BUS 520 Assignment 2 Program Proposal

Program Proposal

Assignment 2

Strayer University

BUS-520 Leadership and Organizational Behavior

Emotional intelligence and motivation

A manager is a person whose job is to lead a group of people to accomplish a goal. Being a manager is not a simple task, managers help their team accomplish difficult tasks with high quality in a timely manner.

During my research, I found that there are two of the emotional intelligence building blocks that managers struggle the most.

Motivation: managers failed to recognize that motivation is different for every employee, some employees are self-motivated. They get that motivation from the sense of accomplishment receives after completing a task or accomplishing a goal. Others are not that lucky, and they need a little bit of initiative for example paid time off, bonuses, etc. also you can find the recognition type which needs to be recognized for the good work to be able to perform the job well. It is important for managers to receive some sort of emotional intelligence training to recognize what motivates their employees.

Empathy: managers need to understand that people’s emotions are dialectically related to their job performance. If an employee is having difficulty at home does issues are going to show up on his or her ability to perform his or her job. Managers sometimes have to be able to offer and advise when one of their employees is going through difficult times. Taking care of people’s emotional needs are going to help your company is achieved that goal easier.

For our organization, it is important that we established a reward system based on performance. There has to be set guidelines to make it achievable for every department.

Emotional intelligence, social skills, and decision-making

Every business or organization is composed of more than one person or at least has to do business with other organizations. For this reason, it is important to have human skills. Interpersonal relationships are necessary for today’s business world. Managers use human skills on a day to day basis to develop and maintain a relationship with people from different backgrounds. Team members use Human skills to solve the problems that may come to the organization. A team with good communication and human skills is a team with good problem-solving abilities.

Effective teams

An effective team is a team that works together towards the same goal, learn from their mistakes and recognize how each member is valuable to the team. The best team is a team that is motivated and able to accomplish its goals. Led by a leader that understands people’s needs and responsibilities.

Effective teams follow the following guidelines

Reward system

  • Keep goals and expectations clear
  • Communicate high standards
  • Create a sense of urgency
  • Make sure team members have the right skills
  • Imitate positive behaviors
  • Utilize useful information
  • Give positive feedback

It is important for an organization success to have motivated workers. When employees are rewarded for their good work productivity increases. On the other hand, unmotivated employees can negatively impact the company’s production outcome. Managers should be aware of how a reward system is used to influence employees in the workplace.

My recommendation for our organization is to establish an extrinsic reward program. This type of program is based on a tangible reward system. Normally the managers establish the rules and the amount of the reward. For example, some of the rewards that can be offered are a higher salary, bonuses, extra vacation time, promotion, and public recognition.

Whatever object the managers decided to use needs to be important it achievable enough that the employees feel motivated. And extrinsically motivated employee will be more inclined to work on a task for the anticipated satisfaction that comes from receiving the reward.

Executive summary

In today’s business world we cannot separate personal life from the workplace that is why is so important for managers to have emotional intelligence training. Emotional intelligence is related to job performance. Managers have to be able to understand others people emotion and how those emotions relate to job performance. It is necessary that people’s feel that they are understood and supported at work. Managers have to be able to lead their team and achieve a good interpersonal relationship with team members. Interpersonal relationship and communication are important factors in team unity and overall goal achievements. Also, establishing the proper reward system can help our company increase production. A reward system based on employee’s performance is a great way to motivate employees to achieve our organization’s goals.


Hartzell, S. (n.d.). Study.com | Take Online Courses. Earn College Credit. Research Schools, Degrees & Careers. Reward Systems & Employee Behavior: Intrinsic & Extrinsic Rewards – Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com. Retrieved November 10, 2017, from http://study.com/academy/lesson/reward-systems-employee-behavior-intrinsic-extrinsic-rewards.html

H, B. (n.d.). Small Business – Chron.com. Motivation & Productivity in the Workplace | Chron.com. Retrieved November 10, 2017, from http://smallbusiness.chron.com/motivation-productivity-workplace-10692.html

Uhl-Bien, M., Schermerhorn, J. R., Osborn, R. N. (2014). Organizational Behavior, 13th Edition. [Strayer University Bookshelf]. Retrieved from https://strayer.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781119033110/https://strayer.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781119033110/

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