Interpersonal Communication PowerPoint Presentation



Elements of a good interpersonal communication

The interpersonal communication forms the basis for both the personal and professional relationships.Every individual needs to have the interpersonal skills which are useful in communicating and interacting with other people.Some of the good interpersonal communication skills include: verbal communication- what we say and how we say it.


Non-verbal communication- how we communicate without words, the use of body language.Listening – how we interpret both the verbal and non-verbal messages.Problem solving- working with others to identify and solve problems.Decision making- exploring and analyzing options.Assertiveness– communicating values, ideas, opinions and beliefs. (Berger, 2014).

Case study 2:

Jaime, who is the office manager lacks good interpersonal communication skills.He addresses Agnes in a harsh tone and is not concerned about and ignores the fact that she is a new medical assistant.Jaime lacks good verbal communication skills and also his self talk that is communication between his ego and the unconscious ought to be better. Jaime has an irritation voice, thus his non verbal communication are undesirable. He lacks the good interpersonal communication skills.

Case study 2:

It is important to practice the good interpersonal communication skills in the organization.For instance, the three participants are to establish a good relationships and communication would be easy to them.Jaime needs to create a positive impression to the new medical assistant since she is new to the work.On the other hand, asking questions as a way of clarification would enhance good communication skills.

Conflict management styles.

The conflict represented in the case study is intrapersonal conflict which occurs within the individual. It involves the individual thought’s , values, principles and the emotions. In this case Jaime is affected mostly by his thoughts, emotions, values and principles in a way that he is harsh to both Agnes and Dr Ruiz.According to Thomas and Kilmann, the are five conflict management styles which includes: (Thomas, 2013).Accommodating.AvoidingCollaboratingCompetingCompromising.

Relationships of the case study

In the case study, the participants uses both the verbal and non verbal communication skills.However, the use of the non-verbal communication skills outweighs the negative side since the office manager is harsh while speaking and uses an irritating voice.He does not treat people equally as he undermines the new medical assistant rather than talking ‘nicely’ to her.

Listening barriers of communication.

Listening interpersonal communication skills can be improved but it needs both knowledge and efforts.In this case study, there are serial information which diminishes the parallel language processing.There is the tendency of focusing the information just internally rather than focusing it externally.The attention is also selective, it tends to miss more than it processes for instance, Agnes tends to pay attention just to Jaime and ignores the fact of asking questions.

Verbal and non verbal communication skills

The verbal skills used in the case study includes, face to face communication. The office manager faces the new medical assistant directly. Dr Ruiz also faces the two directly.In the non-verbal communication, there is the use of body languages ,gestures, use of tone and pitch of the voice. (Burgoon, 2016).For instance, Jaime, the office manager has a harsh tone while speaking. He talks with an irritating voice and even shrugs his shoulders.

Effectiveness of the interpersonal communication.

Effective communication is vital to the interpersonal skills.In this case, it is important to be aware of other people emotions. For instance, Agnes need to be aware of Jaime bad emotions.Al the three participants need to practice empathy whereby there are able to see things from the point-of-view of others.


When communicating, it is important to focus on what you intend to communicate.It is important to aim at increasing understanding of ho the receiver will receive the message.In communicating, it is important to treat people equally.(Wood, 2015).


Biocca, F., & Levy, M. R. (Eds.). (2013). Communication in the age of virtual reality. Routledge.Berger, C. R. (Ed.). (2014). Interpersonal communication (Vol. 6). Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.Burgoon, J. K., Guerrero, L. K., & Floyd, K. (2016). Nonverbal communication. Routledge.Thomas, K. W. (2013). An Overview of the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI).Wood, J. T. (2015). Interpersonal communication: Everyday encounters. Nelson Education.

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