NR 500 Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography: EBP Searchable Clinical Questions

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Annotated Bibliography: EBP Searchable Clinical Questions

PICO Question: In obese or overweight adolescents (P), is exercise and diet (I) more effective in reducing weight (O) compared to using exercise alone (C) in treatment?

Bolton, K. A., Kremer, P., Gibbs, L., Waters, E., Swinburn, B., & De Silva, A. (2017). The outcomes of health promoting communities: Being active eating well initiative—a community-based obesity prevention intervention in Victoria, Australia. International Journal of Obesity, 7(3). doi:10.1038/ijo.2017.73 PMID: 28321132 [Epub ahead of print]

The objective of this article was to evaluate the practical impact of the Health Promoting Communities: Being Active Eating Wellinitiative. The composition of the initiative was multi-component community-based interventions that are community context adapted. The aim of the intervention was to promote physical activity, healthy eatingand healthier, strongercommunities. This is in direct relation with the clinical question (PICO Question) of examining is exercise and diet are more effective in reducing weight compared to exercise alone. This was a complex and ambitious initiative which attempted to expand a previously successful community-based intervention in Victoria into five new contexts and communities. The article after, after results’ analysis, concluded that the heterogeneity of the outcomes of the intervention reflects the life’s reality whereby effectiveness of certain intervention strategies are dependent on individual factors, coupled with community factors. The article recommends that future health promotion initiatives should take a systems approach into consideration in dealing with health of the community especially obesity. This article is important due to its direct relation with the clinical question that we are asking and the insightful information that it will provide to the study.

Holcomb, S. S. (2004). Obesity in Children and Adolescents: Guidelines for Prevention and Management. The Nurse Practitioner, 29(8), 9-15. doi:10.1097/00006205-200408000-00001 [CINAHL]

This is evidently an insightful, high evidence article. Holcomb uses empirical evidence to explain the guidelines for management and prevention of obesity and overweight in children and adolescents. Our EPB clinical question is about management and prevention of obesity and overweight in adolescents, hence this article is not only directly linked to the key tenet of our study but also offers the key information needed to complete the EBP clinical question. Holcomb explains how nurses (RN or other nurses) can accomplishprevention and management obesity in adolescentsandchildren. The information from this article is not only important for informing our PICO question on the basic tenets needed for obesity management and prevention but for guiding key ideas– exercise and diet – in obesity and overweight prevention and management.It is a guideline hence an important for this and other PICO questions of related content.

Larsen, L., Mandleco, B., Williams, M., &Tiedeman, M. (2016). Childhood obesity: Prevention practices of nurse practitioners. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 18(2), 70-79. doi:10.1111/j.1745-7599.2006.00105.x [The Joanna Briggs Institute database]

Other than being peer reviewed, this article is also high evidencebecause of its clearly direct relation with childhood obesity and contribution to nursing and pediatrics. The authors of this article purposed to (a) describe the obesity prevention practices that nurse practitioners (NPs) could employ to children and adolescents, and (b) compare the identified practices of NPs by practice setting, specialty, and awareness of the prevention guidelines of childhood obesity. The article also needed to identify relationships between prevention practices and demographic variables of NPs, and (d) examine the resources for and barriers to implementing prevention practices.The purposes of this article offers the exact information to answer the needs of our PICO question on obesity in adolescents. The research article identifies the significant practices that nurses perform tohelp prevention of obesity in childhood running through adolescents.

Small, L., Anderson, D., &Melnyk, B. M. (2007). Prevention and Early Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Young Children: A Critical Review and Appraisal of the Evidence. PediatrNurs. 2007; 33(2):149-161, 127. © 2007 Jannetti Publications, Inc. [PubMed]

In this article Small, Anderson and Melnys (2007) provides clear evidence about prevention and the early treatment of obese and overweight in young children. The article has the same focus that drives our PICO question. Our PICO question focused on “obese, overweight, or at risk adolescents. The authors of this article focus on the effects of early treatment or prevention interventions as opposed to comparison or control interventions on weight lossorhealthy weight maintenance. The information from this study is very significant to our PICO clinical question because of the clear information it offers and direct relation with our area of study. The study article found out that pediatric healthcare providers usually experience a chronic problem in practices with adolescents and their families as regards to obesity. The authors recommend diet and exercise asimportant prevention and treatment strategies of obesity and overweight.


Bolton, K. A., Kremer, P., Gibbs, L., Waters, E., Swinburn, B., & De Silva, A. (2017). The outcomes of health promoting communities: Being active eating well initiative—a community-based obesity prevention intervention in Victoria, Australia. International Journal of Obesity, 7(3). doi:10.1038/ijo.2017.73 PMID: 28321132 [Epub ahead of print]

Holcomb, S. S. (2004). Obesity in Children and Adolescents: Guidelines for Prevention and Management. The Nurse Practitioner, 29(8), 9-15. doi:10.1097/00006205-200408000-00001 [CINAHL]

Larsen, L., Mandleco, B., Williams, M., &Tiedeman, M. (2016). Childhood obesity: Prevention practices of nurse practitioners. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners, 18(2), 70-79. doi:10.1111/j.1745-7599.2006.00105.x [The Joanna Briggs Institute database]

Small, L., Anderson, D., &Melnyk, B. M. (2007). Prevention and Early Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Young Children: A Critical Review and Appraisal of the Evidence. PediatrNurs. 2007; 33(2):149-161, 127. © 2007 Jannetti Publications, Inc. [PubMed]

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