PS220 Unit 5 Assignment: Multidisciplinary Team

Unit 5 Assignment: Multidisciplinary Team

Group Name (Ex. “Group A) _____Team 4_______

Each team member will submit this form to the Unit 5 Assignment Dropbox.

This form will document how you collaborated to create the child care center for the Unit 5 Assignment. Additionally, this form will be partly used to grade the group on the Professional Competency Outcome PC-1.1: Engage in a team setting with professional integrity and respect.

Team Members (assigned by faculty member):

1. Jennifer Buck

2. Vicki Garland

3. Tamara Hamilton

4. Heather Hudson

5. Kristin Miller

6. Katrina Wilcox


How did the team decide on who completed which section of the Assignment?

I believe each team member chose what part they wanted to do.

Enter the names of the students who completed each section of the Assignment.

(If you are NOT assigned to a team of 7, then not all sections will be covered; however, each team should utilize an Introduction and a Conclusion.)

Introduction (name): ___unknown______

Speech-language therapist (name): ____unknown_____

Physical therapist (name): ____unknown_____

Developmental psychologist (name): _____unknown____

Cognitive psychologist (name): __Vicki Garland_______

Family Psychologist (name): ___unknown______

Conclusion (name): ____unknown_____

How did your team decide on how deadlines were met?

My team didn’t really communicate in the team discussion section. There was a couple of people who did but it was just an introduction and one was asking someone if they wanted to be team leader.

Who on the team compiled all of the slides into one final presentation?

I think Katrina was the team leader, which she really didn’t communicate well with me. I don’t know how she communicated with others because no one discussed anything in the team area.

How did the team communicate in the Team Area? Was the collaboration process useful? Did each members of the team engage with the team with integrity and respect? Explain your answers.

The team didn’t really discuss anything in the team area. I do not like it when we have to do team assignments. I asked a team member for help and she was extremely unpleasant to me and refused to help me. She told me to go talk to the professor. The way this team member worded her email, I felt like she disrespected me and she made me feel like I wasn’t important to her team and that I wasn’t as smart as what I really am.

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