Health Affecting Minorities

Health Affecting Minorities

Grand Canyon University: NRS 429VN

Health Affecting Minorities

In the United States, minority groups have been one of the issues concerning the health care. As health care continues to change, people continue to refuse or ignore their health and putting off on when to see their doctors. Hispanics are one of the minorities groups that type-2 diabetes has been affecting them. Therefore, addressing the health status, barriers factors, disparities, health promotion and preventions will be focused on the Hispanic minorities.

Hispanics are more likely to be diagnosed with type-2 diabetes than a non-Hispanic whites (Zonderman ed al., 2014). As well as Hispanics at 8.7% are more likely to develop a chronic illness where a non-Hispanic white will be at 12.4% (Zonderman ed al., 2014). According to Piccolo et al. (2015), not only are Hispanics have one of the highest to have type-2 diabetes, also the Black community and unable to control the disease as well as have more complications than the non-Hispanics whites. Also in comparison with non-Latino whites, they pay lower rates on their insurance coverage due to their low income, where they are located at or language barriers between healthcare provider (Ortega et al., 2015). In addition, the Hispanics face health barriers to their health and other factors that influence their health.

According to Piccolo ed al. (2015), disparities is considered the differences in the mortality and burden of the disease as well as other conflicting health conditions in population groups. In the racial and ethnicity population, the differences in diabetes can be associated with the lack of control over the diabetes. Other influencing factors can be considered for instance, socioeconomic separation by having less resource to healthy foods, recreational areas and in some situations not having access to physical resources may not be an issue (Piccolo ed al., 2015). Other issues may be affected for instance is poverty, living in a residential area where there is a higher crime rate decrease the outdoor activities. Hispanics and African American obtaining an education level from less than a high school to college or advance degree (Piccolo ed al., 2015). For the Affordable Care Act to improve and change what should be paid for prevention and programs to decrease chronic illnesses (Ainsworth & Ananian, 2013). Therefore, understanding what is health promotion and health disparities.

Health promotion is defined as “the science and are of helping people change their lifesty0le to move toward a state of optimal health (Edelman et al, 2014).” This is not to focus on certain diseases, but to focus on improving the health of families, individuals and the communities. Collecting data involving risk factors, health promotion behaviors, and the outcomes are enough to develop the Healthy People 2020 objectives (Edelman et al, 2014). In addition to health promotion, would be health prevention in the struggle with type-2 diabetes.

For primary prevention in the Hispanic community for type-2 diabetes is to prevent the disease. Focusing on who is at risk and who is not for developing this disease. The Hispanic community needs to be aware of this disease, so the chances of getting the disease are decreased. Some examples are eating a healthy diet, exercising or being in some form of physical activity to decrease obesity that plays a major role in this disease. These are some traditions that can be passed on from the parent to the child as well from community to community as a role in cultural aspect and not be considered hereditary (Edelman et al, 2014). For the secondary prevention would be that the type-2 diabetes has been identified and diagnosed. So in this stage, one must delay the disease progression and prevent complications that may occur. This can be implemented if the disease was found or diagnosed at an early stage. For examples monitoring blood sugars, weight, lifestyle changes which include decrease or avoid drinking alcohol and smoking. Maintaining a physical activity, whether it may be walking, running, yard work or going to the gym. The tertiary prevention would be taking medications to treat the type-2 diabetes by seeing the doctor on a regular basis, monitoring your skin, blood sugar and cholesterol by having blood work done. Preventing other health concerns that can follow the disease for examples heart disease, neuropathy. Since in the Hispanic community, hypertension is another health concern that is faced in today’s society as well as having a body part amputated.

Health care plays a major part in today’s society, but also there is lack of education and understanding of the importance of one’s health. Health promotion and health preventions continue to change as not everyone understands or refuse to see a physician before any chronic disease becomes a risk or diagnosed. Everyone’s health is important no matter what race or ethnicity he/she belongs too.


Ainsworth, B. E., & Ananian, C. D. (2013). Wellness Matters: Promoting Health in YoungAdults. Kinesiology Review. 2(1), 39-46.

Edelman, C. L., Kudzma, E. C., & Mandle, C. L. (2014). Health Promotion Throughout the LifeSpan (8th ed.). St, Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Mosby. [VitalSource Bookshelf Version].Retrieved from

Ortega, A. N., Rodriguez, H. P., & Bustamante, A. V. (2015). Police Dilemmas in Latino Health

Care and Implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Annual Review of Public Health,

36, 525.

Piccolo, R. S., Duncan, D. T., Pearce, N., & McKinlay, J. B. (2015). The Role of Neighborhood

Characteristics in Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Type 2 Diabetes: Results from the Boston

Area Community Health (BACH) Survey. Social Science & Medicine (1982)130, 79–90.

Piccolo RS, Pearce N, Araujo AB, McKinlay, JB. (2014).The Contribution of Biogeographic

Ancestry and Socioeconomic Status to Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Type 2 Diabetes:

Results from the Boston Area Community Health (BACH) Survey. Annals of

Epidemiology, 24(9): 648-654.

Zonderman, A. B., Ejiogu, N., Norbeck, J., & Evans, M. K. (2014). The Influence of Health

Disparities on Targeting Cancer Prevention Efforts. American Journal of PreventiveMedicine, 46(3), S87-S97.

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