Designing a Training Program

BUS 407 Training and Development

Employee training is vital in so countless ways. It helps expand employee engagement and intensifies employee retaining. If done correctly, it also has an optimistic influence on efficiency, innovation and productivity. Indeed, training is good for employees and, in the end, your success and clients. However, it’s imperative to remember that decent employee training doesn’t just occur. It needs to be effective. The requirements need to be up-to-date and fit for resolution, in other words, personalized. Human resource management is not just personnel supervision, but also the persistent development of employees in order to accomplish the goals set by an establishment. Training takes place throughout life and incorporates at least two core points. Firstly, the training with regard to the educational procedure which starts in the early years and remains in order to gain experiences, and secondly professional development that take place after being hired by firms to develop the necessary job-specific skills (Bercu, 2017).

Training program for a group of twenty employees.

Length of training programs vary per operation it depends on how long the employer takes to complete and sign the agreement with the client and set up a training plan. The average turnaround time for training is 2 to 3 weeks. However, I’m going to design a two-day training program for a group of twenty employees. A training program allows you to strengthen those skills that each employee needs to improve. A development program brings all employees to a higher level, so they all have similar skills and knowledge. This helps reduce any weak links within the company who rely heavily on others to complete basic work tasks.

Training Needs Analysis (TNA)1

Quite a few different methods can be used to recognize the training needs of an organization, in fact, the well-known McGhee and Thayer’s Three-Level Analysis is the greatest frequently used. The model offers an efficient resource of showing a TNA at three levels: organizational, operational (or task), and individual. Individual needs assess the side by side or the focus on the employees to determine how well they are carrying out their duties. An assessment of this type will fix the skills, knowledge, and aptitude requirements of employees within the workplace. I identified the three training needs though a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) for this training would be the organization’s goals and its effectiveness in reaching these goals, discrepancies or gaps between an employee’s skills and the skills required for effective current job performance, and the discrepancies or gaps between an employee’s skills and the skills needed to perform the job successfully in the future.

This type of assessment determines the individual’s current skills and capabilities, their education style and measurements for new task. The individual breakdown detects who within the group needs training and what kind of training is required. Constant evaluations are beneficial as individual assessments as they categorize the employee’s strengths and areas for improvement concerning capabilities, skills and actions. The individual assessment generates the foundation for the making of a personalized training and development plan for the employee. These assessments will answer the resulting crucial development questions, Does the employee have the necessary skills to do the job? Also, what training is mandatory for the employee to obtain the essential skills?

Develop the training objective for this program based on an analysis of the business.

Developing the training objective for this program based on an analysis of the business would be to make the approach personalized as possible. A lot of organizations are not able to fill their retirement gap because employee training and development agenda only grow more imperative as younger generations fill out the employees. The training objective for this program based on an analysis of the business is to take a more individual approach to ensure that all employees have the practical skills desirable to complete the job competently and efficiently. While methodical training can be job-specific, programs naturally concentrates on the hard skills requirements an employee needs to meet the main performance indicators related with the role.

Training Costs.

Determining the training cost for the training program that is being proposing by multiply the cost per participant by the total number of participants then multiply the savings per participant by the total number of participants. Pay X Time X Participants = ($11.00 X 16 X 20) totaling to $3520 for employee fees and $2000 for additional fees below.

A detailed breakdown of time allotted for each piece, the subsequent cost analysis, and the total cost for the project as a whole.

 Calculated the cost of training:

Facilitator fees

Training proposal

Course resources

Videos and notepads

Equipment fees


Dedicated computer equipment


All the appropriate costs, divided by the expected number of applicants, gives the cost per participant.

Potential savings generated:

Less errors

Decrease client turnover

Fewer equipment mistakes

Quicker equipment

Lower employee turnover

Proper approaches

Higher workplace assurance

Less time lost to work slowdowns

Reduced recruitment costs

Maximized productivity

Key training methods.

Key training method to deliver the program to the staff would be classroom-style training or technology-based learning. Classroom-style training is a teaching method where you or another presenter discuss the job responsibilities. If you hire someone to teach employees, this will drive up the price. You give a lot of material to the employee, so of course this can be overwhelming and very lengthy. Formal face to face training has been known as a significant professional development method for employees to progress their job skills and stay capable (Donavant, 2009 ). On the other hand, technology-based learning developments might be collaborative. The more programs you purchase to teach employees, the more expensive the cost of training employees will be. However, since it is a two-day training for only twenty employees, I would take would be classroom style to ensure they are taking in the material. Although I decided to take the classroom training style according to Hardman and Robertson, most training programs are voluntary and trainers don’t have in person contact with employee participants, it is difficult to collect informed response to see how they learned the material (Hardman & Robertson, 2012).

Create an agenda of activities for the training program.

As a trainer, you want your sessions to be efficient, effective, and worthwhile. Who wouldn’t? To reach this goal, you should create a training agenda which can be as simple as a outline, or more complex, with scripts, prompts, and lists.

Day 1:

7:30 a.m. 30 Welcome and Introductions  
    Module 1:  
  15 Break  
    Module 2:  
  60 Lunch Break  
    Module 3:  
    Module 4:  
  15 Break  
    Module 5:  
    Module 6:  
4:30 p.m. 10 Summary  
30 Welcome and Review  
  Module 7:  
15 Break  
  Module 8:  
60 Lunch Break  
  Module 9:  
  Module 10:  
15 Break  
  Module 11:  
  Module 12:  
10 Summary  


Zha, S. shzha@southalabama. ed., Adams, A. H., Calcagno, R. J. M., & Stringham, D. A. . (2017). An Examination on the Effect of Prior Knowledge, Personal Goals, and Incentive in an Online Employee Training Program. New Horizons in Adult Education & Human Resource Development, 29(4), 35–46.

Hardman. W., & Robertson, L. (2012). What motivates employees to persist with online training? One Canadian workplace study? International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, 2(5), 66-78.

Beier, M. E., & Ackerman, P. L. ( 2005 ). Age, ability, and the role of prior knowledge on the acquisition of new domain knowledge: promising results in a real‐world learning environment. Psychology and Aging, 20 ( 2 ), 341 – 355. doi:‐7974.20.2.341

Donavant, B. W. ( 2009 ). The new, modern practice of adult education: Online instruction in a continuing professional education setting. Adult Education Quarterly, 59 ( 3 ), 227 – 245. doi:

Bercu, A.-M. (2017). Impact of employees’ training programs on job satisfaction. Current Science (00113891), 112(7), 1340–1345.

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