Ethical Issues in Psychology

Ethical Issues in Psychology

Ethical Issues in Psychology

Many Psychologists usually work with vulnerable individuals in those places which are sensitive to people. In order to take responsibility of these sensitive situations, you must be aware of some of the ethical issues which are faced by psychologists. To work with psychologist, you must be aware or informed of any current issues. It becomes an ethical issue whereby the clients need psychologist to response to their emails throughout which is not possible because it is not a mandate for psychologists to stay online 24/7. There has been also domestic violence from male to women in their relationships whereby this has resulted to many people being arrested.

Moral theories of psychology

Psychology is the area in which we should enquire moral support of ethical issues whenever we are faced by them. The rights and wrongs which are faced by women relationship through caring should be taken seriously. Therefore feminist ethics comes in suggesting that there is need to look into considerations of social relation of every individual. Many philosophers have argued that most women need a lot of care and love because they are highly emotional. In addition, what we do either right or wrong is determined by our goodness of what comes out of the activity we have done because any action has an end. According to Kantian theory, there are rights and wrongs which are distinguished by the actions we do either negative or positive actions (Jameton, 2004).

Ethical Egoism theory suggests that is it not necessary to aim at the highest goods for our demands but we should strain ourselves in maximizing our self- interest. We should ignore earthly pleasures which have no end and concentrate on building what is most important and also helping other people. Psychologists normally work with those people who are professionally less powerful than them because they are required to act in their best way possible to their clients. They should treat the clients well without taking the advantage of their age and their status. These theories are designed to explain some situations and why some actions are wrong or right showing how psychologists should act on these situations (Mason, 2006).

Principles of ethical code

It is a principle of Psychologists to keep competence as a principle of ethics because they help them to keep high standards in their work. The competence principle enables psychologist to know the boundaries of their work and the demerits in which they cannot reach. Psychologists are careful in their judgment whereby it is their responsibility to take care of their client without harming them. Psychologists should also take care of clients feelings and cater for their needs without harassment. In addition, psychologists hold on professional and scientific responsibility whereby they keep high standards of professional conduct with the clients adapting to different environmental situations (Jameton, 2004).

Models of decision making

Tavani (2006) said that the principles of ethical code may be reviewed when the activities done by psychologist are natural. Psychologist should avoid unethical issues through these principles so that they can keep good relationship with the clients. There are varieties of models for decision making of ethical issues in psychology which include single-featured model. This is an approach which includes making decision solely without external considerations. An individual is supposed to make decisions wisely and choose the best. The decisions made should be straightforward even when there are numerous risks. A psychologist should use a variety of decision making strategies to meet the demands of those people he or she is working with.

According to Mason (2006) there are many ethical issues affecting psychology even from the environment and morality from the clients. The psychologist should not evaluate the action whether right or wrong and should also use the moral theories to control some of the moralities. The decisions made by individuals should be evaluated according to the merits and demerits of that decision. We are also required to change according to what we think of ourselves psychologically and adapt to the decisions.

In conclusion, Psychologists and their clients are concerned with the service offered and the ethical issues. They are also concerned on who should follow up for the results from the research. There is private information which should be kept as a secret and only psychologists should handle it with their clients. For instance, if the psychologists are faced by parents about their children, they should keep the information and help the parents to know the requirements they should have and their limitations.


Jameton, A. (2004). Nursing practice: The ethical issues.

Mason, R. O. (2006). Four ethical issues of the information age. Mis Quarterly, 5-12.

Tavani, H. T. (2006). Ethics and technology: Ethical issues in an age of information and communication technology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc…

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