Strategic Impact

Assignment 2: Strategic Impact

CRJ 400: Crime Prevention Strategies

Strayer University


Domestic violence is a type of violence that is a part of a family unit which is an integrated party of an incriminating act. This type of violence is considered to be a family secret a dirty, wrongful secret that is kept between the four walls of their home. Domestic violence is always dealt within the family circle, kept inside, hiding it from the world due to shame, and embarrassment. The paper will discuss the Minnesota Domestic Violence Experiment, describe the purpose, and the methods that are used within the experiment. A summarization of the primary results indicating what the outcome of the experiment are, at which an opinion will be provided whether or not the results has met its original purposes. The paper will also discuss how the policy has implicated the Minnesota Domestic Violence Experiment, and it will either criticize or support its main influences within the scope of policy changes. Additionally, the paper will examine the primary effects of the experiment, and in regards to how the crime control is strategized, and its policies.

Describe the purpose of the Minnesota Domestic Violence Experiment and the methods it uses:

During the early 1980’s (1981 to mid-1982) in the state of Minnesota an experiment was conducted to see how often police officers responded to domestic violence. The primary reason in conducting the Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment is to address how law enforcement officers should respond to any type of misdemeanors, such as domestic violence. Another reason for this experiment is to see whether or not it reduces the calls for police officers to respond to assault calls, or domestic violence. This method is used in the likelihood of reducing the waste of time at the same time in the hopes of reducing domestic violence cases (Sherman & Berk, 1984). As the method had a few setbacks, the process was used to see how many arrests were made and if there were any offenses, or insults back to the arresting officers.

Summarize the main results of the experiment. Give your opinion as to whether or not the results meet its original purpose that you described in Question 1:

According to DeLeon-Granados, Wells, & Long, (2005) conclude that the main results of the experiment is to focus on the deterrence of domestic violence, the diversity of the cause of violence, and to seek the type of punishment that they should endure. This is done in accordance to study whether the stake of the problem, and to seek social control within the recidivism of violence.

Although the study was not a 100 percent perfect or that it worked, I feel as though the results did meet some of the original purpose but not enough of statistical report. Strategies that impacted in these situations was that given the fact that there were four (4) law enforcement prescient, all but one (1) agreed to join in the studies for one (1) whole year seemed too little. The study should have been taken longer than a year, and if at all possible everyone department should have been able to join it, thus providing an accurate data collection and acquire the right statistical measurements.

Discuss the policy implications of the Minnesota Domestic Violence Experiment and criticize or support its main influences on the policy changes. Support your response:

The policy implications were made according to the women, and community-level bases due to the high number of volumes of domestic violence. Domestic abuse is a serious crime, and the policy had to make some changes in order to better fit for the cause, and state of Minnesota. According to Pirius (2012) made a good remark as to why the policy was created in the first place, and why the changes were made. This is to protect the women, children, and in some rare cases men from abuse, thus generating program based for the safety provisions. These provisions are included to protect their data, and provide any form of criminal justice training to keep safe until the law enforcement officers answer to those cases.

Understanding why the laws were in place is to be able to dissolute issues from any physical abuse to any human or even animals for that matter. When a person is arrested for breaking that law, they must adhere to the courts ruling, such as staying away. All those include but are not limited to, for example going back to their home, e-mailing, calling, texting, having another third party to get involved, and any other means of communication to be prohibited.

Examine the main effects of the Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment regarding crime control strategies and policies. Support your position:

Crime control strategies and policies are provided to those individuals for the abusers, and the victims. The primary effects of the Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment have the abuser reported, and arrested which will lead to legal proceedings in addition to court orders of protection. According to FindLaw’s team (2019) provides the victim to be able to process a pre-sentencing court order to legally pursue in cases of abuse investigations. Once there is substantial report, they are able to obtain a restraining order, and file a compliant of domestic abuse in addition to any further harassment after a written report or court order.


The Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment was conducted because there was a rising issue of abuse within families. Most people who do not file a compliant because to protect the ones they love even though it is wrong to do so. People understand that it is hard to have a loved one committed, and sometimes abusers are mentally unstable, alcoholics, drugged addicts, jobless, and they themselves feel low and not worth it. Therefore, they take it out on their women, and children, most cases knowingly, and very few cases not in their right state of mind. Law enforcement officers wanted to eliminate unnecessary calls, and waste time arresting the same person over and over, thus the experiment was created to see how to reduce these types of cases. At the same given time, to save those who truly need saving, and provide programs to those who require them.


DeLeon-Granados, W., Wells, W., & Long, J. (2005). Beyond Minneapolis: A PreliminaryTheoretical Model for Alleviating Conceptual Ruts in Domestic Violence InterventionResearch. Western Criminology Review 6(1), 43-58. Retrieved from

FindLaw. (2019). Minnesota Domestic Violence Laws. Thompson Reuters. State laws. Retrievedfrom

Pirius, R. (2012). Domestic Abuse Laws in Minnesota. House Research Department. Retrievedfrom

Sherman, L. W & Berk, R. A. (1984). Police foundation reports: The Minneapolis DomesticViolence Experiment. Police foundation. Retrieved from

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