HCS 245 Body Systems and Diseases

Body Systems and Diseases




DateBody Systems and Diseases

Complete the table below for the required systems listed. You are required to list four to six of the main organs of each body system, one or two sentences explaining the function of the system itself in your own words, and a short list of five to six major diseases that afflict each system.

This assignment is due in Week One.

System Organs in the System Function of the System Major Diseases Afflicting the System
Example:Immune System ThymusLymph NodesSkinTonsilsBone MarrowSpleen Protects the body from disease and infection by defending against, attacking and removing pathogens.Removes debris from the body, such as dead cells. Hay FeverAsthmaUrticaria (Hives)Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Rheumatic FeverRheumatoid Arthritis
Required: Nervous System BrainNervesReceptorsNeuronsSpinal CordSense Organs Gathers information about outside the body and the brain acts accordingly by instructing muscles to take action to protect the body. Monitors and maintains other body parts Bell’s PalsyAlzheimer’s DiseaseAutismMotor neurone disease (MND)ParkinsonEpilepsy
Required: Cardiovascular System HeartBloodArteriesCapillariesVeins Supplies Oxygen to body organs and removes carbon (iv) oxide and other waste by product from them.White blood cells provide protection to the body.Supplies nutrients to other body organs Heart valve diseaseCoronary artery disease Heart attackArrhythmias Heart Valve DiseasePericardial disease Cardiomyopathy Aorta Disease and Marfan Syndrome
Required: Endocrine System AdrenalThymusGlandsThyroidHypothalamusPancreasPituitary Regulates the activity of cells and organs.Keeps the body at equilibrium. Responsible for sexual development and reproductive organs. sexual dysfunction Diabetes Hypothyroidism Thyroid CancerHypoglycemiaMetabolic Disorder
Required: Respiratory System NoseTracheaBronchiBronchiolesAlveoliLungsNasal Cavity Carries oxygen into and carbon (iv) oxide out of the body through the lungs..Controls breathing and controls diaphragm muscular breathing too. BronchitisAsthmaTuberculosisPulmonary HypertensionEmphysemaPneumonia
Required:Musculoskeletal System BoneCartilageLigamentsTendonsMuscleJoint Provides protective structural mechanism against physical damage for vital organs. Develops blood cellsOrgans attach themselves to this. TendonitisOsteoporosisLupus erythematosusOsteomalaciaArthritis
Required:Digestive System MouthSalivary glandsPancreasEsophagusStomachLiverSmall & Large Intestines Crushes food into smallest particles which enzymes can further digest. Muscular contractions move food down the esophagus.Intestines absorb digested food.. PeritonitisJaundiceCrohn’s DiseaseCirrhosisGastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)Dysphagia
Optional:Lymphatic System LymphThymusLymph vesselsSpleenLiverLymph Notes containing WBC’sDiaphragm Balances body fluid by collecting and returning them to the blood.Fights pathogens since it holds a lot of WBC’s. Lymphatic FilariasisElephantiasisLymphatic systemLymphagioleiomyomatosisLymphangiosarcomaTurner Syndrome
Optional:Urinary System KidneyUreterBladderUrethra The kidneys remove liquid waste from the body. Diabetes HypertensionKidney stonesBenign Prostatic HypertrophyGlomerulonephritis
Optional:Reproductive System Ovaries Testicles SpermFallopian tubeUterus Enables reproduction.Facilitate pleasure in primates. Prostate cancerBreast cancerOvarian cancerPenile cancerUterine cancerTesticular cancer
Optional:Integumentary System EpidermisDermisSub dermisSebaceous GlandCapillariesMuscleHair Protects the body against external physical attack.Protects internal organs from being dehydrated. Regulates temperature. Skin cancerPsoriasisEczemaPhysical injuries

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