignmentPoint, n.d.)

Where to go and why ?

This process can have positive effects on the environment, cultural exchange, regional economic development, and it can bring prosperity to those working at our facilities in these areas. For us, this move can bring expanding revenues by lowering labor and overhead costs. It is expected to return higher profits and decreased liabilities.

(Google image graphic, n.d.)

Issues to consider

Production costs currently being incurred in our United States facilities have increased since Day 1. There is no evidence this trend will change anytime soon. Should we open our next facility here, we can expect more of the same (Congressional Research, 2018)By shifting these costs through globalization by opening our next facility there, production & labor costs will decrease and profits will increase.

(Alton, 2017)

Issues to consider

We will add skilled jobs and training at the new facility overseas in a region known for high unemployment and low-skilled workers; increasing our brand recognition on a global level while aiding their economy as a result.

(Motorola Production, 2014)

Issues to consider

By joining other global partners such as Nike, Apple, and Nestle with the Fair Labor Association, we can combat Human Rights issues in this new area while retaining control of our hiring practices and workplace conditions.Our empathy for those affected by questionable human rights policies in these regions empower us to make positive change as we stand up for workers rights, standards, and conditions.

(Bloomberg, 2012.)

(Ford, ND)

Moving forward through globalization

Recognizing our role as a leader in global economy, we must not allow fear to negatively influence our critical thinking. In fact, it is through Critical Thinking where we understand that our role as a global leader drives us forward. Together, with our new partners overseas, we have the opportunity to bring positive change, influence, and a safe workplace for foreign employees to thrive in.

(Jenkin, 2019)

Decisions, decisions, decisions

As managers you all know that data drives many of our business decisions. The data is clear: This move will save us money, increase our production, and profits will go up.…but you already know that.

(Google graphic, n.d.)

Decisions, decisions, decisions

…you’re allowing fears, bias, and stereotypes to influence and slow your decision-making process. These things are not bad and you SHOULD consider them, but realize emotions can act as a barrier to good reasoning (Boss, 2017).

(Google graphic, n.d.)

Process, Consider, reason & act

Understand that REASON is the process of supporting a claim on the basis of evidence (Boss, 2017)The evidence is clear:This move will save moneyThis move will make moneyWe can feel good about improving the workforce on a global scale

Comprehensive Statement

By expanding our company and shifting some of our manufacturing efforts to facilities in underdeveloped areas, we can extend the process of interaction and integration among the people, partnering companies, and governments of these different nations. We are leaders in industry, manufacturing, and workplace pride in craftsmanship. We have an opportunity to expand on a global scale and in a way so as to show not only the workforces of foreign countries, but also the governments of these countries, that we can enhance quality of life while delivering a quality product at a fair price and offer a fair wage. This process can have positive effects on the environment, cultural exchange, economic development, and it will bring unseen prosperity to those working at our facilities. For our stakeholders, this move will bring global brand recognition, expanding revenues, higher profits, and decreased liabilities.

(Dreamtime graphic, 2020)

Let’s Do this…together

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Boss, J. A. (2017). THiNK: Critical thinking and logic skills for everyday life (4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.Globalization graphic (n.d.). Public domain no author listed. Retrieved from: Holding hands on Earth graphic (n.d.). Public domain no author listed. Retrieved from: http://googleimages.comAlton, J. (2017). Costs and Profits graphic. Retrieved from: Silverman, L. (2014). Motorola production photo. Retrieved from: Images (2012). Fair labor Apple image. Retrieved from:, H. (n.d.). Henry Ford quote image. Retrieved from:, G.R. (2019). Data driven decision making in business graphic. Retrieved from: with coins (n.d.). Public domain no author listed. Retrieved from: http://googleimages.comDreamstime (2020.). Any questions graphic. Retrieved from:

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