SC121 Unit 7 Assignment

Unit 7 Assignment

The Skeletal System and Joints

Complete this worksheet at the same time you are completing your Reading assignments for Unit 6 and Unit 7. Once you have completed this worksheet, go to Real Anatomy in WileyPLUS and review the pictures of the real bones to reinforce what you have learned from the Unit 6 and Unit 7 Readings and this Assignment. Some of these images may show up on your Exams!

Type your answers on a Word document and submit it to the Unit 7 Dropbox. Please number your responses clearly. For example, if a question has an A and a B part, you would enter it as: 1 a) answer; b) answer. Each question is worth a total of 2 points.

Proximal Epiphysis

  • In the image below, the structure labeled as “A” is called the Proximal Epiphys_is. The area labeled as “B” is filled with yellow bone marroiwn adults.

Fatty yellow bone marrow

  • In the image below, the indicated structure is a(n) Osteon.
  • In the image below, the indicated vessels are the Metaphysical Arteries & Vein.

pictured below.

  • Red Bone Marrowis normally found in the indicated space in spongy bone,

  • Based on shape seen in the image below, the bone indicated (with the bold black arrow on the bottom left) would be classified as a(n) _Short Bone.

Squamous Structure6. In the image below, the indicated structure labeled “A” is thd the indicated bone labeled “B” is the Sphenoidbone.

7. In the image below, the indicated opening is the a) Carotid Formenand the b)

Carotid Artery passes through it.

7. a) Carotid Formen

8.a) Condylar Process

  • b) Carotid Artery
  • In the image below, the indicated structure is the a)Condylar Proceasnsd it articulates with the b) Mandiblebone.

8.b) Mandible

Verterbal Arteriespasses through it.

  • In the image below, the indicated opening is the a) Transverse Forameannd the b)

9.a) Transverse Foramen

9.b) Verterbal Arteries

10.a) Sternocalavicular

  • In the image below, the structure labeled “A” forms the Sternocalavicularjoint with the clavicle. The junction labeled “B” is the Acromioclavicular Jo. int

10.b) Acromioclavicular Joint

of the b) Clavicle bone.

  • In the image below, the indicated area of this bone articulates with the a) Sternal End

11.b) Clavicle

11.a) Sternal End


  • In the image below, the structure labeled as “A” is called the Acromion and the structure labeled as “B” articulates with the ofthe



    • Glenoid Cavity of Scapula 12.c) Head of Humerus to form 12.d) Glenohumeral
  • The number of carpal bones found in the wrist is

Lesser Trochanter of Femur

  • In the image below, the indicated process in the image on the rightis the _.

Fibulaand Tibiabones.

  • In the image below, the indicated bone is the only bone in the foot to articulate with the
  • 16.a) Articular Cartilage16.b) Synovial Fluid

      • Fibula and Tibia
      • In the image below, the structure labeled “A” is called the Articular Cartilageand the area labeled “B” contains this substance Synovial Fluid_.
    • Adductionand the direction of movement labeled as “B” is known as

        • In the image below, the direction of movement labeled as “A” is known as
      • Abduction_.

        17.a) Adduction17.b) Abduction

        18.b) Trapezium of Carpus ( Wrist) and Metacarpal of Thumb

          • In the image below, the indicated synovial joint is called a(n) a) Saddlejoint and is found between the b) Trapezium& Metacapel bones.
        • 18.a) Saddle

          19.b) Synchondrosis

            • In the image below, the indicated structures are called a)Epiphyseal Plate_s. This cartilaginous joint is known as a(n) b) Synchondrosis_.
          • 19.a)

            Epiphyseal (Growth) Plates

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