Conclusion of CIS Course

Conclusion of the Course






Conclusion of the Course

Computer Information System is a course with an aim to enable the CIS graduate to understand and be able to engage computer systems on different platforms and to come up with innovative applications in fields such as networking, database systems, computer animation and other areas based on the course of study. The modules for this course include:

The CIS Core has topics that enable the learners to have a foundation in particular areas such as design and implementation of computer systems, computer networks, and digital media. The CIS electives in other words enables the student to choose an elective he is comfortable with doing plus he has got interest in doing. The topics under information security provide an introduction to the modern ways of securing computer applications and computer networks as well.

  1. CIS Core
  2. Information Security Specialization
  3. Science and Mathematics
  4. Computer systems knowledge

The best order of doing the modules is just like I have placed them. That is CIS Core, Information Security Specialization, CIS Electives, Science and Mathematics and finally General education. This order is the best since you must first understand the CIS Core topics in order for one to link the topics in the next module. This helps the learner to have a clue of what he will be taught in the next module.

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