Multicultural Matrix and Analysis Worksheet

University of Phoenix Material

Multicultural Matrix and Analysis Worksheet


Part I: Select and identify six groups in the left-hand column. Complete the matrix.

Part II: Write a summary.

Part III: Format references consistent with APA guidelines.

Part I: Matrix What is the group’s history in the United States? What is the group’s population in the United States? What are some attitudes and customs people of this group may practice? What is something you admire about this group’s people, lifestyle, or society?
Native American Virtually all regions of the United States were settled by Native American civilizations before European settlers arrived in the New World in the 16th and 17th centuries. These tribes taught the European settlers new methods of agriculture and were instrumental in helping adjust settlers to the New World.Native Americans continue to fight back against what was removed from them, and to ask for the promises to be filled from long ago. Reorganization Act of 1934 gave privileges to Indian nations allowing them limited sovereignty and guaranteed them roads, health care, and education. Native Americans are indigenous to North America. In 2000 census Native Americans composed of 1.53% of the population (Ogunwole S. p. 2). There currently more than 560 Indian tribes recognized in the United States. Traditional Native Americans are very group-oriented, that look to cooperate and be patient with everyone. They value listening, giving, and living in harmony. Most Native Americans live a very spiritual life that is shared in all of their customs and ways of life. I admire the Native American history and culture as it is passed from generation to generation.Their spirituality with nature and their ongoing struggle to maintain their values is admirable. His belief in good and evil, respect for life around (animals, plants, people), and the importance of the spiritual world for them is amazing.
Hispanic Americans Before European immigrants traveled to North America the Spanish had explored, settled, and claimed land that is now California and Florida. In 1844 James Polk decided the United States wanted to expand into the lands Mexico owned. In 1848, the Mexicans gave up and the land now known as Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and California became US property. The most recent issue facing Hispanics is immigration. Laws passed in AZ and coming from other states are targeting Hispanics for being possible illegal immigrants. Tensions in the United States are high, while our governing parties decide how best to address the approximate 30 million illegal immigrants currently in the USA. Hispanics make up 15.8% of the total United States population, or 48.4 million people, forming the second largest ethnic group. Many Hispanics choose to learn their native tongue of Spanish to communicate with their families. The majority are Roman Catholics and very religious. Traditionally Hispanics are very supportive and social group. They live within families that usually goes beyond the traditional family. The Hispanic “family unit” includes not only parents and children, but also extended family. One major event that Hispanics celebrate is that of the quinceañera. When a daughter turns 15 she is honored with a huge coming out party. This takes place in a mess with what is similar to a wedding reception held after. The young woman has a court of honor, wears a large extravagant gown and receives guests in her honor. Hispanics are people who always fight for what they want, they have great love for family junction, for Hispanic the family comes first. I admire Hispanics because we are a people not surrenders to adversity and struggle for our values and beliefs. We left our country to find a new future for our family, work hard many times harder than the other ethnic groups, to achieve a dream that is sometimes difficult to achieve without knowing the language and being discriminated. It is admirable as never surrender to his desire to progress and live a better life.
African Americans Many African Americans ancestors were enslaved and brought to North America against their will. In 1865 the Thirteenth amendment to the Constitution prohibited slavery, and in 1867 the Fourteenth amendments, guaranteed the rights of all citizens. Even so, segregation laws and continued repression restricted African Americans from voting or being active citizens. In 1954 segregation in public schools was finally deemed unlawful. African Americans have had an amazing impact on the history of the United States such as Jackie Robinson, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King, Jr. African Americans make up approximately 12.6% of the population in the United States. New York has the highest number of African American residents, but Mississippi has the largest per capita of African Americans in the United States. African Americans are very family focused. Although approximately 50% are households headed by woman who are single parents. There is very high adaptability in all roles of families. African American’s are very spiritual and attending a service at a mostly black church is a very moving and inspiring experience. December 26th through January 1st, African Americans celebrate Kwanzaa with a focus on the traditional African values of family, community responsibility, commerce, and self-improvement. African Americans strive to succeed and work very hard to prove themselves their value. In African history there were constant events of oppressive conditions that affected the feel of that population. Oppression in the history of African Americans has caused the formation of several stereotypes and prejudices. It is admirable as the African people have risen up to fight for their discrimination without forgetting their roots and beliefs, in a country where do not exist discrimination, but always been present.
Jewish American Prior to 1830 there was very little Jewish American Presence in the US, with only one known Jewish community in Charleston South Carolina. Between 1880 and the end of the First World War over 2 million Jews immigrated to the US. During World War II many Jews immigrated to the United States, making the US the largest Jewish community in the world. The Jewish community has consistently dealt with hate crimes and Anti-Semitism. Jewish Americans make up only 2% of the United States population, over 42% of the world’s Jewish population is in Israel. The Jewish population in the United States is shrinking because of smaller family sizes and intermarriage. The Jewish American community follows their faith and rituals very closely. They not only believe in their faith, but they live it daily is their foods, dress and celebrations. A couple of instrumental ceremonies that happen in a Jewish Americans life are: Simchat Bat a traditional baby naming ceremony, Brit Milah removes the foreskin of a male infant, and Bar or Mat Mitzvah to celebrate the coming of age as early as age 13. I admire the Jewish Americans cultural identity that goes beyond their religion. I admire their adversity in an environment that has shunned and blamed them. Additionally, I admire how they wise they are with resources and finances to continue to be a strong force.
Muslin & Arab Americans Arabs in the US have not had a large influx, many did immigrate during the early 1900’s and a large group came for safety after the 1948 Palestine War.Most recent Arab and Muslims are being unjustly targeted for the attacks of September 11, 2001. Starting in 2008, 130 cities in the US have started accepting refugees from war-torn Iraq. These refugees are facing hate crimes and judgment as they try to fit into the mostly Christian culture. Muslims make up approximately .5% of the United States. Of that 42% are African American. Arab Americans make up about .4% of the United States population. Muslim Americans are very modest and faithful. Their religion shows in every part of their life, from their food, to their dress, to praying to the Mecca five times a day. Women wear burkas to show modesty in public.Arab and Muslims are very family and community focused, and love food in daily life and celebrations I admire Muslims and Arab Americans, for their devotion to their religion. But mostly I admire women for their strength in a macho culture. The Muslim women have experienced the worst part of the story. It may look different from the Western, with their mentality, their way of dressing, their way of being, of seeing the world. But she has the right to difference and respect. The Arab-Muslim woman has the legitimacy to claim their rights according to their references, to achieve modernity according to their identity while being Arab or Muslim in the Western world to recognize or accept. This is really admirable.
Chinese & Japanese Americans Chinese Americans immigrated to the United States to find themselves mostly part of tourism. The Japanese Americans dealt with discrimination and involuntary imprisonment during the end of the World War II. Both the Chinese and Japanese are strong learners and contribute a great deal to the economy of the United States. Chinese Americans make up about 1% of the United States population. In the United States census the question asked is Asian, so I could not find how many Japanese are in the US. The total Asian population is just under 8% and that is made up from Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese and other Asian. Both the Chinese and Japanese Americans are very respectful of their ancestry and heritage. Modern culture has so many intermarriages had the youth and the elders of these two cultures at odds. A majority of Japanese and Chinese are Buddhist and very peaceful people. The Chinese celebrate the Chinese New Year, but only figuratively. For the Japanese one of the largest celebrates in the United States is the Obon festival in July or August, to celebrate their ancestors and families with folk dance and food. I admire how accepting the Chinese and Japanese Americans are. I have found this is the most accepting group of others that I have studied. I also find their respect of others and the importance of education very admirable.
Part II:Analysis Summarize what you learned from this activity in a 350-700 word analysis of the advantages of a multicultural society and labor force. Use the following questions to guide your writing:How has U.S. society used each group’s culture to construct the group identity? How has each group been stereotyped? How accurate are these stereotypes?How does the social concept of race relate to each group? What prejudice has each group faced?How do the behavior and thinking patterns of U.S. culture apply to each group, especially regarding class systems and employment?
Part III:Sources Format your sources consistent with APA guidelines.

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