Evaluation of Agency’s Public Personnel Administration

Evaluation of Agency’s Public Personnel Administration






Evaluation of Agency’s Public Personnel Administration

Organizational Design

The organizational design for the Social Security Administration would be the Tom Burns’ Mechanistic and Organismic design which ideally accommodates the functional organizational structures in which each docket is different in terms of its functionality and that are autonomous as the Social Security Administration Agency. This is because with the increase in the variables and complexities in the environment today that is rather unstable. It would then be safe to embrace the above design which was already adopted for its purpose.

Its strengths are seen in their functionality and purpose. The mechanistic facet addresses the stability of the environment whereas the organismic focuses on the unstable factors in this case referring to the technological advancement. The weakness arising are that the individual designs cannot fully address the fluctuations with time and application of some designs may be so rigid to make the system become functional.

Global Linkages and Personnel Management

The world is considered a small community with the potential of growth as one. This is based on the interrelationships arising from the need for skills for a particular field and the global developments as well. In the establishment of the social security agency there was the consideration of all members from different nations and included the expart-related tax issues bearing in mind subjects like residence for tax purposes, claims arising out of the international tax reliefs. This then form the taxation for residents from overseas and not citizens by birth.

In the rise of technology and availability of the networks it would then state that the future of personnel management to be different and more advanced. This is because of the rapid changes that are being experienced. Globally the companies are actually employing the students whom they tend to recruit online through the social networks to acquire the talent brand which is more like marketing depending on how you wish to view it.

Personnel Recruitment and Hiring Practices

Concerns have been raised and it’s clear that today the claims are increasing and growing faster than the social security administration can process them and to be able to address the issue there is more need for staffing, hiring and training additional staff. Recruitment could be defined as the “process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new employees are selected.

Most organizations have recruitment policies, the most significant being three of them namely: Policy on either internal or external recruitment. Internal policy of recruitment is preferred because existing employees know the organization and fit well with organization’s culture. The workforce recruited is supposed to be qualified for the end purpose of ensuring that the achievement of the agencies goals. In today’s tight labour market, just finding the right people to interview can be a major challenge. It is important to seek every opportunity to locate potential applicants. While print advertising has remained the primary recruiting medium for most organizations, an analysis of costs has led many companies to seek additional methods.

These include the following practices: Recruiting applicants even when you’re not hiring; Developing a contact database of people you’re interested in; Partnering with a skilled staffing service to recruit for you; Redesigning jobs to take advantage of available talent; Encouraging referrals make your company the best place to work; Using temp-to-hire options with a staffing service to “test out” before you commit to hiring; Going global: can your work be done by someone across town, across the country, or across the world? ;Using on-line career fairs to gain exposure to more applicants; Posting job openings on your company’s web site; Filling in with temporary clerical, technical, professional, or executive staff while you look.

Most institutions have found it easy to actually to get the best talents in the professional networks and one is able find himself a person qualified to be hired for the task underlying. This has been advanced by the technological growth that is being experienced all over the world. This has led to the e- recruitment that is being adopted by institutions and is proving to be more effective in the long run and cheaper.

Qualified personnel are a key asset in any agency because it would curb the costs that would be attained in the training of the employer. This would lead to retention of the persons. Recruitment now is viewed as marketing and need for branding is necessary.it determines the type of people that should actually be considered as well as the environment (Machado, 2013).

Employee Skills Training

The achievement of the agency’s objectives will be guaranteed if the humans or employees present fulfill the following conditions that are essential that is: there are optimal number attained having relevant competencies and the said staff correctly deployed to do what is suitable for them. The other roles are to ensure the topic of motivation and compensation is correctly addressed to ensure optimal performance to ensure efficiency and productivity and the staff capacity is continuously improved and performance correctly managed. The other key aspect is that of Staff development to ensure continuous improvement. This includes the training and development of the employees or the staff skills that are relevant to the requirements of the social security administration so that there is no straining in one end thus ineffectiveness.

The social security administration agency in most cases requires that once after the recruitment the new staff undergo six to eight month training. In this time there is impartation of the relevant skills required for the person to be aware of the work environments as well as the specific tasks that they will be required to carry out. Others have examinations administered to them at the end of the session (Mallor et al, 2015).

The main reasons for employee training skill are as follows; requirement as per the performance appraisal for those existing employees, introduction of an important topic that is specific to the agency or arising matter, as part of succession planning in this case with the retirement issue at hand therefore those moving to replace the retired are not ambushed but rather planned for the change in roles in within the agency. It’s done as a general requirement of the professional development program and for the assessment of the performance improvement and test of the performance management system in place.

The agency’s approach to training and programs provided for new and existing employees for the development of knowledge, skills, and overall competencies as mentioned above are meant for the optimal performance of the employees in the agency and service of the society in general. However there are strengths and weaknesses associated with the approaches used. To begin with the strengths it changes the way in which the employees view each other e.g. when training on the sexual harassment among others. The awareness is made known e.g. the adoption of the new technologies and methods in the agency.

This rises with the technological advancement. The other strength is that morale and job satisfaction of the employees is boosted and thus increased efficiency in the services rendered and processes resulting to economical gain or stability. Weaknesses that arise are that the system at times being a federal system might be jammed with the department failing to be flexible. Secondly the employees given one- size- fits -all kind of training that fails to give room for selective approach kind of training that would give opportunity to follow the self-paced, online and self-directed training.

Recruiting and Training Recommendations

The following are the recruitment and training recommendations that are necessary for the social security administration. The social security administration should actually create larger and accommodative budgets and plan on hiring a bigger number of employees. Considering the amount of service rendered to the public and those rendering the services for there to be maximum efficiency and effectiveness there is great need. This would improve the timely aspect. The social security also provides that the employees retire at a particular timing thus there is need for a lot that would easily fit in the system. This would make the agency focus on the retention of the employees after massive and educative training of the skills for newly employed and those already existing in the agency.

The second recommendation is the planning for generational shifts. Considering that the number of employers who retire increases and each year the acquires new benefits then this requires the increase in workforce to replace those that are eligible to retire e.g. when the baby boomers retire the millennials enter to take charge and the employers are required to find strategies to impart the valuable skills to the younger generation. The human resource departments have to put up to approaches to train and inspire millennials. This is more relevant to the social security administration.

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