



Cultural diversity at the workplace is a used to refer to the broad range of differences among individuals in an organization. These differences may be based on sex, race, ethnicity, age, personality, sexual orientation, cognitive style, education, social status and gender. Diversity does not only involve how individuals perceive themselves but also how they perceive others individuals within the organization. In the 21st century, due to the rising domestic workforce to the globalization of business, cultural competence is perceived as the most fundamental skill for effective work performance. Culture constitutes norms, values, and traditions that affect ways in which members of a group typically interacts, perceives, behaves, thinks and makes judgments (Brislin, 2008).

Thus to a greater length, it even affects perceptions of time that in turn can impact day-to-day deadlines and scheduling. Thus, for a variety of assortment of employees to function efficiently and effectively as an organization, the human resource professionals ought to deal effectively with issues such as adaptability, change, and communication. Cultivating cultural competence results in the ability to communicate with, understand and to effectively interact with individuals of various cultures, and work with varying cultural beliefs and schedules. Thus so as to achieve cultural competence and thus develop an effective workforce, Total Solutions, Inc. needs to analyze extensively the different individuals to be situated in the Atlanta offices (Henderson, 1994).

Below are five members having different ideologies, diverse ethnic backgrounds and race and also having different abilities. These are the members that have been thought best to be moved to Atlanta offices so that the management can try and cultivate cohesiveness among them and thus achieve cultural competitiveness. Linda Rowe is understood to have constant arguments with Kimberly Smith and Daniel Hogan over Work-related issues. Thus, for the new office to be located in Atlanta, the management felt that it is wise to move these people together. Considering their ages, these individuals have gained considerable experience in their work (Capella University. Psychology, 2007).

Thus bringing them together with young individuals such as Ralferia Herrera, who from his profile is a social individual, would help to a greater length in advising the young individuals on the work requirements. Considering Larry Thomas is the eldest member of the organization, it is imperative that he is included in this five-member list so as to give healthy views and provide advice to different issues that are to be raised by these individuals. Kimberly, who prefers working alone, that may be due to her physical disability would benefit much from the counsel of Larry on the advantages of teamwork since she also prefers working with him and thus can open up to him (Henderson, 1994).

Diverse workforce feeling comfortable communicating on diverse points of view offers a diverse pool of ideas and experiences. Arguments brought up by Linda, Kimberly and Hogan can be used to improve different areas of the organization. This is because the management of Total Solutions Inc. can draw from that pool in an attempt to meet the organization’s strategy needs and those of the customers more effectively. These five individuals are also from different backgrounds. It is understood that individuals from diverse backgrounds bring to the organization individual experiences and talents in providing ideas that are flexible in adapting to fluctuating customer demands and markets (Capella University. Psychology, 2007).

Larry and Hogan belong to an after-work religious group and thus they can with time offer the significance of such groups in relation to work to the other individuals in the office. Due to the difference in age, ethnicity and ideologies, there is a wide range of skills and experiences among these five individuals. This will thus help the organization to provide efficient services to customers by relying on the diverse skills and experiences of these individuals. By bringing these individuals together, Total Solutions Inc. is embracing managing diversity that involves accepting the workforce of a diverse population of individuals. Managing diversity is typically founded on the principle that harnessing the particular differences among these individuals creates a more productive environment in which each and every individual feel valued, where their individual talents are being fully utilized in meeting the goals and objectives of the organization (Brislin, 2008).


Brislin, W. (2008) Working with Cultural Differences: Dealing Effectively with Diversity inthe Workplace. Greenwood Publishing Group.

Capella University. Psychology. (2007) The Effects of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace. ProQuest.

Henderson, G. (1994) Cultural diversity in the workplace: issues and strategies. Quorum Books

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