Cyber Bullying
GEN103: Information Literacy
Research Question:
How does cyber bullying impact adolescents and their environment?
Scholarly Article 1
Papatraianou, L.H., Levine, D., & West, D. (2014). Resilience in the face of cyber bullying: an ecological perspective on young people’s experiences of online adversity. Pastoral Care in Education, 32(4), 2664-283. Retrieved from
Resilience in the face of cyber bullying (2014) is a scholarly article that presents the experiences of adolescents while on social media sites, smartphones and internet. The authors argue that adolescents on a daily basis are subjected to cyber bullying from their peers online. Despite the pressure the adolescents face there are ways to help them cope with the misfortunes of dealing with cyber bullying. The authors believed resilience is an important process of changing risk and protecting the factors that may influence how adolescents adjust in different environments. There are several ways adolescents can deal with difficult negative misfortunes online such as don’t respond to any messages or posts; confide with a trusted adult; share the experience with someone and spend less time online.
The authors use several reputable sources for this scholarly article, such as journals of education; law, child psychology and psychiatry to support their thesis statement. The article uses information that was published in 2014, in which the authors share several way adolescents face negativity online. The authors have authority on this topic as they are educators from a multiple educational background from Charles Darwin University and University of Warwick. I didn’t foresee any limitations because the authors presented thorough sources to address the perspective of resilience towards children. I believe the authors used credible sources that were published in the journal of Pastoral Care of Education, and it supports my research question of encouraging great resilient ideas to the adolescents of having a good support system, having a good self-esteem and positive attitude towards oneself, and building positive relationships with trusted adults.
Scholarly Article 2
Sleglova, V., & Cerna, A. (2011). Cyber bullying in adolescent victims: perception and coping. Cyberpsychology, 5(2), 1-16. Retrieved from
This scholarly article Cyber bullying in adolescent victims: perception and coping (2011) focuses on the impact of cyber bullying on adolescents and how they respond when faced with the negativity. Sleglova & Cerna used data that came from interviews of 15 cyber bullied adolescent victims aged 14-18 years. The authors argue that cyber bullying changes the behavior of adolescents. In the interview some of the victims reported they become withdrawn, ashamed, sad, and depressed. Some adolescents reported they were unable to stay focused in class and had failing grades; and others reported that they were not affected by the cyber bullying because they deemed it as being normal or acceptable behavior.
Sleglova & Cerna uses several credible sources to support their thesis. The source includes scholarly books and journals of adolescent health, school of psychology, educational, guidance and counseling, academic publications and interviews with publishing dates ranging from 2011. The authors have authority on this topic as they have M.A. and Ph.D of students of psychology at the faculty of social studies. Their main objective of interest is cyberbullying and online harassment. The article was published in a reputable journal, Cyberpschology, and there weren’t any foreseeable limitations. The journal answers my research question by explaining to me the various techniques adolescents can use to respond to the negative ways of cyberbullying.
Mehari, K. R., & Farrell, A. D. (2018). Where does cyberbullying fit? A comparison of completing models of adolescent aggression. Pschology of Violence, 8(1), 31-42. Retrieved from
This e-book is a presentation the authors argue where cyberbullying fits into the aggression of adolescents whether it is form (in person) or media (social media, smartphone, and internet). Mehari & Farrell used data from a self-reported measure of 677 adolescents aged 11-15 years. The children answered questions on their frequent usage of physical, verbal, relational aggression towards their peers. The authors findings from the data includes that relational aggression (social media relationships, isolation, spreading rumors) online is very detrimental to adolescents compared to physical aggression (hitting and shoving) and verbal aggression (name calling and teasing). It causes the adolescents to become depression, engaging in substance and alcohol abuse, stealing, and suicide.
The authors used a variety of credible resources to support their thesis statement. Mehari & Farrell uses sources that includes scholarly journal of early adolescents, child development, academic charts and graphs, children health and self reported data from 677 adolescents with a publishing date of 2018. The authors have authority on this topic as they are educators of the department of psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University. This article was published in a reputable journal, Psychology of Violence, and funded through the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The article was first published online on November 10, 2016. There were several limitations within the source one of them being some adolescents can only participate in cyberbullying based on their ability to have access to smartphones, social media, cell phone or other electronic devices. The journal answers my research question by showing varies graphs and charts to how cyberbullying impacts the environment of adolescents through use form and media aggression.
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