Opinion paper Questions and Answers

Opinion paper Questions and Answers

Opinion paper Questions and Answers

Crime is an action punishable by the law.

Criminality is the state of being an offender. It can also be said to be the series of actions portraying you as a criminal.

Criminal justice is a system which delivers justice to those people who have committed crimes.

Deviance is a behavior that goes against the societal norms while criminality is a behavior that goes contrary to the set state laws and forces the government to administer punishments.

Deterrence theory is a psychological theory that states that with fear we can never prevent future crimes. It is important to administer punishment to the victim in order to create fear of future crimes.

Age of enlightenment is the period of time between the year 1715-1789 whereby it consisted of intellectual movement and challenged traditional views. This period was characterized by world of ideas whereby it was led by Thomas Hobbes, john Locke, Adam smith, jean Jacques, voltaraire, Thomas Jefferson and many others.

Define classical school of criminology

Classical school of criminology emerged after the age of enlightenment in order to study the behavior of wrong doers. Classical school assumes that the individual makes choice to make crime and fear pain. It also suggests that the people involved in crime have got rights which should not be violated.

Three characteristics of punishment

Punishment is the act administered negative to the behavior. Punishment has got various characteristics which include: a behavior has got consequence, reduction in certain behavior is resulted from particular consequence and behavior decreases in strength.

Neoclassical school of criminology base ideas of committing the crime to the individual but does not consider the environmental forces. It states that due to individual desires, an individual calculates how to get pleasures without pain. Neoclassical school of criminology extends the ideas of classical school.

Theories of victimization

Victimization is an act that exploits an individual making the person a victim.

The four theories are:

The victim participation theory- this theory views the victim as the catalyst of initiating the crime.

Lifestyle theory- it views the lifestyle choices as the key standpoint for the crimes committed. Lifestyles expose the offenders to situations of committing the crimes (Cole, 2009). 

Deviance place theory-this theory portrays dangerous exposures as the main causes of crime to individuals.

Routine activity theory- these are the type of activities of daily basis that are done by an individual. This theory suggests that, it due to these routines that the individuals are subjected t5o crimes.

Stand your ground law is a rule that establishes the individual right of protection. The individual may be entitled to use lethal force in defending himself or herself.


Cole, D. (2009). No equal justice: Race and class in the American criminal justice system (Vol. 1). New York: New Press.

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