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Influential diagram is one of the best methods used to draw the best decision which is in form of mathematical or graphical representation. Working as a team, influential diagram is highly applicable where it gives the best solution. They are influential because they add much impact on the decision whereby they take three components of the situation. On the other hand, decision tree is the best tool which helps many to make strong decision from variety of decisions. They are the best tools simply because they offer variety of options for you to choose the best solution. It is the best compared with the influential diagram. Decision tree allows for investigation whereby one is able to make comparison from the outcomes depending on the risks and success (Dunn, 2012).
These two problem presentations are the best for descriptive and normative they give room for many trials as possible. This allows an individual to make the best decision about the situation. From the drawings one can be able to make clear conclusions from what is drawn. In policy analysis there is monitoring of data which is collected for the policy to be made. Evaluation is done from the monitoring of the data. For instance, monitoring the process in organization helps to know the weaknesses. Evaluation therefore is done for new strategies to be implemented. Monitoring and evaluation are applicable in every situation to provide insight for effective future changes. Monitoring is an assessment that is done continuous in an organization to collect data for future changes while evaluation is the monitoring and evaluation is done to improve the current standards of the organization. Monitoring and evaluation helps to make policies which should be followed in order to achieve the objectives and goals of the organization (Jensen et all. 2004).
Multiple Triangulations
Multiple triangulations are the process of using cross-checking data from variety of data sources. This is mostly used by the researchers in order to get the best data and make clear, effective conclusions. Triangulation gives quality research because the data is from various sources. This method can be used in qualitative and quantitative data research. There are also weaknesses of triangulation whereby the data collected may be different becoming hard for the researchers to make one conclusion. There could be also errors from the various sources becoming difficult to get the true values. For instance, surveying a land requires multiple triangulations in order to come up with the right values. This may take long to get the results and errors may occur (Howard, & Matheson, 2005).
In conclusion, argumentative mapping helps a police maker to make the best arguments in their decisions. In analysis of their argument, argumentative mapping provides information to the policy maker to make the best analysis and make effective conclusion and allows an individual chance to form an argumentative diagram to share with other people. For instance, Athena is a argumentative tool which is used in educational sector and easy to understand.
Resources Dunn, W. N. (2012). Public policy analysis (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Pearson Education, Inc
Howard, R. A., & Matheson, J. E. (2005). Influence diagrams. Decision Analysis, 2(3), 127-143.
Jensen, F., Jensen, F. V., & Dittmer, S. L. (2004, July). From influence diagrams to junction trees. In Proceedings of the Tenth international conference on Uncertainty in artificial intelligence (pp. 367-373). Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc..
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