Destroy your business strategy (DYB) and Grow your Business (GYB)

Dyb and gyb assignment 2

Cis 336

Destroy your business strategy (DYB) and Grow your Business (GYB) strategy are a kind of competitive dynamic models. Both of these business strategies seek to give the business the ability to be both competitive and profitable against rivals. Destroy your business and grow your business both seek to give a business the long term economical advantage to help make the most of the sustainability of the business. However destroy your business and grow your business go about these factors in very opposite ways. This assignment will explore and discuss the main factors in which that DYB and GYB are different and alike. The correlation between information systems (IS) and the strategic advantage as well as the social business strategy will be talked about. All of this models shows ways of how to increase the competitive edge over others business and help redefine itself to continue to evolve with the ecommerce movement that is ever changing.

Destroy your business can be an effective tool for upper management to learn their own weakness to take advantage of before a competitor does. The destroy your business model was created and implement by jack welch at general electric. He created the model so he could identify the companies’ weakness but his competition could. This approach can be used to drive the business models evolution and innovation. By knowing what your weakness are and making changes to prevent competition from exploiting them, you can continue to achieve a large margin of competitive advantages in the market. You are really uses DYB to see how, your competitor, would destroy your own competitive advantage over the market. The grow your business strategy is much different than the DYB strategy but they both intended to have a long term competitive advantage over the market. While dyb focus on finding weakness and evolving business models, the gyb focuses on growing customer base and helps with the problems you may have. You use the grow your business strategy to find fresh ways to reach new customers and better serve the ones that already existed.

The cannibalization strategy is losing market shares of one product by introduction of a new product by the same producer. Cannibalization refers to a situation where a new product has all the sales and demand of an existing product. It can negatively affect both the sales volume and market share of the existing market for the older product. A new product intrudes on the existing market for the older model products, rather than having expanding the company’s market base. Cannibalization does not appeal to the new segment of the market and doesn’t increase market share, the new product appeals to the company’s current market that causes a reduced sales and market shares for the existing product. The cannibalization strategy is not better than Destroy your business. In cannibalization your losing market shares for a product that you already have out for a new one. A good example of cannibalization is Gillette making two lines of razors , the Mach 3 and fusion proglide . When the proglide came out their marketing team made a conscious effort not to go after new customer to launch the brand , instead they used their marketing and advertising on getting their old customer to switch razors. Another business example of cannibalization is Sony launching the ps4 before the ps3 is no more of uses. When the ps4 came out Sony made a big move on the promise of next generation games but they are still making games for the ps3.

Yes changes in business strategy should entail reassessment of Internet security. Business strategy should drive information system decision making, and changes in business strategy should entail reassessment of information systems. Even more so changes in information systems potential should trigger reassessment of business strategy.

Firms use an external domain that focus on the positions of the firm in the IT marketplace. The internal domain focus on how the internal Information Systems should be managed . Both the external and internal domains are needed to delivers benefits to IT investment. Between the IT strategy and business strategy there is also a need for functional integration that takes note of the impact each has on another.

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