PHI 445 Wk 1 Discussion: Utilitarianism

Utilitarianism Deontology Ethics Virtue Ethics
Is when ones actions are just if it benefits the most people as a whole. Doing what is right regardless of the consequences. “Is the view that morality is grounded in the virtuous character traits that people acquire” (Fieser, 2015, p.1.3)
The theory of right action maximizing the value, which in turn maximized the amount of happy people. Basing the moral action as right or wrong based on principle. It comes from our natural tenancies and urges.

WK 1

Start your initial post by identifying two characteristics of utilitarianism, two characteristics of virtue ethics, and two characteristics of deontology.

First, present an ethical problem confronted by Starbucks. You can choose one such ethical problem from the video.

Starbucks has run into many ethical problems over the years. In 2006, Starbucks was being sued by the owner of a small coffee shop in Washington that accused them of allegedly engaging in anti-competitive practices that drove her out of business (Urda, 2006). Patricia Stafford, owner of Belvi Coffee and Tea Exchanged accused Starbucks of buying out competitors and then closing the stores, they also offered to pay over the leasing amount on property so that the owners would not lease to any other coffee shop type business.

Then, apply the characteristics of utilitarianism that you identified for this discussion in the attempt to solve this problem.

Using the characteristics listed above about Utilitarianism, Starbucks would be in labeled as being unethical. By burying out competitors and then closing the stores or paying more in leasing fees to have exclusive property areas, they are only looking at what benefits the company. They have a complete disregard for the consequences of their actions. Their actions do neither to maximize the happiness of the majority or benefit the whole. In order to solve such problem or future allegations they are now striving to stand by what they have in their Business Ethics and Compliance. Their standard of business conduct states “Starbucks best interest to promote free and open competition. Starbucks must make its own business decisions, free from understandings or agreements with competitors or suppliers that restrict competition” (Starbucks, p.14).

After this, analyze how the notion of the moral good present in utilitarianism, and the characteristics that you identified in particular, shape the approach to solving this problem.

The moral good in utilitarianism is part of doing actions that benefit the whole. By looking at the situation as a whole it could be seen that Starbucks was guilty of what they were accused. According to their Business Ethics and Compliance, they are focused on fair competition and community growth.


Fieser, J. (2015). Introduction to business ethics [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

Starbucks (2011). Business Ethics and Compliance. Retrieved from

Urda, A. (2006, September 26). Starbucks Beaned by Antitrust Suit. Law 360. Retrieved from



In your post you listed some good characteristics for Utilitarianism, virtue ethics, and deontology. You also pointed out a good situation that Starbucks faced and how they responded. From the video you pointed out the steps Starbucks took to help the farmers and their families, which in turned helped the economy. The C.A.F.E practices that Starbucks offers to the coffee farmers is a very generous one. In the video Dub Hay, Senior V.P. Coffee mentioned that they not only pay premium price for the coffee the get but they pay premium price on top of that. He states that it is for the benefit of the farmers and the workers, so they are paid a fair wage. However, I wonder if by doing this it makes it hard for small coffee shops to purchase coffee from the same farmers? If they are not willing to pay the same as Starbucks do they get turned down? Starbucks has allegedly been accused of engage in anti-trust practices to close small coffee shops in the area they are in. They have also been accused of bulling small coffee shops in or to get them to close. What do you think about that?


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