Global Readiness Index

organizational behavior Self Assessment

Student Name: ___

Title of Assessment: ____Global Readiness Index_ Assessment No. _#4

Student Score: 4.25, 3, 4

The Global Readiness Index was created from “Is Your Company Really Global” by Business Weekly to establish how prepared someone is to join a global work environment. The assessment measures an individual’s global mindset, global knowledge, and global work skills. The series of questions are grouped and tallied for a score ranging from 1-5 totals. The closer to five would indicate a stronger level of readiness, towards working in a global environment and potentially high degree of diversity.

  1. Self Analysis Profile describing the assessment and Interpretation of score.

My Score signifies an above average level of readiness, with room to grow. My highest score of 3.75 is in global mind-set. This indicates my receptiveness to cultural differences. I agree with this mind-set, due to my ability to work well with the large amount of diverse personnel within my current organization, and the vast amount during my tenure in the military. During my 21 years of active duty service, it provided me the opportunity to work with people from the difference parts of the country as well as the world. I found my time oversea as the best opportunity to grow, culturally, diversely, and ethically. The prospect of experiencing the language, food, and cultural was greatest opportunity to learn first-hand, and be able to expand on my readiness for diversity.

  1. Interpretation:

These concepts for readiness have the ability to provide both managers and the employees a better perception to their own preparedness for a global work environment. The assessment measures three areas of global readiness; Global Mind-set, which indicates the receptiveness and respectfulness to cultural differences, Global knowledge, measure continual pursuit to increase knowledge about other nations and cultures. Also, Global Work Skills, which signifies your ability to work effectively across difference cultures and nations.

  1. List and Briefly Discuss Organizational Behavior Concepts Identified:

I believe the Global Mind-set was a good indication of where I might be, but overall as a manager I would hope to increase the score in the Global Work-skills area. Managers should have a strong level of each area, and help the employees to strive and reach their highest potential. If an organization plans on expanding into any global industry, their employees must possess a strong level in each area of global readiness. The organization must be ready to effectively train, guide, and manage people from a diverse background. The diversity could help expand the cultural aspect, train of thoughts, and eventually the business as a whole.

  1. Implications for organizational behavior from an employee and management perspective:

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