Individual Food Group Chart

Data Table #2- Individual Food Group Chart

Click on “View by Meal” to find the information needed to complete this chart. It is a small link next to the Nutrient Intake Report link. Scroll down to “Food Groups” to find the information needed. Make sure you label each amount properly (cups, oz, tsp, etc…). You can save just this page or the entire document to upload to Part 2 of the assignment along with your Nutrient Reports. Please save this with your last name and food groups (example- Whalenfoodgroups).

Food Group My Plan Target(from part 1) Day 1 Eaten Day 2 Eaten Day 3 Eaten Average Eaten
Grains 10 ounces per day 5 1/2 oz. 9 1/2 oz. 12 1/2 oz. 9.17 oz.
Vegetables 4 cups per day 1 1/4 cups 2 cup(s) 2 1/4 cup(s) 1.83 cup(s)
Fruits 2 ½ cups per day 3/4 cups 1 cup(s) 0 cup(s) .58 cup(s)
Dairy 3 cups per day 1 3/4 cups 1 1/4 cup(s) 1 1/4 cup(s) 1.41 cup(s)
Protein foods 7 ounces per day 4 oz. 3 1/2 oz. 6 1/2 oz. 4.67 oz.
Oils 10 tsp. per day 6 tsp. 8 tsp. 3 tsp. 5.67 tsp.

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