Project Deliverable 6: Final Project Plan

Project Deliverable 6: Final Project Plan

CIS 499 Information Systems Capstone

Project Deliverable 6 Final Project PlanĀ 

This assignment consists of three (4) sections: a written project plan, revised business requirements document, project plan PowerPoint presentation, and a finalized project plan. You must submit the four (4) sections as separate files for the completion of this assignment. Label each file name according to the section of the assignment it is written for. Additionally, you may create and / or assume all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.

While taking all business and project parameters into consideration, make quality assumptions to support the following requirements.Ā 

Section 1: Written Project Plan

you are now in the final stage of the project plan development. All previous documentation should be combined into one document that will serve as the statement of work for the project. Your goal is to have the project approved by the executive team. The project plan should be very detailed, which is designed to accomplish the monumental task of implementation; however, the executive team is only interested in a 30-minute summation. Therefore, you also must create a compelling executive summary that is supported by your detail that convinces the executive team that they should move forward with your solution.
Develop a thirty to forty (30-40) page project plan in which you:
Write a five to ten (5-10) page executive summary that provides a high-level technical overview of your project in which you:
Describe the scope of the project and control measures.
Describe the goals and objectives of the project.
Include a high-level overview of all project deliverables.
Give a detailed, realistically estimated cost analysis of the entire project, including human capital.
Relate the value of the project plan solution to the competitive advantage that information technology will afford your organization.
Recommend solution providers who can assist with development and implementation.
Combine all previous documentation for Project Deliverables 1-5 in which you:
Provide all aspects of the information technology implementation into the project plan.
Revise the documentation based on feedback from the earlier evaluation of your deliverable.
Use at least five (5) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
Section 1 of this assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the studentā€™s name, the professorā€™s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
Include charts or diagrams created in MS Visio or Dia as an appendix of the project plan. All references to these diagrams must be included in the body of the project plan.Ā 
Section 2: Revised Business Requirements Document
Document all revisions made to the written project plan in the Document Control section of the business requirements document from Project Deliverable 2: Business Requirement. Note: This documentation must outline the revisions made to the previous deliverables required in Section 1: Written Project Plan.
Section 3: Project Plan PowerPoint Presentation

Additional to your detailed executive summary you must present your findings to the executive team and the venture capital group that along with the executive summary will convince the group that your solution is optimal.
Create a ten to fifteen (10-15) slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:
Illustrate the concepts from your executive summary in Section 1 of this assignment.
Create bulleted speaking notes for your presentation to the executive board in the Notes section of the PowerPoint. Note: You may create or assume any fictitious names, data, or scenarios that have not been established in this assignment for a realistic flow of communication.
Use a professional technically written style to graphically convey the information.
Section 4: Finalized Project Plan

Use Microsoft project to:
Finalize your project plan from Project Deliverable 5: Infrastructure and Security to include all necessary changes in assumptions, tasks, and / or subtasks.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Develop information systems-related activities to maximize the business value within and outside the organization.
Demonstrate an understanding of existing and emerging information technologies, the functions of IS, and its impact on the organizational operations.
Evaluate the issues and challenges associated with information systems integration.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in information systems.
Write clearly and concisely about strategic issues and practices in the information systems domain using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

Table of Contents

1. Project Plan Overview

1.1 Background

1.2 Project Description

1.3 Goals and Objectives

1.4 Scope

1.5 Roles and Responsibilities

1.6 Constraints and Assumptions

1.7 Risks

1.8 Project Deliverables

2. Project Work Plan

2.1 Work Breakdown Structure

2.2 Staffing Plan

2.3 Project Schedule

2.4 Project Budget

3. Solution Provider

4. Database and Data warehousing

5. Infrastructure and Security

6. Appenidx

The Project Plan defines the following:


Project Description

Business and project goals and objectives


Roles and responsibilities

Assumptions and constraints

Project budget

Project timeline

The conceptual design of new technology

1. Project Plan Overview

1.1 Background

Information is a significant component of any trusted business activity. Information is useful across the entire organization for number of purposes and is stored in an assortment of information systems. Modification to any of these information systems must be firmly controlled and managed to evade those loss of important information that cannot be recovered. System owners must lay strong emphasis on impacts and risks that are mitigated due to implementation of change. Their emphasis must comprise of the following areas:

Hardware and Technical configuration

Software and Application configuration

Security, Governance, policies, and procedures

Business benefits


End Users

Health, safety, and equality

The policies and procedures generally define the technique for managing all (software and hardware) modifications made to the information systems and technical infrastructure of an organization.

In a globalized market of today, companies are faced with challenges in each and every step of their business. Our analytics and research services are geared towards giving those companies that extra edge over the competition. We process and analyze terabytes of data and break down all the fuzz and chatter around it to give our customers meaningful insights about their competition and the market they are engaged in.

By leveraging our data collection, processing, and research and analytics expertise and by focusing on operational excellence and an industry standard delivery model, we help the leading companies making insightful business decisions.

A comprehensive portfolio of our services include, Market, Business and financial research, Domain based analytics and Data processing services. Our industry wide focus is into Banking, Finance, FMCG, Insurance, Retail and Manufacturing industries.

The project will make use of methodology which is designed to build, test and assess a practical approach, constructing on existing tools.

1.2 Project Description

The Company has online database for processing data, messages, batch and manual data input processing. It has two integrations: Vertical integration where processing of data is done for office area (ERP) and Horizontal integration where archival of data of various archival system takes place.

Databases include the open SQL database where process values, batch data and messages are stored. It provides client-server architecture for displaying data. Along with displaying of data, user can also evaluate data, analysis data and generate reports

1.3 Goals and Objectives

The main goal of the Project Plan is to represent the complete detail needed to successfully deploy and manage the project, make possible communication among project stakeholders, and document describing approved schedule baselines. The project plan is a living document and is likely to vary over time as more information regarding project becomes available.

The project goal ā€“ The project aims at upgrading the companyā€™s information system infrastructure which provides data collection and analysis services.

Following are the goals and objectives of project:

The goal of this project is to support the vision, mission, and goals of organization, helping people realize their visions through the use of information technology.

The project should help firm to achieve its goal of outstanding customer service.

The framework deliverable of project should avoid excess of detail to ensure mutual understanding, adoption and flexibility.

The deliverables of the project should be implemented organization wide, providing support to most of the assorted functional groups, customers and projects.

1.4 Scope

Applications – In order to achieve its goals, company uses following tools:

a) Data collection tools

b) Web Analytics tool

c) Resource tracking application

Information System specialist will be responsible for carrying out these tasks.

Sites – At offshore, data collection is being carried. Data processing and analysis is done at onsite. Project managers at both sites will prepare the project plan for their respective sites.

Process Re-engineering – IT Re-engineering implementation can be divided into three phases: before the process is defined, during process designing and after the process is designed. Re-engineering will include defining new business opportunities by re-defining the processes, proficient database utilization and data mining. Information System Specialist will be responsible for it.

Customization – Customizations will be limited to improvement of old hardware with new infrastructure. Network engineer along with Information System Specialist will be responsible for this task.

Interfaces – The companyā€™s IS has interfaces for evaluating data i.e. reports defined by users with MS Office (Excel and Microsoft word), standard components of software like Crystal reports and Business Objects. Licensed software will deal by the human resource team.

Architecture ā€“ Application and technical architecture will be designed once the requirements are approved by the senior management.

Application architecture:

Technical architecture:

Conversion – Since company is not very old, so all of the online data will need to be converted in new format as per the upgraded infrastructure.

Testing – It will include integration testing, load testing, tuning and network testing

Funding – It is limited to $1million

Training – It will be include sessions on using new hardwareā€™s, softwareā€™s, and technologies. Functional lead will lay down the training plan.

Education – It will include Bachelors of Engineering and certification in information systems.

1.5 Roles and Responsibilities

On studying the companyā€™s profile, it seems that company has following resources which form the personnel of its information systems:

Chief Information Officer – It provides assistance to senior management on IT related tasks.

Develop and maintain IT infrastructure.

Develop efficient design to implement operations of the company.

Information System specialist – It designs and administers infrastructure development and support.

Database administration – Storing data and mining it for future goals of the company.

Project Manager – He/ She will be responsible for managing the project issues.

System Analyst – He/ She analyzes the whole system and conduct technical research. Also prepares documentation for future goals.

System Administrator – He or she will be responsible for resolving internal network issues of the company.

Data collection

SP-based data – It is the data collected over network traffic. It provides data to tool vendor. It does not collect secure data.

Panel based data – It collects internet user data.

Tool-monitoring data – It is installed at user end. Alexa is one of the examples in this category.

Online monitoring data – Here user takes survey and provides data to company.

1.6. Constraints and Assumptions

The following assumptions have been identified:

Finance & Marketing activities for the training organization are out of scope of this engagement.

100% funding has been from sponsors

Organization will allocate key project roles and sufficient budget for the development and implementation of this project.

Efficient, ample, and proper levels of communication exist between the sponsor, management, and the project team during all project phases.

The timeline is feasible and reasonable. The phased rollout provides support to early achievement and sustained improvement. The project involves a detailed implementation as modules are developed and implemented, followed by continued competency and enhancements in the component areas.

Economic conditions like land & infrastructure prices are relatively stable

Availability of minimum skilled labor is there to start the project

Government Rules and Regulations would be stable.

Functional lead, technical lead, database administrator are already been recruited.

Signoff for the various project artifacts happen within 4 working days to ensure the project is complete on time. And if there are any recommended changes in the artifacts then those are been notified

The following constraints have been identified:

The upper limit for the expected budget should not be exceeded by 10%. In case of overshooting of budget within 10% range, the additional capital will be raised through loans or VC funding.

The upper limit for the expected time should not be exceeded by 60 days. The assumptions of stable government policies, economic conditions may not hold true after 60 days.

1.7 Risks

The following risks have been identified as possibly affecting the project during its progression:

# Risk Area Project Impact-Mitigation Plan
1 Economic Downturns Unmet budgetary constraints ā€“ Identify locations within companyā€™s location area which are cheap and have less fluctuations
2 Technology Changes Obsolete IT Infrastructure ā€“ Take correct sizing decisions by studying the market
3 Technology Changes Increased Opportunity Cost ā€“ Need to purchase the right configuration at the right time, only possible by a proper market study
4 Project Schedule Milestones not achieved & Budget may be exceeded ā€“Use another vendor and have constant follow-ups to decrease delay
# Risk Area Risk Probability** Impact** Probability*Impact
1 Economic Downturns Fluctuating real estate prices Low High High
2 Technology Changes Hardware & Software Upgrades High High Critical
3 Technology Changes Decreasing IT Infra Cost Med High High
4 Government Processes Delay in Company Registration High Med Medium
5 Project Schedule Vendors not meeting deadlines Low High High

These are some risks that can occur during all phases of development


Lack of analysis for change of requirements

Change extension of requirements

Lack of report for requirements Poor definition of requirements

Ambiguity of requirements Change of requirements

Inadequate of requirements Impossible requirements

Invalid requirements


Lack of good estimation in projects Unrealistic schedule

The hardware does not work well Human errors

Lack of testing and monitoring

Lack of monitoring

Complexity of architecture Large size of architecture

Extension of requirements change The tools does not work well

Personnel change Management change

Technology change Environment change

Lack of reassessment of management cycle


Inadequate budget

Change of requirements

Extension of requirements change Human errors

Inadequate knowledge about tools

Inadequate knowledge about techniques

Long-term training for personnel

Lack of employment of manager experience

Lack of enough skill Lack of good estimation in projects

Lack of accurate system domain definition Lack of goals specification

Difficulty of implementation Disagreement between members

Lack of tools Shortage of personnel

Tools failure Technology change

Lack of agreement between

customer and developer

Slow management cycle

Supply budget in inappropriate time

Environment change

Lack of a good guideline


Inadequate documentation Lack of project standard

Lack of design documentation Inadequate budget

Human errors Unrealistic schedule

Extension of requirements change

Poor definition of requirements

Lack of enough skill Lack of testing

Lack of good estimation in projects

Inadequate knowledge about techniques

Lack of employment of manager experience

Lack of accurate system

domain definition

The simulator is to be destroyed Lack of reassessment

Inadequate knowledge about programming language

Inadequate knowledge about tools

The hardware does not work well Lack of analysis for change of requirements

The tools do not work well Loss technical equipment

Lack of stability between personnel

Personnel change

Weakness of management Lack of commitment

Disagreement between members Ambiguity of requirements

Complexity of architecture Incomplete requirements

Lack of roles and responsibilities

Inadequate training of personnel

Management change Technology change

Lack of collaboration between developer

Environment change

Lack of a good guideline


The products that no one want them

The products that are not suitable with total strategy

The products that sellers do not know how to sell them

Failure in total budget

Failure in commitment

Failure in management because of change in different people

1.8 Project Deliverables

Following is a list of all deliverables:

Corporate Data Model

The corporate data model will describe the entire flow of information throughout the system, i.e. how system works. This model will give us overall framework for how data is collected, organized, managed and maintained within the system.


It is a predictable suite of hardware and software that will be required to successfully run the information system.

Web-based Mapping

One of the major predictable component of IS will be a web based application, or some sort of connectivity that makes this information system available over the web. Connectivity with the server is required.


Promoting standards will ensure reliability, consistency and quality of the information system. Promoting procedures will also ensure a consistent approach.

Information Systemā€™s data maintenance and application development will reduce overall costs in the long run.

Types of standards and procedures generally comprise of software standards, metadata standards, application development environment standards and data development/maintenance standards.

Application Development Capability

It will not be possible to fulfill all IS needs through ā€œcommercial off-the-shelfā€œ(COTS) applications; hence, it will be required to develop an application development environment to tackle additional needs as new systems are developed and requirements are updated.

2. Project Work Plans

2.1 Work Breakdown Structure

The work breakdown structure identifies the projectā€™s tasks to provide a framework for organizing and managing the work of the project.

297180057150Project Management Initiative Phase I00Project Management Initiative Phase I0971550Initiate Project00Initiate Project01543050Develop Project Charter00Develop Project Charter365760064770000704850819150006858001314450002486025990600Plan Project00Plan Project13716001657350Develop Work Plan00Develop Work Plan26289001647825Develop Project Control Plan00Develop Project Control Plan37719001657350Finalize Project Plan and Gain Approvals00Finalize Project Plan and Gain Approvals182880014192250042291001428750001485900210502500148590023336250017145002190750Develop Work Breakdown Structure00Develop Work Breakdown Structure148590029051250017145002790825Develop Project Staffing Plan00Develop Project Staffing Plan148590035909250017145003362325Develop Project Schedule00Develop Project Schedule17240253981450Develop ProjectBudget00Develop ProjectBudget274320021145500028575002914650Develop Quality Management Plan00Develop Quality Management Plan27432002457450003048000828675001143002000250003429002114550Define Scope00Define Scope3524252543175Define Requirements00Define Requirements3429003028950Define High-Level Roles00Define High-Level Roles3429003486150Define High-Level Budget00Define High-Level Budget11430023431500011430026860500011430031432500011430037147500014859004171950004905375268605000582930017716500059531252686050006953250268605000685800018859500077724001885950007867650265747500594360033528000089058751876425003429004010025Identify High-Level ControlStrategies00Identify High-Level ControlStrategies3429004648200Finalize Charter00Finalize Charter11430041719500012382547625000069723003381375002733675301942500490537534766250028765502257425Develop Communication Plan00Develop Communication Plan18478501419225005857875942975Execute and Control Project00Execute and Control Project50196753114675Design Content formats00Design Content formats58197751628775Build the Framework00Build the Framework68199001628775Test the Framework00Test the Framework77343001628775Implement the Framework00Implement the Framework88677751009650Close the Project00Close the Project48196501666875Design the Framework00Design the Framework50196752314575Define stages and activities00Define stages and activities50196753800475Design web Delivery Tool00Design web Delivery Tool60483752314575Write the content00Write the content60483753114675Review content for quality00Review content for quality60483753800475Build web tool prototype00Build web tool prototype70770752314575Test web tool usability00Test web tool usability70770753114675Test content usability00Test content usability70770753800475Adjust tool and content based on feedback00Adjust tool and content based on feedback79914752314575Move web tool to production environment00Move web tool to production environment79914753190875Announce Toolavailability00Announce Toolavailability90201751676400Conduct post project review00Conduct post project review90297002600325Celebrate00Celebrate696277521050250063341258286750049053752114550004895850411480000596265041529000059436002124075006962775425767500921067580962500892492514668500078867003467100008934450279082500514350014573250051530251457325006324600147637500737235014478000082200751457325007867650215265000304800013430250070485081915000                              

2.2 Staffing Plan

The principle of the staffing plan is to ensure that the project has adequate staff with the proper skills and experience to make certain a successful project completion.

Role Requirements

The following table is a comprehensive breakdown of the roles needed to deploy the project. It includes: the project role, skills required, the project responsibility of the role, the estimated start date, number of staff needed to fulfill the role, and the anticipated duration the staff resource will be required on the project.

Role Project Responsibility Skills Required Number of Staff Required
Project Team      
System Analyst To analyze requirements, interaction with client and team Good Communication and Analytical Skills 1
Project Manager Lead team, report status Project Management 1
Core Team Review deliverables, assure quality Project Management 4
Content Developer Create framework content Research and web writing skills 1
Web Designer Design web-based performance mgmt tool Web design, web writing skills 1
Web Developer Build the web-based performance management tool Web development 1
DBA Manage the Database, Periodically Backups and recovery Database Design and Handling 1
System Administrator User and system administration and managing security of system Administration and Management 1
Review Team Evaluate deliverables, promote use Project Management experience 20

Staff Assigned to Roles

The table given below is a comprehensive breakdown of the genuine staff assigned to the project role, the quantity of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) desired for the role, the real FTE acquired, labor rate and unit of labor rate for the resource and the source from which the resource can be recruited.

Role Name RequestedFTEFY12-13 Acquired FTEFY12-13 Rate Rate Unit Source
Project Team            
System Analyst Name1 1.00 1.00 $85 hour System Analysing Operations
Project Manager Name2 – Project Manager 1.00 1.00 $85 hour Systems Engineering Operations
Core Team Name3 .10 .10 $70 hour Network Services
  Name4 .10 .10 $70 hour Enterprise Internet Services
  Name5 .10 .10 $70 hour Data Resource Management Technologies
  Name6 .10 .10 $70 hour Data Resource Management Technologies
Content Developer Name7 .90 .90 $70 hour Data Resource Management Technologies and Web
Web Designer Name8 .05 .05 $75 hour Academic Technology Solutions
Web Developer Name9 .05 .00 $65 hour Academic Technology Solutions
DBA Name 10 1.00 1.00 $80 hour Data Management
System Administrator Name 11 1.00 1.00 $80 hour Network Management
Review Team Various Project Managers .10 .10 $70 hour Manage and Review Project
Total   =SUM(ABOVE) # “#,##0.00” 5.5 =SUM(ABOVE) # “#,##0.00” 5.45      


The project organization chart is a graphical picture of the organization and reporting relationships of the project.

2.3 Project Schedule

The project schedule includes milestones, task dependencies, task duration, delivery dates, and staff resources assigned to complete the tasks.

Ā  Project Management Improvement Project ā€“ Phase 1 Effort Estimate in Days Planned Start Date Planned End Date Resource
1 Initiate Project Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
1.1 Develop Project Charter Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
1.1.1 Define Scope 4.00 7/12/12 11/12/12 Name1,2 – Project Manager, System Analyst
1.1.2 Define Requirements 3.00 12/12/12 14/12/12 Name1,2 – Project Manager, System Analyst
1.1.3 Identify High-Level Roles 0.25 14/12/12 14/12/12 Name1,2 – Project Manager, System Analyst
1.1.4 Develop High-Level Budget 1.00 14/12/12 15/12/12 Name1,2 – Project Manager, System Analyst
1.1.5 Identify High-Level Control Strategies 0.50 1512/12 15/12/12 Name1,2 – Project Manager, System Analyst
1.1.6 Finalize Charter and Gain Approvals 2.00 16/12/12 17/12/12 Name1 – Project Manager Consolidate and Publish Project Charter 1.00 18/12/12 18/12/12 Name1 – Project Manager Hold Review Meeting 0.50 19/12/12 19/12/12 Name1 – Project Manager Revise Project charter 0.50 19/12/12 19/12/12 Name1 – Project Manager Gain approvals 0.50 20/12/12 20/12/12 Name1 – Project Manager
2 Plan Project Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
2.1 Develop Work Plan Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
2.1.1 Develop Work Breakdown Structure 2.00 21/12/12 22/12/12 Name1 – Project Manager
2.1.2 Develop Project Staffing Plan 2.00 23/12/12 24/12/12 Name1 – Project Manager
2.1.3 Develop Project Schedule 3.00 25/12/12 27/12/12 Name1 – Project Manager
2.1.4 Develop Project Budget 3.00 28/12/12/ 31/12/12 Name1 – Project Manager
2.2 Develop Project Control Plan Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
2.2.1 Develop Communication Plan 1.50 1/1/13 2/1/13 Name1 – Project Manager
2.2.2 Develop Quality Management Plan 1.50 2/1/13 3/1/13 Name1 – Project Manager
2.3 Finalize Project Plan and Gain Approvals 5.00 4/1/13 6/1/13 Name1 – Project Manager
3 Execute and Control Project Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
3.1 Design Framework Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
3.1.1 Define framework stages and activities 5.00 7/1/13 11/1/13 Name1 – Project Manager, core team
3.1.2 Design framework content formats 1.00 12/1/13 12/1/13 Name7, Name6
3.1.3 Design web framework delivery tool 2.00 13/1/13 14/1/13 Name8
3.2 Build the Framework Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
3.2.1 Write the framework content 5 15/1/13 19/1/13 Name7
3.2.2 Review framework content for quality 3 20/1/13 22/1/13 Name1 – Project Manager, core team, review team
3.2.3 Build web tool prototype 5.00 23/1/13 27/1/13 Name9, web developer
3.3 Test the Framework Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
3.3.1 Test usability of web tool 2.00 28/1/13 29/1/13 core team, review team
3.3.2 Test usability of content 1.00 30/1/13 30/1/13 core team, review team
3.3.3 Adjust framework based on user feedback 1.00 31/1/13 31/1/13 Name7, Name8
3.4 Implement Framework Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
3.4.1 Move framework to production environment 1.00 1/2/13/ 1/12/13 Name1 – Project Manager
3.4.2 Announce availability of framework 0.50 2/12/13 2/12/13 Name1 – Project Manager
4 Close the Project Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 
4.1 Conduct Post-Project Review 1.00 2/12/13 2/12/13 Name1 – Project Manager, core team, review team
4.2 Celebrate 0.50 3/12/13/ 3/12/13 Name1 – Project Manager, core team, review team

2.4 Project Budget

The project budget describes cost and budget needed to complete the project tasks. It may include cost and budget for ongoing support after project completion.

Budget during the life of the Project

The budget below describes the detailed estimates for material, labor and other items for the entire project duration.

Line Item FY12-13 FY12-13
  Labor Material Other FY Total Labor Material Other FY Total
Phase I                
1. Initiate Project                
1.1 Develop Project Charter $8,600 $0   $8,600 $0 $0 $0 $0
2. Plan the Project                
2.1 Develop Work Plan                
2.2 Develop Project Control Plan $15,000 $0   $15,000 2,000 $0 $0 $2,000
2.3 Finalize Project Plan $5,000 0   $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0
3. Execute and Control Project                
3.1 Design Framework $5,000 $0   $5,000        
3.2 Build Framework $65,000 $0 $2000 $67,000 20,000 $0 $0 =SUM(LEFT) # “$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)” $20,000
3.3 Test the Framework $30,000 $0 $0 $30,000 10,000 $0 $0 =SUM(LEFT) # “$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)” $10,000
3.4 Implement the Framework $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,500 $0 $0 =SUM(LEFT) # “$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)” $4,500
4. Close the Project $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,000 $0 $0 =SUM(LEFT) # “$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)” $5,000
Total $ =SUM(ABOVE) # “#,##0” 128,600 =SUM(above) # “#,##0” $0 $ =SUM(above) # “#,##0” 2,000 $ =SUM(above) # “#,##0” 130,600 =SUM(ABOVE) # “$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)” $41,500 $0 $0 =SUM(LEFT) # “$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)” $41,500
Total Project Budget $172,100

Comments: ā€œOtherā€ is the budget estimate for a training class: Effective Writing for the Web

3. Solution Provider

IBM – Smarter Analytics is one of the most renowned analytical tools available in the market today. It is developed and maintained by IBM and also has proven track record in the market. It is suitable for various types of industries and can integrate in nearly all business operations.

Tools based on CMOS technology should be used, so that the data can be analyzed at a faster rate. These tools are very compact in size.

The system can be integrated with cloud computing techniques. In this technique the data is stored at a remote server which is managed by the third party service providers. So there is no need to manage the data. It is the responsibility of the service providers. So it helps in saving the cost. The charges are ā€œPay per useā€. So there is no need to pay for the complete service.

4. Database and Data Warehousing

In order to have a successful data warehouse design the IT management must closely follow the development and implementation of every step along the way. The need for a good data warehousing design is critical in the supporting the storage of enormous amounts of data. The records of a database are specific data and references of every individual transaction of any passing of data in the database system as a whole. This data needs to be readably accessible at any time to be analyzed or used. In order to meet the needs of the organization they data warehouse must be organized in a way that allows rapid access to data for analysis and reporting.

Entity-Relationship (E-R): See Appendix A

Data Flow Diagram (DFD): See Appendix B

5. Infrastructure and Security

Classification of Data
Any companyā€™s user having authoritative access to data of the company may, modify dataā€™s classification. The user may be in a position to change classification of data if there are sufficient and justifiable reasons of doing so. Resources doing so will be held strictly responsible for their changes. When a new data is created, it should be classified as ā€œCompany Onlyā€ data till it user reclassifies it as per oneā€™s modifications. Users are held strictly for any change in classification they do.
Classifications for existing companyā€™ data are given below:

Companyā€™s business information (memos, financial documents, planning documents etc) should be classified as “Company Only”;

Companyā€™s customer data (contact details, contracts, billing information etc) should be classified as “Company Only”;

Network management data (IP addresses, passwords, configuration files, etc.) should be classified as “Confidential”;

Human resources information (employment contracts, salary information, etc.) should be classified “Confidential”;

Published information (pamphlets, performance reports, marketing material, etc.) should be classified “Shared”;

E-mail between Companyā€™s employees should be classified “Company Only”; and,

E-mail between Companyā€™s employees and non-Company employees should be regarded as “Unclassified”.

Classifications: Roles and Responsibilities

Responsibility of the user to:

Know oneā€™s own clearance level and to understand what are the rights and limitations associated with that clearance

Ensure all the data oneā€™s going to work on is correctly classified;

Ensure one is familiar with the restrictions associated with the data oneā€™s working on and

Ensure all the data one works with is protected properly.

Responsibility of all system owners and system administrators to:

Determine the security level for all users.

Proper verification of the equipment user is going to work with.

Installation of the equipment.

Responsibility of each divisional manager is:

Getting approval on clearance for employees.

Clarifying the classification of data on systems.

Clarifying the classification of equipment.

Understanding and implementing the policy.

Responsibility of the Security Officer to:

approving all classifications

Maintaining a list of all classifications

Approving the final layout of the companyā€™s network.

controlling and managing all trusted points


Any unauthorized user accessing data, device, equipment or a location with insufficient privileges can face disciplinary action.

Any user who is allowed to access a system that he/she controls on behalf of someone else with insufficient clearance can face disciplinary action.

Any person who is trying to connect to an equipment for which one is not classified to access the network with an inappropriate part of the network can face disciplinary action,

Any person who is transmitting data over the network without specific privileges can face disciplinary action.

IDAM can be implemented in the organization. IDAM stands for Identity and Access Management. This is implemented mainly for increasing the security of the organization and for the administration purpose. The routine work admin jobs can be easily managed with this technology. Its main benefits are as discussed below:

Unique user-ids are provided to the employees of the company. It becomes easy to manage the user identities across the organization.

The employees get the access to the resources based on their role in the organization. This is an automated process, so there are no chances of any kind of biasing or interference.

Common password is set for all the resources. So there is no need to remember multiple passwords for different resources.

All the activities of the employees are logged into the log files. So the security is increased. Things can be tracked when required.


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John Baker, A. E. (n.d.). Cost – Benefit analysis essential to IT projects . Retrieved from (n.d.). Gantt Charts and Project Schedules. Retrieved from (n.d.). Cost Benefit Analysis Method. Retrieved from (n.d.). Need for Project Planning. Retrieved from

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