Government Intervention – PowerPoint Presentation

Government Intervention



Intervention & history of Social Security retirement benefitsArguments for government intervention Arguments on market based solutionsWho may be helped?Who may be hurt?Externalities & unintended consequencesCost trendsEvaluation of interventionRecommendations

Social Security Retirement Benefits

Arguments for Government Intervention

Arguments for Market Based Solutions

Raise the full retirement ageRaise the earnings capChange the cost of living adjustment

Social Security Retirement Benefits:

Who May Be Helped?

Social Security Retirement Benefits:

Who May Be Hurt?

Externalities & Unintended Consequences

Cost Trends

Evaluation of Intervention



McConnell, C. R., Brue, S. L., and Flynn, S. M. (2015) Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies, 20th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, New York, NY, USAKessler, G. (2011). Social Security and Its Role in the Nations Debt. Retrieved from Pays for Social Security? (2017) Retrieved from

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