Emotional Intelligence Analysis

Emotional Intelligence Analysis

Emotional Intelligence Analysis


Self-leadership focuses on the process of self-influencing through which individuals control their own behavior, influencing and leading themselves to achieve the self-direction and self-motivation necessary to perform (Manz, 1986; Manz & Neck, 2004, as cited in Neck & Houghton, 2006, p.271). Much stock and consideration are given to higher levels of IQ and technical skills as a requirement for success. However, the role of self-leadership and the understanding of emotional intelligence (EIQ) places with high regard personal effectiveness. This paper will discuss the importance of emotional intelligence, the perception of the accuracy of the EIQ test, the impact of social intelligence on self-leadership and finally, how to engage in self-development in areas deemed as needing improvement.

Emotional Intelligence Assessment (EIQ)

Understanding individual capabilities to handle self-emotions and the emotions of others is an ability requirement for leading others. When evaluating emotional intelligence, a starting point is self-awareness. Goleman (2004) state, “Self-awareness means having a deep understanding of one’s emotions, strengths, weaknesses, needs, and drives.” (p. 3). Emotional intelligence involves the “abilities to perceive, appraise, and express emotion; to access and generate feelings when they facilitate thought; to understand emotion and emotional knowledge, and to regulate emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth” (Mayer & Salovey, 1997, p. 10). As Neck, Manz, and Houghton (2017) suggest, both physical and emotional fitness is essential in leading a productive and satisfying life. Therefore, it is important to assess abilities in the areas of emotional competencies, social competencies, drive, stress management, and self-regard. For this paper, the Emotional Intelligence Test (2017) by Psychtest was used rather than the EI instrument from Mindtools due to the limited results and lack of specificity in comparison.

In the area of emotional intelligence, results indicated that overall performance was fairly good with an EIQ score of 128. This score revealed a capability of being understanding and dealing with emotions. Other categories were scored using the same measurement. The first category is emotional competencies. In this category, the EIQ instrument indicated a score of 71. This competency implies a healthy balance between emotional suppression and emotional expression. A high score in this category shows competencies in dealing with one’s own as well as other people’s emotions. The second category is social competencies producing a score of 79. In this category, the breakdown revealed social skill competencies that were highly adaptable, showing an adaptation of behavior to situations or circumstances. The third competency is drive, indicating a score of 78. This category pertains to having an understanding that self-improvement is a continual process and is driven to achieve whatever they desire. The next category is stress management, indicating a score of 77. This category revealed that while some stress is normal, a certain degree of coping and maintaining composure in hectic situations is an essential skill. Houghton, Wu, Godwin, Neck and Manz (2012) pointed out in their article that emotion regulation and self-leadership allows individuals to make adjustments in their lives to more effectively cope with the stresses which life may present. In the final category, self-regard, the test revealed a score of 76. This category deals with the ability to respond to emotionally charged challenges, situations, and difficult people in a manner that is a reflection of how they feel about themselves. This category reveals self-views, self-esteem, self-criticism and characteristics of a healthy view of self.

Thoughts on accuracy of results

The ability to self-assess how we experience emotion can have an impact on feelings and thereby influence behavior and performance (Neck et al., 2017). Caruso, Mayer, and Salovey (2010), when discussing the measurability of emotional intelligence posited that the ability or performance test of emotional intelligence most directly operationalize the construct as an intelligence, by asking test takers to solve problems about, and using, emotions (p.308). This test results included a combination of self-report and ability components. A further analysis of the five categories showed 31 sub-categories. The results indicated many themes that resonated with personal perceptions of EI. In the category of emotional competency, it is evident from the assessment and self-reporting that traits and skills related to emotional competencies are a limitation in comparison to the other five themes. The results were related accurately and determined both areas of strengths and weaknesses. Another discovery that supports the accuracy of the results is the indication that comfort with emotional expression is the lowest performing subcategory. This information was not shocking as it related to existing self-efficacy perceptions. Based on performance history, this report reflects a necessary self-management in areas previously deemed as unsatisfactory.

Self-leadership and the impact of Social Intelligence

According to Houghton et al., (2012), self-leadership is the process of influencing oneself to establish the self-direction and self-motivation needed for effective performance. As a process of self-regulation, we manage our behavior and make adjustments much like a mechanical thermostat (Neck et al., 2017). The same regulatory process exists for emotional intelligence. Neck (2017) noted that an emotionally intelligent person has the capability to “recognize and use his or her own and others’ emotional states to solve problems and regulate behavior (p.146). Social intelligence is required to have a higher level of understanding the emotions of others. Thoughts and behavior patterns require self-reflection and regulation. According to Neck et al., (2017) to understand our self-leadership practices fully, we must recognize the importance of what we are and how we think about things (p.20). Simply-put, self-leadership is the process of taking a look in the mirror and choosing to lead oneself. Social intelligence and self-leadership work hand-in-hand because they are both based on utilizing motivations and emotions. However, effective self-leaders are acutely aware of their feelings and regulate their emotions as a tool for effective performance (Goleman, 2004).

Effort and hard work are necessary for social intelligence. Furtner, et al. (2010) examined people with high self-leadership (SL) and high EI to determine the linkage between the two. They concluded that while being expressive in, sensitive, and reactive to one’s social environment, one’s emotions might not be the focus of regulation strategies (p.1196). In other words, self-leadership is driven by goal pursuit whereas EI is about the regulation of one’s momentary needs and feelings (Furtner et al., 2010). Furthermore, social intelligence develops from the interworking of people experiences and successes and failures in the social arena.

Emotional Intelligence and Self-Development

Henck and Hulme (2008) express, “strengths identification is an effective tool in enhancing self-awareness” (p. 8). Mikolajczak et al., (2008) argued that highly emotionally intelligent individuals use adaptive strategies to regulate negative emotions and maintain positive ones (as cited in Furtner, Rauthmann & Sachse, 2010, p.1192). In the area of emotional competency, advice. As someone who is very calculated, emotions are felt to be reactionary. In recognizing emotions, it is important to understand the relevant embedded messages. For example, as an administrator, when a teacher vents it is usually about an unresolved issue. The challenge is to use the messages as a tool to reflect on personal feelings and the feelings of others. Further research is required to address the issues of the relation of emotional intelligence to actual behavior, as opposed to self-reported behaviors (Caruso et al., 2010). To develop healthy self-control, persistence and practice are required. According to Neck et al., (2017) we prefer to control aspects of our world rather than our world control us. The advice given was to work at modifying reaction to situations and evaluate the situation before acting.


In conclusion, Daniel Goleman stated, “what really matters for success, character, happiness and lifelong achievements is a definite set of emotional skills – your EIQ – not just purely cognitive abilities that are measured by conventional IQ tests.” (Aquinas, 2010, p.421). In order to be effective, self-leaders need to be socioemotionally intelligent in interpersonal situations in order to get ahead (Furtner, et al., 2010). As an emotionally intelligent person, the challenge is to know and be aware of one’s emotional intelligences, to recognize the meanings of emotions and to use that knowledge for regulation of emotion. To know and understand what strengths exist, provide significant power; power to contribute in valuable ways, power to grow and change, and power to make a difference in the world. When leaders are aware of the competencies of emotional intelligence and the impact of their own emotions on others, they can create an environment that nurtures, encourages, and empowers others in the organization for success.


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Psychtests.com: Emotional Intelligence Test (2017). [Measurement instrument] Retrieved from http://testyourself.psychtests.com/bin/report?req=MnwzOTc5fDQ2Mzg4MjR8MHwx

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