HU245 Unit One DB

According to our class textbook, “Ethics: Theory and Practice,” ethics is a systematic approach for what is right and what is wrong. Also referred to as moral philosophy, the concept of ethics provides capable reasoning for individuals. Ethics studies morality, which is an oversight on how humans conduct themselves and what their values are. Therefore, stating a person is ethical or unethical versus moral or immoral, either way is sighting a person as good or bad (Thiroux & Krasemann, Pg. 7, 2015). Since ethics refers to how humans treat humans, perceive humans, and ultimately determines their decision making for everyday life, ethics is an abstract of one’s character. Whether or not an individual is ethical or has good moral standards will ultimately determine whether they have good character, are trustworthy, are caring, or are considerate of those around them. Ethics is grossly important in all aspects of one’s life. I like to think I am an ethical and morally sound person. I consider others before myself, especially my children and husband, and always think of how my actions will effect those around me, even strangers.

There are multiple answers to whether being ethical is necessary. Whether for self-interest, religious beliefs, or non-supernatural beliefs, being ethical is important (Thiroux & Krasemann, Pg. 23, 2015). Whatever the reason, to determine if something is ethical, critical thinking is necessary. Without facts, you would be jumping to conclusions, you cannot make an ethical decision this way. You must determine who is affected and how they are affected, consider the consequences of the choice, think about the relevant factors and how your character is reflective of them, as well as consider your gut instinct. Ethics can also be sociologically influenced. For example, I am a Sicilian Roman Catholic. Life as such predisposed my ethical and moral beliefs. I often use profanity, after all, I was raised in New York, however, using the Lord’s name in vain, never. It is unethical to make a remark that could offend the Lord our God, it can offend those around us, it is a mortal sin, it is flagrant. But, using other profanity, the same ethical standards are not present.

Ethics are relative and culturally and sociologically influenced. In our culture, being ethical is a way of life, for most. Focusing on understanding differences, beliefs, sexual orientation, or values has become second nature, for most people. For example, sexual orientation is a huge component of society today. Does one identify as a man, woman, or a they? As a society, we maintain the dignity of those who may be trans or choose not to identify as male or female and refer to them in a way that reflects their self-image. It is unethical for a man, transgender to female, who identifies as a female to have to use a men’s room because their reproductive organs have not been altered to resemble their identity. Our society has made the ethical decision to have universal restrooms in public for this reason.


Thiroux, J. R., & Krasemann, K. W. (2015). Ethics: theory and practice. Retrieved January 9, 2020, from!/4/12/4/4/2/2/2@0:77.7.

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