How competing needs impact in policy development
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Policy development in healthcare is an important tool as it controls the behavior and every act in health organizations. Employees, employers, patients and other stakeholders need to understand the rules and regulations governing the healthcare. Development of policy has also been affected by variety of competing needs ranging from workforce stress and burnout, the patients and resource availability (Mark et al. 2012). Shaping and developing healthcare policy helps in maintaining public goods and services in order to provide supportive environment. Patients may indirectly directly impact policy development. This paper therefore, discusses some of the competing needs influencing the development of policy in healthcare.
Competing needs help an organization find insights and solutions for the problems at hand and problems in future. Health organizations should have questions guiding the services given to the customers. Like how possible can new operation practices can be implemented to and bring change? This can be made possible through set of policies supporting the operation. Getting started and evaluating the plan should be in the front line. Involving the staff, the customers and other stakeholders is the best way to make informative decisions. Sustaining the policy can be possible if background and guarding rules are set (Anderson, & Aydin, 2015). The staff should as well be educated about the new developments as well as the new practices and how to digest the change. During plan implementation, there are some of the competing needs which include workforce and patients; there may be inadequate workforce when patient demand is high. This affects the organization and it may build a wrong reputation because some patients fail to be attended to.
Every organization has got ups and downs; the competing needs like resources may bring a lot of challenges to the organization. It may also bring positive impacts. If the public and private goods are managed well, the organization is impacted positively. If there is mismanagement in an organization, the impacts automatically are negative. Development of policy therefore helps the organization in keeping equilibrium state of an organization. Work stress and burnout is one of the challenges highly affecting the development of policy (Tausig, & Fenwick, 2011). Work stress and burnout has been seen to affect most physicians due to long working hours and extreme conditions. This may in turn affect policy development because these physicians should be the role model to other people and if they already have burnouts and stress it means that policy implementation would be difficult. Other employees would be so rigid to implement the policy and follow the rules. Mental sicknesses from patients may cause work burnouts and stress. Mental illness is stressful not only to the family members but also to the doctors (Stanhope, & Lancaster, 2015). Doctors need support too, they need someone to talk to, they need to rest and have free time. Disease outbreak is also another trigger to physician stress and burnouts.
In conclusion, policy development can help in finding solutions to problems of mental illness. In addition, training more doctors so that there are work shifts and should be followed to the latter. Organizational policies and practices contain behavioral ethics which has positive impacts to the organization and the employees (Stanhope, & Lancaster, 2015). For instance, if there are more doctors in healthcare, it means that the shifts would ensure physicians have some time to rest. The competing needs help to improve the working conditions and ensure the goals have been achieved.
Anderson, J. G., & Aydin, C. (2015). Evaluating the Organizational Impact of Health Care Information Systems. Berlin, Germany: Springer Science & Business Media.
Mark A. Stebnicki; LCP; DCMHS; CRC; CCM, & Irmo Marini, D. (2012). The Psychological and Social Impact of Illness and Disability, 6th Edition. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.
Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2015). Public Health Nursing: Population-centered Health Care in the Community. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Health Sciences.
Tausig, M., & Fenwick, R. (2011). Work and Mental Health in Social Context. Berlin, Germany: Springer Science & Business Media.
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