HLT-317V – Literature Review

Literature Review


Literature Review

According to the University of North Carolina, A literature review discusses published information in a particular subject area, and sometimes information in a particular subject area within a certain time period (UNC, 2017). This is imperative source or use of information in research. Literature reviews acts as guides in a particular topic, they are often utilized as a stepping stone or overview of the research. Now there are numerous applications for these, it all depends on the individual that is using them. For instance, if the individual is using a literature review for professional use, he or she may use them as a source to stay current in their field of care. For a student, they may utilize it, as a way to show or give credit to a writer and provide a solid background for a paper. Having knowledge of literature is a key component for many research papers (UNC, 2017).

  • Presently, the population are living longer than those of the past, and with the increasing age of baby boomers the number of older individuals will continue to increase in the near future (Grady, 2017). Aging is something that we will experience in life which it is completely unavoidable. As your age increases, your body become more susceptible to potential risk. One of these potential risk include Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is when the bones in the individual’s body have become quite thin and extremely brittle. Now this can make it difficult for anyone especially the elderly. We have all have heard of or possibly seen an elderly person that fell down and broke a bone due to Osteoporosis. This is due to the reduction of minerals inside the bones and thus making our bones less dense (Physical Changes in seniors, 2016). Managing the health care needs of the aging population has always been a huge toll in health care and is becoming even greater with the increase of the elderly.
  • How the Literature Review is used in Research

Ethical Considerations for Data Collection

Ethical consideration is the gathering of principles and values, which address questions of what is considered right or wrong in the affairs of humans (ALRG, 2010, July 23). Moving forward, there are some points of interest that should be considered before acting. When ethics is involved with research, there are a few types that can be used such as analysis, interview, observations and surveys. When conducting interviews or observations, you should always make it a point to have permissions from everyone who will be participating in anyway with the research (Driscoll & Brizee, 2012, September 21). In addition, when dealing with objective and subjective data, one should make certain to not allow personal opinions to sway your research and present each individual sides fairly. By doing so, it will allow an honest and unbiased report of information, which will make the research valid and more informative. It also quite important to select the proper individuals for research. Do not be inclined to use or take advantage of groups of people who are easier to access such as kids, in order complete the research more effortlessly. It is essential to provide the appropriate subjects too accurately obtain the correct type of data (Driscoll & Brizee, 2012, September 21). Not to mention, all subjects should be notified whether you plan to keep your findings anonymous or not. It will allow them to decide if they are comfortable with the research and if they ok with data being shared. In addition, being careful and sensitive with the words that are being used, so nobody is harmed or offended in anyway.

Statistical Analysis

Being able to determine the effectiveness is an important part of any study or research. Before this can be determine, one must have a base line of measurement, in order know where each of the subjects are and the severity of their problems. To be able to determine where each individuals stands, questions should be asked, to have a better understanding of where each individual measures up (Doing a cultural assessment, 2016). These are few questions that would be asked.

  • Along with osteoporosis comes another problem that one must be very aware of, this is a weaken immune system. As we age, our bodies become less efficient and because of that our chances of getting an infection or cancer greatly improve. This is most likely due to decreased immunoresponsiveness. During the aging process, our T cells begin to alter and because of this there is decrease effective immune activity (Immune System in the elderly, 2016). In addition to a weaken immune system, one of the major risk that the elderly face because of aging is Lung disease. The reason the elderly suffer so much from lung disease, is due to the inability to clear secretions. This is due to the fact, which they happen to be frailer than other individuals. For most of the elderly, this will most likely begin leading them to pneumonia. Now this happens to many elderly, In fact more elderly die from pneumonia than car accidents each year (Why the elderly are susceptible to pneumonia, 2016). Knowing this is an issue is only half of the problem, the other half is finding a way to resolve it and putting a plan into motion.
  • Determining if Information is Sufficient to Provide a Decision on Effectiveness

Once these question are answered we will go over what primary, secondary, tertiary prevention is and how it may help her to control and maintain her illness from getting the best of her. Primary prevention, we look for individuals who are high risk for developing a disorder based on biological, psychological, and social risk factors. Secondary prevention, I would explain how seeking to diagnose for a disorder is vital so it may be treated in the early stages. Tertiary prevention, is for people who already have a disorder and are looking for ways to reduce or get rid of the disorder entirely.

  • What do you think has caused your problem?
  • Why do you think it has started?
  • How severe is your illness?
  • What kind of treatment do you think you should receive?
    • What type of result are most important to receive from the treatment?
    • What is your main complaint you are having with your illness?
    • What concerns you the most about your illness?

Summary of the Conclusion

Realizing there is an issue is always the first step in solving the problem. Managing the health care for the elderly has always been a difficult task, even more so with the increase amount of baby boomers nearing retirement. This will create a huge gap in the amount of help that health care professional will be able to provide. The world is always changing and with it, so is the health of those that live on it. Especially for the elderly, which is due to their weaken immune system and frail bodies. In order to truly get a grasp on this situation, health care professionals have are trying to find ways through research, which may prove beneficial to help feel the void. In hope to be able to truly provide the level of care that offers a sufficient amount to be able to treat the patients. Being able to realize the severity of this issue, allows the health care field time to prepare, so that we may have a chance to reduce the impact of not having enough health care professionals to treat the amount of people in need of care.

Australian Law Reform Commission. (2010, July 23). What are ethical considerations? Retrieved June 11, 2017, from http://www.alrc.gov.au/publications/6-ethical-considerations/what-are-ethical-considerations

  • Work Cited:

Doing a cultural assessment. (n.d.). Retrieved June 11, 2017, from http://www.euromedinfo.eu/doing-a-cultural-assessment.html/

Grady, P. A. (n.d.). Advancing the health of our aging population: A lead role for nursing science. Retrieved June 11, 2017, from https://www.ninr.nih.gov/sites/www.ninr.nih.gov/files/drgradynogeriatricnursingjuly20112.pdf

Healthy, Normal Aging: Physical Changes in Seniors. (n.d.). Retrieved June 11, 2017, from http://www.webmd.com/healthy-aging/tc/healthy-aging-normal-aging?page=2

Immune system in the elderly. (n.d.). Retrieved October 08, 2016, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10580636

Sollitto, B. M., L., & Z. (2009). Why The Elderly are More Susceptible to Pneumonia. Retrieved June 11, 2017, from https://www.agingcare.com/articles/pneumonia-and-elders-why-they-are-more-susceptible-136822.htm

The University of North Carolina. (n.d.). Literature Reviews. Retrieved June 11, 2017, from http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/literature-reviews/

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