Action Research Formal Presentation of Findings

Action Research Formal Presentation of Findings

EDU 675 Change Leadership for Differentiated Educ. Envmnt

As a parent when you think back on your reaction of finding out that you will soon become a parent for the first time. I am sure there were many mixed emotions; excitement, anxious, anxiety and concerned about their health. At this point, the average parent does not concern themselves with the child’s mental development unless you were informed of this early on. Once your child goes into their developmental stages and they continue to decline instead of excelling, that is when worrying takes in and our journey begins to find help on their behalf. Then we discover that it is a developmental learning concern. We continue to seek until we find the cause and ways on how to address it.

As adult students many things are taken for granted. When we see money we get excited and count it to see how much we have; however, when students are diagnosed with a disability in math such as dyscalculia it is often leads to embarrassment, anxiety, students shutting down because they do not fully understand why they are struggling.

CDC states that developmental disabilities are a collection of conditions due to a deficiency in language, learning, behavior or physical area. One in every six children have at least one developmental disability or other developmental delays.

Which includes:





These conditions start during the developmental period and may effect daily functioning and in many cases lasts throughout and individual’s lifetime.

Etiology of Developmental Disability, as well as its comorbidity with other neurodevelopmental disorders. There are two congenital core systems of number dispensation, the estimated number system and the object tracing system, including their role in developmental disability are then explained before the paper outlines targeted impairments of counting, computation, fact recovery and working memory in developmental disability. These neurobiological findings and many other connected results from behavioral studies.

Children that low math skills who showed an IQ achievement inconsistency were less impaired in a matrix span task verses those who displayed no discrepancy. These and other study results help in simplifying the results of inconsistency in the literature by acquiring important covariates of developmental disability (DD) into account (Kuhn, 2015).

Research Questions


  1. What are signs & symptoms of learning disabilities
  2. What are ways to help in handling diversity and disabilities in a daycare program?
  3. What are ways for families to manage the diversity and disabilities that occurs?
  4. What are some known programs that help small programs handle diversity and challenges?
  5. What kind of modifications and accommodations are needed to address the child’s disability?
  6. What tools will be utilized as an effort to evaluate the student’s learning on daily skills?

Mills states,”that action research is any systematic review directed by the teacher researchers, school counselors and principals that are in an instructional environment to assemble news on how their individual school function and the methods used for teacher and student learning. This data is assembled with the objective of increasing understanding, advancing practice, implementing positive changes in the school environment and increasing student outcome. For an example, Qualitative approaches may include conducting face to face interviews and making observations (Mills, 2014).

I would begin my research questions regarding Intellectual Disability, with question on ways to manage diversity and disabilities that exist to focus on the importance of the research. Next, I would improve my participant’s abilities by doing face to face interaction exercises with minor questions to see where we need to begin concerning her abilities.

Another form of data that I would consider is a timed observation. A time observation on my participant without her being aware that she is being timed will provide me an opportunity to monitor her abilities without added pressure. I can associate my strategies based on my observation. My focus area is student learning and assisting students with their disabilities by ensuring they reach their full potential in not only education but also their daily life skills. I will make an effort to modify and accommodate the way I distribute her assignments. I will determine if they should be increased or decreased and when to utilize technology.


Key Numbers Teacher Skills Dates
1= Practice Jones Group Change 03.31.18
2= Learning Mills Examine and describe 04.09.18
3=Failed Green Hand full of change mixed change 04.27.18
Research QuestionsAction Research Data Collection Tool Why this tool? Justify its use in your study. How does it match with what you are attempting to find and measure?
What is Learning Disability Evaluation This tool will help in identifying types of disabilities. This system can be used to determine the difference in learning and double check systems.
How can this research alter Diamond’s attitude towards learning math, writing and reading concepts? Observation Observation data will provide opportunities to evaluate and assess when changes arise. It will also aide in maintain through continued changes of decrease or increase after further implementation of technology.
What strategies can be used to help with Diamond’s Disability due to her ability to maintain through the use of technology and addressing other needs with accommodations and modifications? Questionnaires/Surveys Questions and surveys will help in concluding if we are on target with these strategies utilized. If we are not, the data will allow other modifications that support Diamonds needs for her academic success.
Research QuestionsAction Research Data Collection Why this tool? Justify its use in your study. How does it match with what you are attempting to find and measure?
What forms of technology can be utilized to motivate her ability to learn? Assessments This data tool is helpful when trying to find the proper technology that can be utilized in assisting with Diamonds ability to learn the math skills needed. IPad, reading pens and reading apps on the computer will allow her to be observed with these tools as she works with them to see if they can assist in her learning.
What tools can be used to evaluate the student’s learning on education and daily life skills? Surveys & Questionnaires  
What accommodations and modifications are needed in addressing Diamonds disability? Surveys & Questionnaires Surveys and asking questions will help in the progress of verifying if we are on target with the strategies that were implemented. If we are not on target, these strategies will permit other measures to be modified, and support the needs of Diamond so that she will be able to master assignments given.

Outcome Analysis

My outcome on the data that can be used is still incomplete. There are a numerous amount of methods that can be utilized to understand dyscalculia. We can research for a clearer understanding; however, there has been no method or plan that has alleviated it. What has been highly effective is the observation. The survey use is tailored to the individual participant and is utilized in assisting with promoting learning and understanding. One must be flexible and patient with the participant.

One must be reminded that no one learns the same. Each individual learns and comprehend at their own pace; forceful learning is not helpful and will not be incorporated. Dyscalculia causes for breaks, one on one learning, much support and encouragement from the participant, teacher and all involved. Technological apps along with tutor assistance and additional time and practice with money and math concepts can lead to effective teaching strategies.

My research included surveys, observation and a visual data checklist. It is complicated when trying to identify what works best due to the countless amount of tools it takes to complete an effective action plan. I actually observed a failed strategy by way of observation. One teacher attempted to work on money with the participant causing frustration. After observing the teacher, I noticed that she was very straight forward and not engaging at all. I advised the teacher on ideas and strategies that will assist her ensuring for a more successful lesson.

This was a failed observation; however, it was anticipated understanding that there may be “bumps in the road.” There have been many successful observations to report. I understand now that when it comes to researching, you must show empathy and understand how the individual is feeling.

Learning Themes

If I had to administer anything different, I would ensure those who are helping me receive key skills so that they can be successful.

These skills are imperative in education and working with students. They can make a difference in a child’s success.

  1. Build a relationship with the student
  2. Show respect
  3. Show empathy
  4. Understand that we are not above learning and can learn from others
  5. Learning Themes


    Action Plan

    The expected steps that are essential in continuing my research is just that research because dyscalculia is a disability that cannot be cured; however, occurring issues like depression or fear with medication therefore we will always need to research in an effort to help the student that suffers with dyscalculia.

    My participant learning strategies will comprise of seminars, parent teacher conferences, counseling and workshops on the disability. This will properly prepare her family on the proper way of handling her disability and mood.

    The family must be efficient as it relates to her needs in learning, they must learn how to cope with stress, mood swings, anxiety and side effects that is part of her disability.

    The most important thing that I will take with me from this research is understanding that an effective research must include support and patience. There are protocols or steps that should be applied in ensuring that our research is a success.

    My first step is to meet with all family members that will be participating in my research for a conference to speak with experts that are involved in her care. Together we will target goals that easily mastered in the first part of the research.

    Once we meet, we will review that materials so that we all can be on one accord when approaching the participant in the most effective way; in doing this, when involving math this ensures that we are following protocol within her ability limits.

    A chart will be visible on the wall to keep track of when the participant is ding math. The chart will be notated with the day, time, the length of time she practiced and the coins used. Completing the activity chart will not only help keep track of the participants abilities and what she’s doing but also ensure that she is not over worked and all involved will know what was done and for how long and the progress or failures of the work that was completed.

    After each step has been mastered successfully, we will notate it so that the researchers know when to apply a new object. Once more than a few objects are met and mastered, another scheduled meeting will be conducted with the family to review and discuss the task that have been failed and mastered as well as set new goals. Once the findings are analyzed and complete, the new targeted goals will be updated and made effective.

    The participant’s portfolio will be updated and filled with the materials to confirm our research.

    The portfolio will provide information based on how we collaborated and the participants goals and accomplishments.

    1. Charts & Data
    2. Lesson Plans
    3. Materials used
    4. Documentations
    5. Performance Proof
    6. How the learning took place
      • Family Responsibility
      • Teaching Strategies
    7. Conclusion

      After the conclusion of my research, it has brought me great joy in saying that my participant is succeeding when it comes to counting change. It has been notated that her disability will never be cured; however, with the proper tools and guidance it can be treated.

      There still is a lot to cover when dealing with mastering math objects. Since the research I have a clearer understanding of her disability and it gives me joy in knowing that when she is in the classroom and around money I or her teacher can help her to understand when she appears to be struggling. Because of this research assignment I am more confident in knowing that if the opportunity presents itself again to research math content, I am more than prepared. I now possess the tools and knowledge needed to complete a successful action plan using both quantitative and qualitative data. The most important thing is to ensure that the research or accurate and can be backed up by reliable sources.


      Buczynski, S., & Hansen, C.B. (2014). The Change Leader in Education: Roles and Strategies in the Differentiated Environment. Bridgepoint Education.

      Developmental Dyscalculia Causes, Characteristics and Interventions Kuhn, J. (2015).

      Dyscalculia (2016). LDA Learning Disabilities Association of America. Retrieved on April 3, 2018 from

      Mills, G.E. (2014). Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher (5th ed). Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

      Volante and Beckett (2011). Formative Assessment and the Contemporary Classroom: Synergies and Tensions between Research and Practice. Canadian Journal of Education. Retrieved from http://files.edgov/fulltext/EJ936752.pdf

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