Big Burgers New Register System

CIS 524 Computer Interaction and Design

Strayer University

This paper will describe the usability properties of interactive systems and the inherent design issues across HCI environments. I will determine the design issues and how to correct these issues, and suggestion that could be made to the usability of this system and still meet security objectives. I will create a design plan with system security and system usability, Analyses the development, set up, and the implementation of the improved interface.

Big burger unveiled a new touch screen point of sale for its franchises. Each cashier was assigned a user id and password combination to log in to the register. The system allowed the incorrect password to be entered four (4) times before the point of sale would lock and require a manager to unlock it with a key card. The register will close after three (3) minutes if the screen is not touched. When the point of sale locked, only the cashier who logged in before it locking could unlock it without a system restart.

After a few days in operation, restaurant managers started complaining about the amount of time they were spending unlocking the point of sales. Some cashiers forgot their user Id and password so that other cashiers would log in for them. It also seemed that the button layout made it easy for the cashiers to key in the incorrect password. The managers also complained that cashiers would leave for a break or end their shift and forget to log out of the locked point of sale. The managers would have to reboot the system, a three to five (3-5) minute process for the next cashier to log in. Additionally, managers noticed that grease was building up on the touch screens, making them less responsive.

Design Plan.

My team and I will adjust the current interface with a few upgrades. Let’s begin by creating a design plan. The design process consists of six steps, that are constantly repeated:

Discovering the Issues.

  • Understand
    • Understanding the need. Exactly what needs fixing. To find that out research must be done.
    • Investigate current process.
    • Interview stakeholders. The stakeholders are the owners, management, employees and my team.
  • Research
    • Investigate the competition. What are others doing? Check-out the latest design trends.
    • Brainstorm. Gather all the ideas. Provide solutions for each individual need.
  • Draw
    • Draw flow charts of the idea.
    • Draw sketches of the design. Meet with stake holders have them give feedback. Draw and redraw until you have an agreed upon sketch.
  • Design
    • Once there is an approved sketch finalize the design. Chose material, colors, specifications, setup the final graphics.
    • Research for vendors and supplies would be organized.
  • Implement
    • Prepare a prototype.
  • Test
    • Did it solve the problem?
    • The time to complete this interface is six months. Each task will be assigned a time schedule.

    Understanding the reasons for the level of security by communicating with all the stakeholders. Once we understand what they wanted to accomplish. And interviewing management and employees, is the only way to initiate a solution. This case required significant effort. Then understanding what it does now. Design issues included: Excessive concentration on security that created security fatigue and user frustration on team users and managers, which prompted the sharing of sign ins and passwords. Button layout increased errors during system login. Environmental conditions were failure to recognized as affecting the screen responsiveness. Correcting the design issues to make the managers happy consisted of: Reducing the quantity of times that they had to use their key card to unlock the register. Reducing the frequency of having to reboot the system. Maintaining responsive touch screens. This also added to order processing time, user frustration and contributed to the lockout problem.


    The goal is to keep security and yet make it easy for the employees to use.

    So, we must follow the eight golden rules of design:

    Do not make the user remember too much.


    Simple error correction.

    Have shortcuts.

    Offer undo option.

    Keep sequences of actions form beginning to end.

    Keep user in control

    Offer feedback options.

    The unwanted tasks and the improvements of this interface are:


    • Not remembering the username-Username should be the employee id
    • Register lock-outs-if the password is entered four (4) times incorrectly. Users can create their passwords, with specific parameters and required to update at various intervals.
    • The register locks- after three (3) minutes- if no activity. The system shuts down-the last user must sign out. A lead can sign users out.
    • Three to five, (3-5) minute process for the next cashier to log in – multiple users should be able to sign in on the same
    • register.
    • A number of the register keys were not responding – the environment was not considered.
    • Other cashiers would log in for them – No one can sign in another employee-grounds for termination.
    • There are no options for changing the buttons on the register.

    Training determines the success of a new process. Each employee will be allowed one hour of training. During training, each employee will have the opportunity to create a password, instructions on logging in and out. Each password must be at least twelve characters and contain at least one number, one lower case letter, one capital letter, and one symbol (!, @, $, %, #, or &). A code of conduct will also be discussed and signed. It will contain the expectations of behavior. Advising each employee must sign in for themselves and not adhering will be a violation of conduct, and subject to termination. The schedules will be pre-loaded into the system. (Lee, Lee, 2014.)


    Three point of sale units will be in the front. Point of sale units (POS) will be efficient. Instant data on the cumulative sales during any day, week, month, or any time parameters, providing that information directly to accounting. POS units allow inventory to be updated instantly. (Gilmore, 2018.) The system will be connected to the cloud, so any authorized user may access the data any time.


    Security is a high priority.

    The Beginning of Shift.

    • •All POS data upon entry and decrypt it only when it reaches the payment processor.
    • •Vulnerability test conducted randomly.
    • •The systems will scan for any threats and malicious.
    • All payment information will be encrypted
    • A computer station in the back office.
    • The system will cloud storage.
    • The manager will have a key card.
    • All departments would have instant access to all the information produced from the restaurant.
    • If an employee inputs an incorrect password, their login will be locked, and they must go to the computer in the back and reset their password. To reset it, they must chat or call the help desk automated system. The automated system will ask the employee to input their employee id, date of birth, and last four of their social to reset their password. Initial login users are prompt to create a new password.

    At the beginning of the shift, the employee must log in and out on the office computer or any open point of sale.

    The manager has a passkey and a password that he/she can sign out any employee from any point of sale, or from the back computer at any point and during the closing report, with a simple swipe of his key card.

    • The employee enters their employee id and password the chose job id.
      • District
      • Manager
      • A-Assistant
      • L-Lead
      • C-Cashier
      • K-Cook
      • W-Crew
        • Logging in and out should take less than two minutes.
      • Any cashier can sign in on any point of sale to complete a transaction for a customer.
      • Employees sign out by sliding their badge or their employee number and password they chose
        • Break
        • Lunch
        • end of duty

      Grease build-up.

      A screen protector on the register. The Screens will be clean up at closing. The sensitivity will be lowered to accommodate for the screen protector.


      HCI flow chart:

      Front system: Three touch screen point of sales with card swipe.

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