Learning Team Deliverable

Learning Team Deliverable





Learning Team Deliverable

Our understanding of the Neo-Analytical theory is one that focuses on approaching the psychology of personality from a standpoint of the individual’s sense of self as the core aspect of the individual’s personality. Thus, being Neo-Analytic is the sum of all parts that embodies the individual human existence which in turn forms one’s personality.

According to Freud’s theory the mind is divided into two parts the conscious and the unconscious. The conscious mind of course includes everything that we are aware of and this is the aspect of our mental process. We think, we talk, and we rationalize. Memory is included in this which is part of our consciousness. Then there is the unconscious mind which is a reservoir of thoughts, emotions, urges, and memories outside of our consciousness. Some of the unconscious are unacceptable, unpleasant, and contain painful conflicts. According to Freud, the unconscious influences our behavior and experience, even though we are unaware of this influence. Freud believed that dreams and other thoughts are made up of images that are readily accessible to recall or manifest, but that these images are often symbolic of unconscious issues and tensions that is, they have latent meaning. However, Jung’s work focused more on the aspects of conscious and unconscious thought which formed an individual’s personality more so in the second half of the individual’s life because the individual would then become more aware of his or her unconscious thoughts; thus, promoting the individual’s personality to evolve with this new found awareness of self. In turn, this would differ from Freud’s original premise, because it does not accept sexual drive as a motivator for one’s mental life although it does accept that the conscious and unconscious mind plays a role in personality (Tyler, 2015).

This new train of thought leads us now to new theories of personality in which differ those of Freud and the original framework of what Freud thought to have formed one’s personality. For instance, Adler considered that personality is formed by individual desires that focus on one’s drive to compensate for one’s feeling of being inferior to another. Which in leads to an inferiority complex and in order meet this individual need one had to find a way to measure up to the standards that are set by one’s society. In this way Adler’s approach differed from Freud’s beliefs that all are only motivated by sexual and aggressive urges. For Freud, the prime motivators were pleasure remember that the id operates on the so-called pleasure principle and sexuality. For Adler, human motivations were much more complex. Adler called his theory Individual Psychology because he firmly believed in the unique motivations of individuals and the importance of each person’s perceived niche in society. Adler’s theory continued to evolve it underwent a series of changes as his thoughts about human motivations changed.


Tyler, J. (2015). A Manager’s Most Important Deliverable. In Building Great Software Engineering Teams (pp. 99-104). Apress.

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