Sequencing and Developing Instruction

Sequencing and Developing Instruction

EDU 120 Principles of Instructional Design

Ashford University

Sequencing and Developing Instruction

Sequencing instruction allows us to isolate specific knowledge to assist students comprehend unique characteristics regarding a specific subject. While we determine the scope of the instruction, it serves as the purpose to how much information we need to provide during the instruction. At Brown’s Insurance we are determined to provide instruction for our employees who will be working from home. The employees will have one week to learn the instruction and adjust to this program to ensure success while working at home.

Restatement of Instructional Goals

The instructional goals of the instruction I am designing are each employee will have basic knowledge of how to connect to the virtual private network through Citrix (VPN).

Each employee should be able to connect to the VPN once training has been completed.

The topic analysis reviews how and why the VPN should be used when the computer is not being used at work. The procedural analysis examines each step in how to connect to the VPN. It also gives necessary knowledge information regarding what the VPN is for, why we use the VPN, and how it’s proper use benefits the employees and the company.

The critical incident method identifies the essential information about why employees should use the VPN. They should know appropriate sign in and sign out procedures, the basic functionality of the VPN, and what to do if they’ve completed the proper steps in the event they are unable to connect.

Explanation of choice tasks

Choosing these tasks will allow the employees to have an understanding of the instruction successfully. Defining the sequence in which instruction should occur will allow for successful learning (Brown & Green, 2016).

The tasks are:

Gather information for VPN

Compose instruction for VPN

Evaluate comprehension for VPN.

These tasks were developed based on using the ABCD method (LearningDctr, 2013). The audience is composed of men and women, ages 21 and over. The behavior includes the action, which is learning the instruction of how to connect to the VPN while working from home. The performance conditions are either in a classroom setting where an instructor will step by step instruct how to connect to the VPN. The other choice would be to take the online instruction via Brown’s University training website. The degree standards for an acceptable performance would be that everyone has the necessary knowledge and understanding of how to connect to the VPN. Instructional Objectives

The employees will understand how to connect to the VPN to work from home.

The employee will know basic knowledge of the VPN.

The employees will know basic functions of the VPN.

Effective Verbs

Choosing active verbs such as “gather,” “compose,” and “evaluate” shows knowledge, synthesis, and evaluation in Bloom’s Taxonomy. Gathering information gives us the specifics of what we are putting together for our instruction. Composing the education will provide synthesis, putting together “the big picture.” Evaluation engenders “judgments about the value of the material and methods for given purposes (Peak Performance Center, n.d.).


Brown, A. H., & Green, T. D. (2016). The essentials of instructional design: Connecting fundamental principles with process and practice (3rd ed.). Retrieved from

LearningDctr. (2013, January 2). Instructional objectives ABCD. [Video file]. Retrieved from

The Peak Performance Center. (n.d.). Bloom’s Taxonomy Revised (Links to an external site.). Retrieved from

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