Moral Responsibility Against Moral Theories




Moral Responsibility Against Moral Theories

As they say that sickness can befall anyone, for the case of bills cousin it is sad. It is morally upright for bill to donate the bone marrow since he is the only compatible donor among his relatives; it means that if bill does not donate the bone marrow the bill will die. My goal in this paper is to show the conflicts that are exhibited by the moral obligation of bill to those of ethical conflicts (Hill 48).

From the ethical theory utilitarianism, it states that one should what he gets maximum benefit. This is conflicting by the fact that donating the bone marrow has after consequences such as risks of an infection, adverse reactions that can result from anesthesia and risk of nerve damage. This therefore conflicts each other in that Bill will get risks other than benefits (Hill 59).

Also, from the ethical principle “respect of autonomy” we can see clear conflict in that since he is forced by his moral obligation to donate the bone marrow, it might not be his will that he donates the bone marrow since the principle states that one should be allowed to rule over his or her life. In this case he doesn’t have any option but to donate it despite his view (Hill 68).

This case also conflicts with the principle of ethics that states that any decision to be made should have justice. All the considerations made should show fairness in their make. In this case there will be no justice in the case that Bill does not will to donate a bone marrow, he will be seen in the society as a bad person and can later on suffer rejection from the society (Hill 48).

In conclusion it is clear that ethical theories and principles are not applicable in cases where moral upright is to be considered in the society. Therefore, while decisions are made, ethical principles and theories cannot be used and instead use the willingness of an in accepting the right thing that should be done.

Works Cited

Hill, Thomas E.. Contemporary ethical theories. New York: Macmillan, 2011. Print.

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