Understanding the Mind of a Narcissist

Understanding the Mind of a Narcissist

Ashford University

PSY 326: Research Methods

Understanding the Mind of a Narcissist

Narcissism, pathological self-absorption, was first identified as a mental disorder by physician Havelock Ellis, a British essayist. Narcissism can be defined as an inflated self-image and an addiction to fantasy, by an unusual composure and coolness disturbed when the confidence of the narcissist is threatened (EncycopediaBritannica,2018). The narcissist tends to take other people for granted or to exploit them. The mythical origin of a narcissist relates to the ancient figure Narcissus, who fell in love with his reflection. The gods sentenced Narcissist to life without respect. He fell in love with his reflection when sitting at a pool of water and died hungering for a response. Like Narcissus, the narcissist only “love” themselves, as reflected in the eyes of others. Sigmund Freud confirms narcissism as “a normal stage in child development,” but researchers consider it a mental disorder if it continues after puberty (Lancer, 2018).

This outline won’t be going in-depth about all the afflictions of a narcissist but will be generalizing the main characteristics and patterns that may be hard to pick up on until the victim is in a manipulating position that may put them at risk. Many dominant factors will be present. We will be researching the beginning roots of this disorder, the symptoms a person may exhibit from early childhood till adult stage, and treatment options available, if any, as well as exploring the effects a mental condition like this has on personal and social relationships. We will look at the cognitive development of a narcissist from early childhood, focusing on the child’s family connections and his or her relationship with daycare providers, doctors, mother and father, and peers in and out of a classroom environment. Scholarly articles from the Ashford Library will provide factual journal information that will validate my findings on the different areas of investigation. The six articles that will be utilized are:

Lancer, Darlene (2018) JD.MFT. Understanding the Mind of a Narcissist. Toxic Relationships. Psychology Today. https://youtu.be/HCPnZ51dO6A

  1. Understanding the Mind of a Narcissist is a journal article from Psychology Today, written by Darlene Lancer, JD. MFT. Darlene is a licensed marriage and family therapist, and an expert and author on relationships and codependency. This article refers to my topic because it focuses on the direct effects of how the behavior of narcissism effect relationships and explains the behavior patterns exhibit by the narcissist from early evaluations unto adulthood. It gives us information to think about being able to identify the traits of the narcissist when encountering those with qualities similar to the ones she has listed.

Kluger. Jeffrey, (2014). The Narcissist in All of Us Psychology Today pages 78-84.

  1. The Narcissist in All of Us, by Jeffrey Kluger, is a journal article from the Ashford Library. Jeffrey is an editor at large at Time. He is a co-author of the bestseller “Apollo Thirteen” and the author of many other books, including The Sibling Effect, the Narcissist Next Door, and two novels. The reason for choosing this journal article is a cartoon version of drawings of the factual features of persons considered narcissists in their own right. The report claims there is a narcissist in all of us and pinpoints the similarities we all share with the narcissist behavior (Kluger, 2014).

of their success to their uniqueness, always bragging and drawing attention to themselves. We will review how their decision-making process becomes rectified by a short-term interest in making reasonable and measured options that will satisfy their ego. Their failures are blamed totally on their counterparts, taking none upon themselves. The risk of becoming a narcissist can come from parenting styles that are overprotective or neglectful (Campbell,2004). https://sk-sagepub-com.proxy-library.ashford.edu/video/jean-twenge- defines-narcissism.

  1. Narcissism, Confidence, and Risk Attitude is a journal article by W. Keith Campbell, Adam S. Goodie, and Joshua D. Foster: all are writers from the Department of the University of Georgia. This article focuses on the meaning of narcissist and how narcissist personality affects his or her social construction. Narcissists believe that they are exceptionally unique and essential. They fantasize about fame and attribute responsibility

URL-https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-personality- disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20366662?p=1

  1. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is an article from the Mayo Clinic written in 1996 and revised in 2020 that will help to clarify the labels associated with the mental and physical symptoms that narcissists present in an out of the public eye. The risk factors that the victims must pay attention to and the complications that can affect the narcissist from childhood to adulthood, as well as damage present and future relationships (Mayo Clinic, 2020).

article because after reading just a few paragraphs on his feeling about the male ego formed by the lack of parental guidance and direction, it related to and fitted into my research. He also goes into detail about women’s sexual freedom, causing men to fear their positions in society. I believe it to be a credible piece for this assignment.

  1. The Culture of Narcissism is a work analysis written by John Carlisle about the biographical author Christopher Lasch. Lasch portrays a superficial picture of the “me- first-and-only” society that the author comprehends as the reason narcissism exists. This article was first written by Christopher Lasch, a socialist, who voiced his emphasis on the deep-rooted masculine fears which he believes causes the war between the sexes. He classifies a narcissist as a “superficially relaxed and tolerant psychological man [who] forfeits the security of group loyalties…demands immediate gratification and lives in a state of restless, perpetually unsatisfied desire” (Lasch,1980). I am interested in Laschs’

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The documents used to support my research are in the boxes below. Four are from the Ashford Library, and two are from internet sources. (if it doesn’t download, please let me know ASAP)!

  1. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (Diagnosis and Treatment). This article references how some personality disorders are diagnosed similar to others and how to recognize those familiarities. It goes in-depth into the symptoms, treatment and kinds of psychotherapy treatments available, as well as medication to treat mental illnesses connected to the symptoms. Lifestyle changes and home remedies are discussed and a list of questions you can ask your mental health provider is also available when having difficulty explaining or recognizing the characteristics of this ailment. -https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases- conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20366662?p=1

The Culture of Narcissism_ Literary R

Understanding the Mind of a Narcissist c


Campbell, W. Kieth.*, Goodie., Adam. S., &Foster. Joshua., D., (2004) Narcissism, Confidence, and Risk Attitude, Journal of Behavioral Decision Making: Oct.2004: 17.4: Psychology Database.

Carlisle, John C. (1980) “The Culture of Narcissism,” Biographical by Christopher Lasch (1978)

W.W. Norton and Company, New York. Pp. 268.

Kluger. Jeffrey, (2014). The Narcissist in All of Us, Psychology Today pages 78-84. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/articles/201409/the-narcissist-in-all-us

Lancer, Darlene (2018) JD.MFT. Understanding the Mind of a Narcissist. Toxic Relationships, Psychology Today. https://youtu.be/HCPnZ51dO6A

-https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/symptoms- causes/syc-20366662?p=1


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