Job Analysis Job Description

Title: Job Analysis / Job Description

Name: Amos Weefur

Professor: Dr. Jennifer Young

HRM: 530

Date: 07/27/2014

I choose Choice Hotel International. In this paper,I compare two job positions from “UnderCover Boss episodes and performed a job analysis of each description;” I described my method of collecting information from the job analysis; then created a job description from the job analysis. Lastly, I justified my belief that the job analysis and job description are in compliance with state and federal regulations.

Compare two (2) job positions from the episode and perform a job analysis of each position.

The two jobs positions I compare from the Choice Hotel International are the housekeeping and maintenance positions. The both positions are important for the smooth operations of the hotels. The hotel guests expect to have a clean environment to enjoy their stay at the hotels, the contribution these two positions makes to the smooth operations of the hotels are priceless. Employing people in these positions will require job analysis, because “job analysis is often seen as a first step to appropriately recruiting, hiring, training, and compensating workers.” (Stewart and Brown, 2012, p.128) This will allow employers to choose the right employees to perform the right jobs functions. Generally, the house keeping position is an entry lever position. Housekeepingstaffs are responsible for thegeneral cleaning of the hotel. They use tools such as vacuum and dusters. In the same way, the maintenance position is also an entry level position; its staffs are responsible for the keeping of the hotels common areas. The maintenance staffs use tools such as screwdrivers and toilet plunger. Both teams work together under a on the go working condition as hotel guests are checking in and out almost at the same time.

Describe your method of collecting the information for the job analysis (i.e., one-on-one, interview, survey, etc.).

Job analysis traditionally has been conducted in a number of ways, and organizations differ in their needs and in the resources they have for conducting job analysis. Obviously, hotels jobs are majority junior jobs, “more junior jobs tend to be decided by a one-on-one interview, usually with the employer, line manager or direct supervisor for the post in question. (Corfield, 2009, p.09) In reference to the Choice Hotel International, and in particular collecting information for the job analysis for the housekeeping and maintenance positions, the method I used is the one-on-one interview method. I used this method because it is simple, quick, inexpensive, and more comprehensive. Moreover, while conduction this interview, I can easily unearth activities that may never appear in written form. This interview can be administered at any given time at work when I meet staffs of the two departments. For instance; meeting with employees at least thirty minutes each on a regular basis and also meeting employees any place and time during working hours asking questions to collect data about work tasks.

Create a job description from the job analysis.

Job description is very important for many reasons, some are the reasons are: it create advertisement and appropriate interview questions and supply job candidates with specific information,it meets legal requirement with state and federal laws, and develop compensation programs that leads to maximum job success. Job description determines employee’s duties, “it is a series of tasks statements that describes what is to be done by people performing a job,” (Stewart and Brown, 2012, p.130) to have the right employee performing the right job.

From the job analysis, the job descriptions for Choice Hotel International house keeper staffs are to: clean rooms-make beds, vacuum, dust furniture’s, and deliver customers need such as toothpaste and toothbrushes.This is a very hard job, “housekeeping is a physically demanding and very tiring job.”(Scott, 2009, p.02) CEO Steve Joyce said “the hardest job in the hotel is housekeeping because you have to clean a number of rooms and doing that well and quickly, I think that is going to be a challenge.” While the job description for maintenance staffs are to help clean the hotels common areas and perform basic repair work. The rest of the day they are on call to handle any basic repair work that may arise.

Justify your belief that the job analysis and job description are in compliance with state and federal regulations.

Justifying my belief that the job analysis and job description of Choice Hotel International are in compliance with state and federal regulations is very clear. The organization comply with procedures that have been identify by both state and federal regulations as critical for conducting a legal defense on job analysis from which the job description is created. Some of these procedures are: “analysis results should be in writing; the method used to analyze the job should be clearly described; expert job analysts should collect data from several up-to-date sources; data should be collect from enough people to be sure the result are accurate; tasks, duties, and activities must be identified and included in the job analysis, and specify the relative degree of competency necessary for entry-level performance.”(Stewart and Brown, 2012, p.135) Moreover, the organization also complies with the Federal Uniform Guidelines on Employee selection procedure of 1978. By complying with these and many more state and federal procedures, Choice Hotel International remains open and expending, and is successful in its daily operations. The organization employ over 2000 people, and generates approximately 2million dollars a year according to the video. Pursuing this further, according to mergentonline, its revenue increased from $691,509,000 in 2012 to $724,307,000 in 2013. Also, its gross profit increased from $303,220,000 in 2012 to $317,530,000 in 2013. If the organization was not in compliance with state and federal regulations on job analysis and job description, it would not have succeeded.

Finally, I choose Choice Hotel International, and the two jobs positions I compare from the Choice Hotel International are the housekeeping and maintenance positions. I used the one-on-one interview method to collect information for the job analysis. Obviously, housekeeping does general rooms cleaning, while maintenance performs basic repair work. The organization job analysis and job description has proven to be in compliance with state and federal regulations because the hotel has selected employees who perform effectively and efficiently to in their duties which have brought success to the organization.


Stewart, G.L. & Brown K.G., (2012). Human resource management: Linking strategy to

Practice.Hoboken, NJ: John wiley & Sons, Inc.

Scott, M. (2009). Housekeeping. Chandni Chowk, Delhi: Global Media.

Corfield, R. (2009). Successful Interview Skills: How to Prepare, Answer Tough Questions and

Get Your Ideal Job. London: Kogan Page.

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