CIS 500 week 11 Discussion

Course Conclusion

I have learnt quite a lot in this course. Most of what i have actually grasped are the ones dealing with management and how IT can be applied to achieve business goals. I can break them down into the topics below


IT System development

IT management

Decision support systems


I chose the following topics as what i have personally learned because of the following; 

 Security – This is a very important aspect of any Information technology system and has to always be top notch. A compromise in security should never be condoned whatsoever since they form the basis of the integrity of the system. 

IT System development – These are the stages that are involved in the development of an IT system. They are very important as they indicate what has been done and what is expected to be done so that security at each level can be tightened thus leaving nothing to luck and chance.

IT management – This is the day to day operation of the IT system. They involve maintenance, audits, monitoring and the general use to support workflow etc. 

Decision support systems – These are systems designed to support the managers in decisions by providing many resources like data analysis to aid in the workflow of operations in the company.

E-Commerce – It is the use of electronic media to facilitate trade, Internet has taken over as the leader in E-Commerce. 

I would place the module as the most important since Information technology has taken over businesses and will advance in the future. Failure to adopt it and use appropriately will lead to falling out of the still competition in the business industry. 

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