Limitations of Liability

Limitations of Liability

Grantham University


For the purposes of this policy, electronic resources are defined as all computer-related equipment, software/network applications, interconnecting networks, fax machines, telephone systems, and all information contained therein (collectively, “electronic resources”) owned by Mahtmarg Manufacturing (“the company/the organization”).

Limitation of Liability

As the Mahtmarg ISP is required to be adhered to by all employees, contractors, and authorized users, in the event that the policy is not followed, the following policy will outline the company’s limitations of liabilities.

In the event of failure to adhere to the policies set forth in the Internet Security Policy of Mahtmarg Manufacturing, to the extent permitted by applicable law, the company shall not be responsible for any loss of employee’s/contractor’s/authorized user’s personal revenue or any other damages incurred when using company systems for items that lay outside the scope of their duties with Mahtmarg Manufacturing. If persons should incur a loss during the performance of their duties, notwithstanding adhering to the policies of the ISP, damages resulting from claims relating to this agreement shall not exceed $500 (USD)

If abuse of the company’s ISP incurs a loss for the organization, the persons responsible may be held liable for restitution of all or a portion of the costs to recover from such loss up to the amount of $10,000 (USD).

Acceptance of these terms of liability are assume to be agreed to upon signing and acceptance of the company’s ISP.


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