FMEA Table

FMEA Table

Steps in the Improvement Plan Process * Failure Mode Likelihood of Occurrence(1–10) Likelihood of Detection(1–10) Severity(1–10) Risk Priority Number(RPN)
EXAMPLE:Doctor orders medication for pain prior to invasive procedure. Wrong medication selected 3 5 5 75
1. Sedated pt placed on 1:1 with RN Not enough staff available to provide 1 on 1 pt care. 4 1 8 32
2. Pts receive supplemental oxygen before, during and after sedation procedure Rn will fail to place oxygen on pt 3 5 6 90
3. Create checklist for application of comprehensive monitoring Rn may be in a hurry and try to “memorize” the checklist 4 3 5 60
          Total RPN (sum of all RPN’s): 182

*do not include more than four steps in the improvement plan process

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