POS-301 Analyzing Tax Worksheet

POS-301: Analyzing Tax Worksheet

Complete all five parts of the worksheet.

Part One: Income Tax

Use one of your paystubs to fill in the table below.

  Who Determines the Amount of Tax? Services the Tax is Applied Towards
Federal Tax Congress The Army or Navy
State Tax State Houses Historical restoration
Social Security Tax congress Retirement Checks
Medicare Tax Congress Towards medicare
Other (Please specify)    

Part Two: Sales Tax

Use a receipt for a purchase you have made recently to answer the questions below.

Part Three: Utility Tax

Use one of your utility billsto answer the questions below.

Part Three: Utility Tax

Use one of your utility bills to answer the questions below.

Part Four: Property Tax

Use one of your own property tax statements to answer the questions below.

Part Four: Summary and Analysis

Part Five: Summary and Analysis

Write a 200-350-word summary below of your findings and what you have learned about how you are taxed.

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