Designing Lesson Plans: Common Core State Standards

Ese 645

Content Area or Developmental Focus: ELA

Age/Grade of Children: Second Grade

Length of Lesson: 1 hour

Goal Students will become familiar with fables and trickster tales from different cultural traditions and will see how stories change when transferred orally between generations and cultures.
Objective Identify the definition and understand elements of fables and trickster storiesRecognize Aesop’s fables and Ananse spider storiesIdentify the specific narrative and thematic patterns that occur in fables and trickster tales across culturesCompare and contrast themes of fables and trickster tales from different culturesDifferentiate between the cautionary lessons and morals of fables and the celebration of the wiles and wit of the underdog in trickster stories
Standards Included HYPERLINK “” CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.2Recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and determine their central message, lesson, or moral. HYPERLINK “” CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.3Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges. HYPERLINK “” CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.2.5Describe the overall structure of a story, including describing how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action.
Materials Print or online versions of the following stories:Set AThe Lion and the Mouse (Aesop)Mr. Buffu and the Snake (Ananse)Set BThe Fox and the CraneAnansi and the Turtle
Introduction Begin the lesson with a game of telephone. The students will sit in a circle, in close enough proximity that they can whisper to their neighbors. You start the message be stating a one sentence message to the first student (just make up anything but be sure to remember it). Then the first student will whisper the message to the next person and it continues on in this fashion until you get to the last person. Have the last student write the message on the board. You then write the original message as well. They will be different, which is the point. You will then have a conversation about how oral storytelling allows for interpretation and change as it is told from person to person and travels to different locations.
Lesson Development: Review the vocabulary and elements of folktales from previous lesson: Direct InstructionVocabulary Words:FolktaleFableTrickster StoryOral TraditionMoralFolk WisdomElements of Folktales:Folktales… … are very old stories … have special beginnings (such as “Once upon a time…” or “There once was…”) and endings … often repeat words or sentences …have characters, settings, problems, and solutionsGuided Practice: Read aloud the first two stories (Set A) to students and stop to check for understanding and questions. Ask students to compare the animals and their behavior in the fable and the trickster tale. Why do the types of animals change from one culture’s fable to the next? How does the behavior change according to the type of animal? What types of behaviors lead to what types of endings in these stories?Then fill a Double Bubble Thinking Map that compares/contrasts the characters, setting, problem, solution, and morals/lessons in both stories (you will be modeling the skill that the students will then do in pairs).Check for understanding- Whole Group (Informal Assessment). Pose the following questions to the students:What is a fable, and how are fables different from other types of stories?What is a trickster tale, and how is it different from other types of tales and from fables? What are the elements common to fables and trickster tales? What kinds of wisdom about human nature and human behavior do we learn from fables, and how is this wisdom relevant today?
Accommodation Provide students who have reading deficiency, a copy of the stories that will be read out loud. Students will follow the teacher as she reads.Multiple choice questions about comparing fable and trickster story Explain the steps of completing the Double Thinking Map by doing it in a slow manner and being repetitive. Assist student while completing Double Thinking Map Provide extra time while completing assignments
Assessment(Practice/ Checking for Understanding) Independent Practice: Collaborative Groups:Group students in 2s or 3sStudents will partner read the stories in Set BThey will create their own Double Bubble Thinking Map using the same elements you modeled with the first set of stories.If time permits, students can present their maps and discuss any similarities and/or differences between the groupsWritten Response:The students will write a journal response answering the following question:Describe a real-life situation that applies to one of the morals presented in the four stories.Student work will be graded based on a rubric. Students may share their journals as the introduction to the next lesson.
Closing Close lesson with a review of vocabulary, elements of folktales, and the following questions:Which characters did they like best? Which did they like least? Which story had the best ending and why? 


There are many students who have learning disabilities and will not be able to complete assignment as other students do, so it is very important that modification or accommodations are made to lesson plans to best meet the unique needs of those students. In this case I created accommodations that target students with reading disabilities. “Researchers have identified three kinds of developmental reading disabilities that often overlap but that can be separate and distinct, phonological deficit, processing speed/orthographic processing deficit, and comprehension deficit” (Moats & Tolman, 2019). One of the accommodations requires the teacher to provide a copy of the stories that will be read out loud. Students who have phonological deficit struggle with processing system of oral language therefore providing a written copy of the stories will help the student understand the stories.

During lesson development the teacher will ask oral questions regarding the stories and students who have phonological deficit will struggle during this part of the lesson. I have developed an accommodation by suggesting multiple choice questions which will help the student understand during the section of the lesson. I decided to choose accommodations for this lesson plan since students who have mild learning disabilities will have a fair advantage of completing assignment as other students do. “Accommodations are alterations in the way tasks are presented that allow children with learning disabilities to complete the same assignments as other students” (Accommodations for Students with LD, 2013). The accommodations I have developed will help the student’s complete assignments during this lesson plan. Extra time will help student’s complete assignment since students with reading deficit will take longer to complete assignments. Providing extra time to students will give a fair opportunity and higher chance to demonstrate their potential.

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