Navigating Organizational Change

Navigating Organizational Change

HCS 370

Explain the importance of continuing education regarding organizational change (100 to 175 words).

Continuing educations means that there are regular and productive meetings which aim at enhancing professional services and practices. It means that there will be less medical errors and better healthcare services for patients. It is a platform for medical practitioners to share knowledge and improve on their skills in different fields in medicine for instance, if there are new drugs or technology in the market that health care workers need to know about. It helps change the attitude of patients on healthcare whereby medical practitioners educate their patients on the best ways of taking care of their health. Continuing education also helps to identify the gaps that limit the performance of healthcare workers so that favorable solutions are established immediately to improve outcomes in healthcare organizations. It encourages sharing of new ideas especially since there are changing trends in healthcare and therefore practitioners should be adequately skilled and in the know on how to keep up with the trends.

Explain the impact this policy change may have on the organizational behavior and organizational culture of the company (100 to 175 words).

The employees will have a positive attitude when implementing their skills thus there will be favorable outcomes. All the employees will be motivated to carry out their day to day activities due to this program. Patients also will be satisfied with the experiences that they are given since they have more knowledge on how to prevent diseases. Since there are changing trends in the field of medicine, researchers will need to collaborate will employees in healthcare facilities to ensure that they are up to date with the trends which will enhance and encourage teamwork among all employees. The employees will have one goal that is to provide better healthcare services to all patients. They will embrace the culture of questioning the current state of affairs in health thus prompt research which will consequently lead to improving their skills and increasing their knowledge.

Explain barriers to change and how to address the barriers (100 to 175 words).

Financial constraints are one of the most common challenges in implementing continuing education in healthcare because these employees have bills to pay and thus it may seem strenuous and costly especially if it involves travelling. Since not all organization provide re-licensing or programs that enhance continuing education then employees have to find their own means to acquire more skills and knowledge. Some due to personal commitments, lack of motivation or poor ambition, continuing education may not be a priority to them. If goals and expectations of employees are uncertain in healthcare facilities, it could hinder development since these employees also try to balance work and personal life. Therefore, if organizations have clear goals and guidelines, have training material available, employees are motivated to pursue more knowledge then there will be positive outcomes in healthcare facilities.

Explain how this change may affect individual job performance and job satisfaction (100 to 175 words).

The employees will be more motivated to work since there will be regular training and exposure to more knowledge. It encourages employees to be committed in achieving their individual goal as well as those of the organization. It increases their competency in the field of medicine and are more qualified to work on any case and therefor influence development in their career. It also helps get a new perspective on the issue at hand and also create networks with other practitioners. When employees are well trained and equipped with the right amount of knowledge, then teamwork could lead to more productive results and good a reputation to the organization and even on the individuals who contributed to success.

Explain a motivational strategy that might be used for implementation (100 to 175 words).

When skill is rewarded or recognizing the employee who has done a good job will definitely motivate these employees to engage in continuing education since a promotion may mean an increase in their salaries which will help balance their work and personal life. Having the relevant training material and also ensuring that it is readily available will motivate the employees to seek more knowledge and improve on their skills. Outreach programs to communities will be effective to ensure that knowledge is dispensed by these healthcare workers as well as improve on their social interaction. Existence of reminders such as e-mail or support systems will encourage healthcare workers to work with the evidence provided or the knowledge given to them.

Explain how teams or groups could be used to implement this policy change. Include a review of two approaches managers can use to build team performance and two organizational barriers to team effectiveness (100 to 175 words).

Managers can set clear goals or guidelines for their employees so that they all are focused on achieving the same thing be it positive outcomes or better patient care. Having leaders who encourage and guide teamwork or having a system of protocol will increase the performance of the employees since there will be better organization and procedures and processes will be standardized. Having programs for groups which focus on skills and those that are more interactive will also be effective. This consequently means that if there is poor leadership in these facilities, then there will be mismanagement of funds and resources, and employees will be demotivated since some will quit while others overworked. Poor goals or guidelines will have these facilities in chaos because employees have different personalities and priorities thus team performance will be ineffective or even irrelevant.

Identify communication methods to be used to support this policy change implementation (45 to 90 words).

Interpersonal communication- this refers to interaction that affects the relationship between professional or employees as well as those that affect both the professional and patient.

Small group communication- a clear organization of how meeting is planned, how and when to submit reports and the interactions between health professionals.

Organizational communication- that is the accepted and most effective way employees communicate within a health facility, how employees relate to each other and the general administration of a health facility.


Dickerson, P. S. (2010). Continuing nursing education: enhancing professional development. . The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, , 100-101.

Gabbay, J. &. (2010). Practice-based evidence for healthcare: clinical mindlines. Routledge.

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