Benchmark Assignment Technology Trends Proposal Presentation

Technology Trends Proposal Presentation

HCS 483

Introduction To telemedicine:

Telemedicine is a technique of clinical amenities from a distance. It linking providers, physician’s professionals, and patients all together.

Types of Telemedicine

Store and Forward Telemedicine. Remote MonitoringInteractive Telemedicine Services

Positive Impact Of Telemedicine

Enhancing access, quality, efficacy, and cost effectiveness.Socioeconomic benefits: families, health practitioners, patients.Decreasing the variability of diagnoses.

Privacy Risk

Hackers: info transmitted electronically raises confidentiality concerns and the probable of info being vulnerable to hackers.Fraud: info used illegal by others such as performers and coverage counterfeit.Cyber securities: wellbeing sends specifying in electronic info communication security such as videoconference, faxes, and encrypted e-mail.

Security Safeguards

Evade violations of penetrating info that protects company and its patients. Healthcare administrations should take a preemptive, protective method with attentiveness to upcoming safety and confidentiality basics. Healthcare administrations must make their safety and confidentiality preparation upon business ethics.

Strategies used to evaluate telemedicine effectiveness

Control teams and units Maintenance on important of all essential modifications Impact of the implementation selecting a set group to supervise all matters relating to the software

Management Role’s of Telemedicine Initiative

Open communicationPicking the right info system Leading the company Maintenance up to date valuations

Benefits of Telemedicine that Support Initiative Quality

Improves Health outcomesReduces healthcare & other cost Increase access to healthcareAssists in addressing shortages of healthcare providers

Educational And Training Needs For The Use of Telemedicine

Person Certified Clinical TrainingRemote TrainingOnline Learning Management System( strategy needs to be set in place prior to education for telemedicine to recognize levels of capability


Telemedicine as device have significant role to play in the development of the quality and effectiveness of health system in the world.Telemedicine therefore works concerning the conception of medicine that exceeds boundaries.Telemedicine has a selection of functions in patient care, training, investigation, administration and public health. It has the possible to transport various benefits to patients, clinicians and the health facility as a complete.Telemedicine can be castoff in many distinctive methods such as enlightening healthcare approach, assistant health staffs in isolated location or directing the shorted of professional doctors  


Store and Forward. Retrieve on March 19, 2015 from Remote Patient Monitoring. Retrieve on March 19, 2015 from Grown and Impact. Retrieve on March 19, 2015 from role of telemedicine in care management. Retrieve on March 22, 2015 from Evaluating the Effects of Telemedicine on Quality, Access, and Cost. Retrieve on March 22, 2015 from


Telemedicine Provides Benefits, but Security and Privacy Risks Abound. Retrieve on March 22, 2015 from Assessment of Approaches to Evaluating Telemedicine. Retrieve on March 22, 2015 from

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